All Things Wrong

Chapter 2342: ready

"The monsters of the ancient times? Why are they here?" Several servants of course believe in the judgment of St. Ilofrey, but the question is how this thing will appear here. We know that this place was also a very dangerous place. When the Protoss did not encounter Eofar, it was a problem to survive. It was caused by some monsters attacking them often, but since the Protoss was in place All the dangers on this side have been cleaned up. I haven’t seen such a dangerous thing for so many years, but now it’s suddenly appearing again. This is a bit strange.

"I don't know, so I want to report it immediately." St. Ilofrey frowned and said that the situation was just a little surprised, but of course he was just surprised. Like Baiyaki, the Protoss is also very self-sufficient, although he feels This thing is a little threatening, but St. Irofra may not feel that this thing can threaten him. He doesn't know much about what Beyaki is, but he is more worried about why this thing is here.

"Is it a conspiracy against the Protoss? Who is it?" Yes, now St. Iloci has begun to suspect that this thing may have been intentionally introduced or released, of course, the purpose is to start with their Protoss, but What else is there for those who have plans for their Protoss? Although there are many enemies of the Protoss, they should have been annihilated now. St. Ilofrey feels a little uneasy because of this, so I will report the king of God immediately.

"Is the other party going to attack again?" Several servants are still worried that the following things will attack again. St. Ilofrey is not afraid but they are flustered, just their own compatriots are also I was shot at once.

"Temporarily block this place." St. Ilofrey thought about the order. "All the execution teams were transferred here, blocked and monitored, I went to see the King."

"Yes, Master St. Irofrey." Several servants of course nodded and began to work separately. At this time, Li Huailin flew again from the side.

"Where, I went home directly by the second, what is that?" Li Huailin asked with a look of surprise. "Is it a level ss?"

"The current generation has been blocked, human." St. Ilofrey said directly to Li Huailin. "This is a matter of our Protoss. Don't step in, please leave here as soon as possible."

"But this wave ss..." Li Huailin seems to want to say something, but seeing the expression of St. Ilofrey also stopped, very helplessly said, "Okay, okay, can't you listen to you?"

After talking about Li Huailin, he also turned his head and said to the summoning jade emperor below: "Go and summon."

"Humans, this matter is no small matter. Now it is in the stage of confidentiality. At present, it is impossible to talk to other people." St. Ilofrey yelled at Li Huailin. "You just have to manage the task of the gods and gods." I hope you don't want to step in again."

"Know it, I know." Li Huailin waved. "I thought I could find a smashing wave of ss. I can make a costume. Really, or else, now we give up this wave and you have to give it to you. Compensation and the like..."

St. Ilofrey just watched Li Huailin not talking, but the meaning in the eyes was to refuse to add warning.

"Good, understand, forget it is not a wave of ss." Li Huailin spread his hand, "go away."

After saying that Li Huailin did not mean to remember, he used the returning city scroll again. Of course, the following summoned Jade Emperor saw Li Huailin returning to the city, and she immediately began to return to the city. The two returned to the city almost in tandem, and then immediately transferred to the main city to meet.

"How is the situation?" summoned the Jade Emperor to see Li Huailin immediately asked.

"Things have been handed over to Biyaji. Listening to it, he will be completely awakened tomorrow. The question now is what the Protoss has." Li Huailin said, "It seems that the elemental gate is temporarily unable to close. If you want to help the Protoss to investigate, you will definitely go to see it. Now I don’t know what will happen to Iofar."

“Are we viewing it in the past?” summoned the Jade Emperor.

"No... it’s dangerous now." Li Huailin said, "The current situation is that the Protoss may be in the situation of the Protoss. I am going to start letting the following people prepare for the war."

Li Huailin thought a little bit and said: "You still use slate to find Corrance, inform them of the current situation, let them temporarily avoid, it is best not to be revealed by the Protoss, I will inform the following people here. Be prepared. It seems that it is better to have a buffer time. If it doesn't work, then it will be..."

Soon Li Huailin and summoned the Jade Emperor to take a split action, summoning the Jade Emperor to find Corrance, and Li Huailin informed the Devil and others to be prepared, and they could fight the Protoss at any time. Of course, the current situation is best. The Protoss has not yet appeared. Although Li Huailin is also prepared, the current words are still not perfect.

In the following time, Li Huailin has been planning the next plan, but soon summoned the Jade Emperor to send a better news, that is, according to Colances, they are not now being protoss. Look like that. It is true that the Protoss has sent people to the elemental plane to check the situation, but Iopham has also withdrawn in advance.

Yes, this dragon that has not lived for many years is not an idiot. She used to spend a lot of energy to send out Biyaji. It is of course irrational to fight with the Protoss, even if it is to fight. I have to wait until she is fully recovered, so I know that Biyaji will definitely be in the situation. Iopham also chose to leave the dangerous position in advance, and found a quiet corner in the elemental plane to recover. Found by the Protoss.

Corrances also hid here. After the Protoss entered the elemental plane, of course, the first one to look for was Corrans. After all, he was in charge of it. Now it is obviously a problem, from the door of the element. The damage situation seems to be that the monster that was encountered before came from the element plane. They originally wanted to find Corrance, but they could not find anyone.

Of course, there are two speculations about the Protoss. The first one is of course that Corrance is related to this matter. The second is that Corranus is also attacked by monsters. Now, it is estimated that the two speculations of the Protoss are biased towards the second speculation. After all, Corrances has not revealed anything to betray the Protoss. What do he want to do with the Protoss? No one knows that he is so attached to his mom.

Of course, this is only the case of Corrans, and Li Huailin must be prepared. After all, Corrance can't leave the seal. In fact, he knows little about the Protoss. Besides, he heard that the **** king also has a stealth pants artifact. I heard that he can see the situation of the lower bound, but the elemental plane does not know whether it is the lower bound. In short, the protoss knows how much... Li Huailin can also find another People ask.

Here, Li Huailin came to the border of the gods again. Of course, he came directly to the trial island through the transmission array. It is not surprising that Li Huailin came here. After all, the mission of the king of God is all The Protoss are all aware of it. Now that time is approaching, there is nothing wrong with Li Huailin’s practice here.

A little farther away, Li Huailin also took out a token to start contacting the Protoss, and the person I was looking for was the Sealstone that I had not seen for a long time. Yes, as a spy on the Protoss side, now I want to know the situation of the Protoss, of course, to ask him to ask.

Waiting for a while, the white light flashed around, and surely, Saltstone appeared in front of Li Huailin. The messenger of Sellstone was originally handed over to the demon family. Of course, Li Huailin took this thing before the singer of the devil, and saw that it was Li Huailin. It was not surprising that Selston was this thing. In fact, the original devil was handed over to Li Huailin.

"The situation at the gate of the element is that you got it out." Sees to ask directly, but Li Huailin did not tell him about his plan, but think about it. It must have something to do with Li Huailin. After all, it is only Li Huailin who is playing the Protoss idea.

"Yes, that's right." Li Huailin nodded and admitted directly. "Now is asking you to ask about the situation of the Protoss."

"I don't know what happened here. I just heard that there is an ancient creature on the door of the element. It seems to be invading from the door of the element." said Saltton. "But the king of God seems to be not Very thoughtful, just to explain to the people below to handle it, this is the responsibility of St. Ilofrey."

"Oh? Not very good at heart?" Li Huailin was also a bit surprised. "It seems that Shen Wang is still more interested in those programs."

"Programs?" Sylvester certainly didn't know about the testers in another game world.

"You don't have to care about this. I want to inform you that the battle with the Protoss will soon begin. You have to start preparing for it," Li Huailin said.

"What are you talking about?" asked Saltstone.

"I mean, now you can start to inform." Li Huailin said with a smile. "These protoss have recently estimated that they will start activities. You can start to whistle slowly now. The best case is of course holy." Lojom directly to find you to join, and then you will inform the situation, of course, not to come to you, you can find a way to tell, the specific content does not need to teach me."

"..." Selston did not speak, but the expression was still a bit struggling.

"Think carefully, which is more important for the tribe and the lover." Li Huailin smiled with a smile.

San Lojom and Celsot have nothing to do with it, but Selston will not argue about it now, just nod. (To be continued.) 8

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