All Things Wrong

Chapter 2405: Partial building

Li Huailin once again clicked on the residence, and the information on the system page here is not "You can't build the same building". Just ask if you are not sure about building this, and Li Huailin finds that building the same building does not increase the charges. The number of points required for the second residence is still 100,000 points of energy. Fastest update

"It turned out to be the case." Li Huailin certainly understands that the energy needed to see the second level of the outbuilding was also 10 times higher. If you think about it, the difficulty of upgrading will be higher, although I don’t know it yet. The benefits of the upgrade are much, but if you continue to do so, the points are also consumed too much.

The setting to be able to build the same building is obviously to balance this. After all, Li Huailin can spend 100,000 to build a residence, and can have four more places, which is more cost-effective in the early days.

Similarly, Li Huailin tried to try something else, for example... can the things that have been built be removed. Sure enough, this is no problem. After Li Huailin’s selection, there will be a confirmation prompt immediately. I just looked at it and found that it is also a charge, but only 10,000 points is a conscience. Of course, the cost of construction is definitely Will not return it to you, this Li Huailin did not expect it.

The pattern of the temple, Li Huailin, has basically been understood, then the next question is, how should it be built now? Li Huailin looked at his current energy. The current energy is more than 9 million. It is just when he is studying the temple. The dark continent is still carrying out the action of helping Li Huailin to score points. It is relatively fast. Only 9 million sounds like a lot of looks, but in fact it is just a few operations, it is really a good plan.

"Would you like to try... Partial Hall?" Li Huailin suddenly thought of this problem. The first partial temple only needs 150,000 energy. Now, of course, it can be built. But is it necessary? The pattern of the partial temple has actually been guessed by Li Huailin. The construction method should be similar to that of the main hall. It is only estimated that the side of the temple is still to be drawn to the main hall. That is to say, the value of the belief is to be given. Of course, the tax has not yet been created, but Li Huailin guessed that this is probably the meaning, otherwise it will be built.

To tell the truth, Li Huailin thinks that this kind of thing should be useless now. After all, others can't use the bug physique directly to brush points. Other gods' scores are estimated to be the same as the Protoss. That kind of thing, it is too slow, and now it should be too late. However, if I don’t want to talk about it, Li Huailin thought about it. Some things are still to be tested first. Anyway, it is the energy of 150,000. It is still spent now.

After the decision, Li Huailin directly selected the establishment of the partial hall. After the experience of 150,000 was deducted, the surrounding temple began to emit golden light again, and the next Gelt stunned again.

"Your Majesty, what happened?" Gert was not familiar with this side, but also a little worried.

"Nothing." Li Huailin replied simply, while looking at the place where the golden light flashed. Li Huailin quickly discovered that the broken stone steps at the door began to appear gradually, and in the direction of the stone steps, a golden building appeared in front of him.

"Your Majesty, what is that?" Gert also went to Li Huailin and of course saw the same thing, and it was very shocking to all of Gert. All things he saw today were his understanding. What is beyond the ability, Gert is really unable to calmly accept all.

Li Huailin did not answer again, too lazy to explain. Waiting for a while, Li Huailin found that the light in front was gradually weakened, and the appearance of the temple was slowly revealed, or the same style as the main hall, but the scale was slightly smaller.

Li Huailin walked down the stone steps and quickly walked to the newly appearing partial hall. He looked around and found that there was nothing in the partial hall. The only thing that was considered to be something was the torch station in the middle. The thing that looks like this torch stand is very similar to that of Li Huailin's main hall, except that there is nothing in the middle of that eyeball.

Li Huailin walked to the torch station and reached out directly. Sure enough, the system page jumped out in time. This thing is really the entrance to the operation page of this partial hall. Li Huailin turned over a little and found that the basic situation is similar to that of the main hall. It only shows the information of this partial hall, and can't see all the contents. The partial hall is also able to upgrade, and Li Huailin can operate and upgrade.

Li Huailin thought about it and directly selected the upgrade. After all, the level 1 temple needs 50,000 points to rise to level 2, which is quite cheap. Sure enough, it was a golden light flashing, and there was a slight change in the partial hall here. By the end of the change, Li Huailin once again looked at the page of the partial hall, and surely there was an outbuilding of the partial hall. The current construction is almost the same as the main hall of Li Huailin.

"Sure enough." This situation Li Huailin has already predicted, and is almost the same as his own guess, in fact, is a similar subsystem explanation. The owner of the partial hall is equivalent to the administrator, and he is the chief administrator. He has the highest authority, and the owner of the partial hall can only control the situation in his own temple.

Someone may have to ask, what about testing this? In fact, what Li Huailin wants to try is the system that he can operate the partial hall. Yes, before Li Huailin was worried that the partial temple could not operate, then the owner of the partial temple had to collect the beliefs himself. It was too slow, which means starting from zero. But now that Li Huailin has tried the upgrade, he understands that he can operate it. So he can also help the building to build an outbuilding. To put it more simply, now that Li Huailin has spent 200,000 yuan, he has added two more space to build an outbuilding, which is not much cheaper for spending millions of upgrades directly.

Only the idea is good, Li Huailin soon found that the actual test is not the case. Because Li Huailin immediately established the building of the residence on the side of the temple, of course, he immediately succeeded and spent 100,000 energy. But when Li Huailin went to the operation, he found that the page of the residence of the partial hall was missing the manager. , so the facility can't run.

Obviously, this loophole is not so good. Li Huailin guessed that the construction of this place can indeed help, but the management still needs to set up a manager to let him deal with it, otherwise the facility seems to be unable to run. So who are you looking for now? Li Huailin looked at Gert around, this guy seems to be the most convenient. But there is also a problem. Gert is also his own cabinet prime minister. Although he wants to help him to look at the situation here, it seems that the situation in his cabinet cannot be taken care of, that is to say, Gert wants Running around, this is a bit of a hassle. If you want to find him here, manage to find him.

"Your Majesty, what happened?" Gert asked Li Huailin and looked at him immediately.

"Wait, I think about it again." Li Huailin was a little hesitant, thinking about it, and the result suddenly came to the system prompt. Li Huailin looked at it and found that it was a long-distance call, and the person who called him happened to be calling the Jade Emperor.

"Oh, do you want to go directly to the player?" Li Huailin suddenly realized this problem. He did establish the residence himself. So he didn't let the player come over and try to see what happened. Just calling the jade emperor here also reminded himself.

"Summon." Li Huailin also quickly picked up the remote call and said, "What?"

"Task." Summon Jade Emperor said, "This task is about to begin soon. I will ask you to open a meeting to see what needs to be prepared. The fire is also on my side, speed collection."

"Oh, this way." Li Huailin nodded. It is indeed time to come. They still have a lot of things to do in this mission. It is of course a matter of preparation. "I am here to find you." You wait a little, I will come right away."

"Do things? What?" Summons the Jade Emperor immediately asked.

"Slightly complicated, I will talk later," Li Huailin said.

Summon the Jade Emperor did not ask much, directly telling Li Huailin where the collection is, of course, also in the main city, it is more convenient. However, Li Huailin has summoned the Jade Emperor and the Firehead to come directly to his Duke's Mansion, because there are still experiments to be done here, and some things can't be done publicly. Of course, the two have no opinion on this. After all, they are already in the main city. It is convenient to sit in the transmission array.

Li Huailin also waited a little while sending it to the outside. After a while, he summoned the Jade Emperor and the Firehead. Of course, I met a little and chilled a bit, and each other made a trick.

"At present, the spirit world has launched a full-scale attack, but there seems to be no direct confrontation with us in the Magnesia area." The fire head also reported the battle between the two servers on the dark side of the mainland.

"It is estimated that I am scared by the urine." Li Huailin spread his hand. "I may have thought that I was waiting for them. Nothing, I can't lose."

"Well, the president also let me rest assured to participate in the task." The fire nodded, and of course he believed that there was no problem. If this can be lost, the spirit world can really be disbanded.

"Right, you just said that there is an urgent matter to find me?" asked the caller Yudi next to him.

"Yeah, don't move, let me touch it first." Li Huailin replied casually. (To be continued...) r

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