All Things Wrong

Chapter 2408: Divine skill

"What?" At this time, of course, summoning the Jade Emperor and the fire head is also standing next to Li Huailin. Before Li Huailin seemed to be busy, they did not say anything, until they saw that the more conspicuous ball fell out. Asked.

"I don't understand." Li Huailin is of course also a scorpion who can only figure out for himself. While talking, Li Huailin picked up the red beads on the research desk. Looking at it a little, the system helped show the situation. .

Divine Debris (Level 1): Attribute Fire, Harmonic Strength 1.

"Ha?" Li Huailin, who looked at the comment on this thing, didn't know what it meant, but at this time he noticed the name of another thing next to the page. It was the one that looked like a funnel. The side shows the divine skill blender, because the name just has the word "harmony", Li Huailin of course associates with the red ball in his hand.

Looking to the right, Li Huailin seems to be able to put things on the top of the blender, so I tried it right away. As a result, the place that can be placed in this place is just the opposite of the previous one. Almost nothing can be put up, except It is the red ball that I just researched myself. After I put it on, I immediately showed the attribute of this thing, and there is also a "starting reconciliation" option.

However, after the option appeared, Li Huailin now has a lot of information below. The first is the reconciliation skill. The current display here is: attack skill 7o%, auxiliary skill%. There is also an "adjustment" column next to this information. Li Huailin clicked and jumped out of a new page. There is just a chance bar on it. Now it shows 7o% and %. Li Huailin tried to drag. After a little bit in the middle, the charge item jumped out again.

"Md is really dead and want money." Li Huailin helped the amount, yes, this is another charge. Li Huailin tried a little, for example, the chance of increasing attack skills, the chance of relative assist skills will be reduced, but This is another option for exponential growth. For example, Li Huailin tried to drag 1o%. The charge shown above is 1ooo, but it is directly dragged to 1oo% to attack skills. The displayed charge is 47ooo. I don’t know how. Calculated, but the last few points are indeed very expensive.

However, this is not a big deal. Li Huailin also has a thing called the success rate of reconciliation next to this reconciliation skill. Li Huailin now sees that the number shown is 9o%. Needless to say, there is an option of “adjustment” next to it. Li Huailin probably understood what was going on, and went straight to look at it. It really cost money to increase the probability of success. Li Huailin tried to pull it to 1oo%. I didn’t expect it to be very expensive. I only used 1ooo. enough.

When I saw this, Li Huailin probably understood how this magical research institute was actually running. The thing that looks like this funnel in front of you is the machine that finally produces the skill, but this machine production skill requires "material", and this "material" is provided by the research station next to it. First, use the research station to study something and make a small ball. Then put these **** in the funnel and reconcile them. The last thing should be like a skill book. You can learn the power skills with a click.

Li Huailin thought of looking at the several cabinets next to it. I thought that Li Huailin also put the handle directly on the cabinet. It is true that these cabinets are actually the warehouse for the research materials, and the materials that can be directly researched can be stored inside. And because it is a transparent cabinet, it is very convenient to take it out (referring to the servant np operation, the player of course is just a warehouse page).

The effect is probably understood, but what kind of skills can this thing be combined? At present, it seems that a magical fragment can also combine skills, but Li Huailin always feels that this skill will not be good.

After thinking about it, Li Huailin decided to continue to try to see the situation. Of course, before Li Huailin did not choose to study the target, so a random fire attribute, this time Li Huailin chose to put a thing to try. However, after all, it was the first time to put things. Li Huailin felt that considering the things that were put on, I don’t know if it would disappear. I didn’t put any special items directly. I thought it would be more appropriate to go back to the city, even if it’s true. I am not distressed.

So put it back to the city, Li Huailin once again clicked on the study, of course, this time is another 24 hours of research time, Li Huailin immediately clicked and completed immediately, and now there is no time to let himself wait. It took another 170,000 energy, and a gray ball was found on the research table.

Divine Power Shard (Level 1): Attribute Space, Harmonic Strength 1.

"Hey? There are also space attributes." Li Huailin is also a glimpse, this property sounds a bit powerful, because it seems that things related to space are very hanging.

Picking up the ball, Li Huailin looked at the situation on the research desk again. As a result, the back-to-the-city roll that was put on before is still lying there. It seems that this research station is just a research and will not put the above things. Use up.

That way, Li Huailin wants to try something else, and see what happens to the strange stuff on the research desk. The first thing I want to try is to put the sword directly on it and see what happens. Of course, the light is obviously not suitable. After all, this thing is now open to open a variety of death aura, and next to summon the Jade Emperor and the fire head are still there, so Li Huailin directly put the root cause on it.

I thought that the attribute according to the root source should belong to the magic type. Will there be a fragment of a magic-like attribute, but after a meal, Li Huailin got a strange thing.

Divine Debris (Level 1): Special, Harmonic Strength 2.

"Ha? What is the meaning of special?" Li Huailin certainly does not understand what this special property is. It is indeed a little different from the previous small ball in the hand. The most obvious thing is that this thing has changed. It’s opaque. The previous ball seems to be glass beads of various colors, but this thing becomes a solid ball.

The things here have not yet understood the results and new things, Li Huailin really has a headache. And this magical research institute is really a costly place. There are no more than 50,000 energy in this operation, and there is no profit until now.

Now that there are three **** in hand, Li Huailin thinks about it and decides to try to see what skills he can make. So Li Huailin put all three **** directly on the magical skill adjuster next to it. Immediately, the following values ​​also appear, showing 55% of attack skills, 45% of assistive skills, and a 42% success rate.

"Hey, this is not good." Li Huailin took a look, this attack skill and auxiliary skills will be considered, because Li Huailin did not think that he is going to attack skills or assistive skills, just forget it, but the problem is this How suddenly the success rate is so low, 42% is a bit too much.

Think about it, this success rate may be related to the intensity of the blending power behind the debris, but specifically how to calculate whether there is any formula can refer to. 42% of the success rate is too low, Li Huailin throws more than 50,000 energy, once the failure is not white.

Li Huailin quickly tried to adjust the success rate and directly pulled the success rate from 42% to 1oo%. There was a charging number that surprised him. It showed that it was 1o8 million energy. Li Huailin had not looked back for a long time. Is this too exaggerated? Just 9o% to 1oo% charge 1ooo point, and now it is 1o80,000, your index growth is also too exaggerated.

After a little experiment, Li Huailin now shows that the price is more than 340,000 if it is pulled to a success rate of 9o%. This is the last 1o% charge of up to 740,000 yuan. This is really black enough.

"Do you think this system does not understand probability science?" Li Huailin helped the amount, because he quickly calculated that if he made two sets of the same ball, then they all adjusted to a success rate of 9o%, and the total price is ( 5o+34)2 is probably more than 16o, and 1o% of the system's success requires 1o8+5o, which is about 16o. And the probability that two sets of identical **** will succeed in one set is 99%, not to mention the probability that both sets will succeed, so why should I use 1oo% of the plan.

There is nothing to say that Li Huailin directly pulls the success rate to 9o% and then performs the reconciliation. If the reconciliation is unsuccessful, Li Huailin will finish the set again. It is unsuccessful to try to encounter the 1% chance twice. Are you stupid 13?

Of course, Li Huailin is a little shameless about the system, because after he performed the reconciliation, the three small **** above directly rolled into the inside of the magical skill adjuster, and then Li Huailin saw a situation that made him uncomfortable. Something... progress bar. Yes, I didn't expect that this blender actually needs running time. It is not finished in an instant. Li Huailin didn't think of this. I looked at it now and waited for 24 hours, then there is of course an option next to it.

"I play nm." Li Huailin couldn't help but groan. Now he understands why the system is so chargeable, but regrets are too late, and now he certainly has no time to wait, directly click on it and finish it again. Spend 230,000 energy points. However, Li Huailin was at least not so lucky, this time he was gambling with a probability of 9o%. 8

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