All Things Wrong

Chapter 2373: palace

At present, the torch station has stopped absorbing energy, and the entire surface of the basin is no longer shining. The situation that Li Huailin saw was that the center of the golden eyeball in the middle was no longer facing the position of the gem below, but it started to rotate everywhere, as if it had life. Seeing this situation, Li Huailin thinks more and more that the eyeball on the top of the Temple of God, which I saw before in the domain of the gods, is exactly the same.

However, apart from this, the temple did not react at all. It did not fly directly like Li Huailin imagined or other changes, or it was embedded in the rock. This change Li Kailin is of course not very satisfied. After thinking about it, Li Huailin said to the nearby Koma: "Take the thing and try again."

The thing that Li Huailin pointed out was of course the eyeball. Koma nodded, then reached out and handed out a little magic to get it. The eyeballs were brought back. The result was that the magic of Koma had just been close to the eyeballs. The eyeballs here suddenly turned around and looked directly at Koma. At the next moment, Koma flew out without warning, and a loud bang hit the side of the mountain wall.

Because of the sudden incident, even the guy of the sacred class of Koma did not respond, and Li Huailin certainly succumbed. Turned around and saw that Koma was already bleeding at this side.

"What...what?" Li Huailin is also a glimpse. When I walked over, I found that things were a bit big. The horses here are not just simple to spurt, but the whole left arm and the left chest are all It’s gone, it seems like something suddenly digs a hole in his body, it looks very scary.

"Oh..." Koma was suddenly seriously injured, very serious, but fortunately this guy's own strength is good, if the average person is estimated to have been hung up. Of course, Koma’s emergency response is relatively quick. When Li Huailin walked over, Koma had taken the first aid potion and reel from his package and started treatment. The things on his body were very high-grade. At some point, Li Huailin saw that he had stopped bleeding successfully.

"This...what is this?" Koma, who took a few mouthfuls of medicine, went back a little bit, and looked at the eyes in front of him. "Your Majesty, I just did not react a little. I haven't seen you yet. This thing released a wave of unknown energy that hit me, and all the magic defenses on my body didn't react..."

"Ha?" Li Huailin had a slight glimpse. He had just noticed that he had not seen any attacks, and it seemed that the attack of defensive magic was a bit familiar, but it was not that the judgment of death was a little different from the root cause. After thinking about it, Li Huailin said: "Is this the automatic defense mechanism of this thing?"

"Probably." Koma nodded here, and now his face is not so pale, it seems that the effect of his life-saving pharmacy is really good. However, in the current situation, this guy should be unable to move or cast spells for the time being.

"Well..." Li Huailin nodded slightly and thought about it. "Then I will try."

"Your Majesty, don't take risks," Coma said immediately. "This thing is very dangerous, and I don't know what it is."

"This thing is bound by me after all." Li Huailin said, "I will say that even if I really hang it, it will automatically return to the city. No problem, you can stay here and save it."

Li Huailin put a mark on Koma's body while he was talking. Although it is unlikely, he still has to guard against the fact that if he is really shot, he will send it back directly with the mark on Koma.

After releasing the mark, Li Huailin walked straight in the direction of the eyeball. Now the eyeballs are still in the middle of the torch cone. Of course, because the torch cone is relatively large, it is impossible to stand around, and Li Huailin climbed directly into the torch cone. When Li Huailin climbed up, it was obvious that the eyeballs on this side looked at Li Huailin. Li Huailin paused a little and found that it seemed to be observing himself, but after a while he did not find it launched an attack. So Li Huailin got a hand and then came to the torch cone.

The eyeball here is still staring at Li Huailin's direction. It seems that Li Huailin always thinks that this guy seems to be alive again, but he has never attacked Li Huailin. So Li Huailin walked a few steps forward and still did not get hurt. This time, Li Huailin was more relaxed, and went straight to the front of the eyes. The other party just looked up at Li Huailin.

"So what is your embarrassing situation?" Li Huailin said as he walked toward the eyeballs on the table. At the moment when the hand touched the eyeball, Li Huailin suddenly felt the white light flashing around.

"唰", Li Huailin habitually closed his eyes, when he blinked again, Li Huailin found himself as if he was not in the original place. Yes, now Li Huailin is still standing on the top of the torch bowl. The people are also in the white palace before, but the rocks in the palace have disappeared completely, and the surrounding suddenly became bright. Li Huailin Looking outside, I found that the scenery outside turned into a white mist, and Li Huailin found that she had seen this scene.

"It's a bit like the scenery of the gods." Yes, Li Huailin went to the gods before and found that this place is really similar to the scenery of the gods. What I can see now is the situation of the palace at the foot, and all around it is a piece. White fog. Li Huailin went to the door of the palace with a little surprise and looked at it. He found that there was only one stone step down at the entrance of this palace, but this stone step looked like there was nothing left, but went down two steps and found This stone step is also broken in the middle of the road, and there is nowhere to go.

Standing here, Li Huailin observed it, and sure enough, he could not see anything except the palace at his feet. The current situation seems to be that the palace that is standing now is floating in a white mist, and nothing else feels.

"It's really similar to the **** domain, but why is there only one palace?" Li Huailin was a little confused, because the situation in the gods was a palace with a palace, a very large palace group, but now I only see this at the foot. Only the place.

"And this is where..." Li Huailin tried the system bar and tried to show the coordinates? ? ? The map shows the mysterious area. I should have just been transferred, but I don’t know where it was sent. Of course, this place should not be a **** domain.

While thinking about walking around, Li Huailin returned to the middle of the palace again. There is nothing in the palace at the foot. Only the eyeball can be seen, so Li Huailin can only go back to the eye again. Next to the child, and this time the eyeballs are once again eyeing Li Huailin.

"Can you send it back again?" Li Huailin thought about it and tried it anyway, so he reached out to the middle of the eye again, but did not expect that this time it was not directly touched back after the touch, but A system bar appears.

The system page that jumped out is a bit like a store's page. Li Huailin looked at it. The first page shows the basic information. The situation shown above is like this.

Main hall level: 1.

Deputy Hall: 0/3.

Population: 1.

Energy: 0.


The rest are a bunch of relatively incomprehensible values, but after seeing the above values, Li Huailin suddenly basically understands that this thing seems to be similar to a territorial management system. And Li Huailin looked at the situation shown in the following pages, which obviously confirmed his own guess.

The next page shows the main hall management page. This main hall refers to the palace where Li Huailin is standing. This level is currently level 1. There is no option to use it below, but Li Huailin looks at it. Go to an option that can be upgraded, but it is currently gray, showing 50000 points of energy. Li Huailin doesn't know what the energy is. In fact, the energy that he shows now is 0, and nothing can be done.

The second page shows the deputy page. Currently, there is no deputy hall. There is only one option for adding, and the required energy is 150,000. Others still have no display.

The next page is the population management page. The classification here is more detailed, but Li Huailin only sees the owner's name on his side, and other categories such as administrators, members, and others. There are no other people in the class's options.

Then there is the energy option. After clicking it, I found that my current energy is really 0. There is a detailed list of energy revenue and expenditure, which is like the general feeling of the asset income and expenditure report, but the basic display is currently displayed. It is 0 o'clock. It seems that there is still no place to operate.

In the end, Li Huailin found a page that left, referring to leaving the palace. Li Huailin thought about it, or left to see what it was, so he left it by the way.

The sound of "唰" was a flash of white light. Li Huailin suddenly found that the surrounding light was dark. He should have returned to the cave. He had not adapted to the current light. Suddenly Li Huailin found himself in midair. It is rapidly falling, looking down, the bottom is just the bottomless abyss.

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