All Things Wrong

Chapter 2438: Identity

"The situation seems to be a bit wrong." Originally, Li Huailin also noticed the situation of Jieding, so he soon found out that something was wrong. This group of np suddenly did not start to discuss together and it will be considered, and now they are coming directly to their side, this is how weird.

"I feel that the person is not good." Waiting for the gang to get a little closer, of course, Li Huailin and several of them have read each other's attitude from the other party's expression, certainly not a good thing.

Ma Linka is ready to pull the weapon, but Li Huailin sees her movement and waves directly: "No need to deal with them is not difficult."

Ma Linka still believes that Li Huailin directly puts down his hand. Several people stood in the same place for a while, and soon a few np went to Li Huailin in front of them. The np here is only a part of it. About a dozen of them are the np that used to besiege the team of Jieding. Others are still fighting with Zhang Youdong on the battlefield, but now they are Zhang Youdong. The pressure is a lot smaller.

"What is it?" Li Huailin asked with a look of disappointment. Of course, Li Huailin was also looking at the other side's look. Obviously, a few np looks a little confused, although it is okay, but my heart is estimated to be very nervous.

"For me." One of the np stood in front of Li Huailin, and it was the np that proposed this plan before. Li Huailin also looked at the other party's name is La Kufam. There is nothing else that Li Huailin cares about. Anyway, the most important thing is that the other person is a person wearing cloth.

Lakufam quickly said something to Li Huailin. The general statement is the same as they discussed before. That is to say, now the demons say that you are the culprit in destroying the world, or else you will find a way. Self-certification, or else... La Couram did not say anything, but I heard the words of the other side know the words behind.

The other party's meaning Li Huailin certainly understands in an instant, this is too easy to understand. After listening to La Kufam, Li Huailin couldn’t help but sneered: "Oh, a little bit, what did the programmers say?"

"Yes." Lakuffam said immediately. "You said that you are a god, can you prove it?"

"Your IQ is really low, can't you judge this?" Li Huailin spread his hand. "It seems that it is not. It seems that you still understand what you are, so now you mean, 'If you want to save me or not, Everyone is going to do the same thing. Is it right? If you have anything to say, why are you looking for some unreasonable reasons that you don’t believe?"

Li Huailin said so straightforward that the front of the NP is really a bit unstoppable, indeed they mean this, but you are so straightforward to say it is really not a face. There are a few np that can't help but the old face is red.

"What about that?" Rakufam here also squatted a little, then immediately shouted. "We are all desperate people now, and everything can be done. Since you already understand We also understand that you are asked to save us, and all of us will surrender to you, and we will listen to you in the future. Otherwise, we will not be able to fight everyone."

"Oh, I am really scared to die." Li Huailin spread his hand. To be honest, it is really good for these people to join themselves. After all, the guys who are still standing here are the strongest np in the whole game. Every one can be said to be the one that picks one. It’s really worthwhile to collect them as younger brothers. It’s not quite good to say that it’s not a good thing to be a temple guard in your own temple. If you have nothing, you can let them come out and help yourself to beat people. It is equivalent to carrying a wave of holy level. Very cool.

But the problem is that the current situation can't be done. The main reason is that Li Huailin doesn't have a place where they can live. At present, the programmers are saved. The space for their own homes is not enough. Where are the places to plug them? If Li Huailin has unlimited energy, then of course they will be taken away, but not now.

Of course, there is still an option to set up an entrance to the temple here, and then bring them all to the square of the temple to stay, this can also save them, but now Li Huailin really does not want to set the entrance, after all, do not know this entrance Can not be changed.

But to be honest, these guys are much more useful than the majority of the programmers. If you can choose, Li Huailin doesn't want to bring so many programmers back. After all... troubles, np is much more obedient than them. But the problem is that now they will summon the Jade Emperor. They will definitely not agree to leave the programmers. In order to take care of their ideas, Li Huailin can only bring programmers.

Therefore, this group of np Li Huailin must not take it away. If there are still two or three vacancies left, Li Huailin may choose to bring a few. However, these few guys in front of Li Hualin are definitely not looking at it. After all, these people are still preparing to threaten themselves. What Li Huailin hates most is that someone talks about conditions with themselves. It is obvious that these dozens of np are objects that he hates. .

"I said it before." Li Huailin smiled and looked at these np and said, "You don't believe that I don't care, but one thing I have to tell you clearly."

"What?" asked Lakufam.

"Since I am the identity of God, I am now exercising God's rights here, and as God, the most basic creed is... God's authority is not subject to any provocation. But before, you seem to say that you are not afraid of death. Well, let's go, since I am not afraid of me, I will not let you die. Let's have a lot of play. I will remember the feeling of death after you try it." Li Huailin said with a smile.

Li Huailin’s words made all the np in front quiet, and now it’s Li Hualin’s turn to threaten them. Li Huailin’s words are so sinister. In fact, it’s simply saying that “you are not afraid to die. I have a way to make you feel better than death. Are you afraid of it?” The threat of red fruit, but it’s really awkward to them. Np is really a bit of a letter, after all, the other party is a guy who can easily get a second person with their strength, just decided to make a positive confrontation with Li Huailin, but now people say that you can make you die, this They hesitated again.

A bunch of np don't know what to do, so what should they do now, I feel that I can't think of a way. While they didn't know what to do, Li Huailin sighed again and instantly attracted their attention to the past.

"Forget it, don't bother to waste time, or end the matter here, and then ask Zhang Youdong to ask about the situation." Li Huailin said, then looked at the summoned Jade Emperor, "You don't move, I go to the back." Open a big move to solve the problem."

"So why didn't you do this at the beginning?" Summon Jade Emperor couldn't help but say.

"This is not collecting intelligence." Li Huailin spread his hand. "Now, I will get it soon, I am going."

After talking about Li Huailin, he went straight to the rear. Yes, he didn’t even care about the np. He felt that they had ignored them. This made the np a bit awkward.

"What should I do now?" Seeing that Li Huailin actually went straight, several np also said awkwardly.

Of course, no one knows what to do, but at this time there is a direct action. This person is La Couram. Of course, he did not do anything too aggressive, but he did not say anything and went out in the direction of Li Huailin. The rest of the people looked around and thought about it and followed the past.

Of course, Li Huailin did not go far, just a little further backwards. However, in order to insure Li Huailin, he took a few more steps. The purpose is of course to open a halo here. Yes, it is now possible to open a halo directly at this position, and it is possible to cover all the people in the battlefield. Because the judgment of the life-saving aura of the Jade Emperor is higher than that of Li Huailin’s necromantic, this group is double Under the aura, it will not die, so it can directly cause everyone to fall to the ground. Li Huailin can handle it slowly. Of course, the slightest way to go backwards is to let the law of dying not to burn the teammates around Li Huailin. After all, the rule of law is higher than the halo. However, the decision range of the rule of dying is 30 yards, so Li Huailin just has to retire a little.

Going to a safer distance, Li Huailin is ready to open the halo directly, but as soon as he turned around, Li Huailin found that a few np actually came behind him. Li Huailin was really a bit uncomfortable. I was thinking about opening a halo and putting the guys down together. I didn’t expect the other person to want to die.

"You are really not afraid of death." Li Huailin asked directly, "I still thought I was joking?"

"..." Really no one answered Li Huailin. Yes, all the np now really don't know what they are doing, and they don't know what to do.

Li Huailin looked at the gang and then walked a little further back. As a result, the gangs thought about it and followed it up. There were some distances on both sides. Li Huailin said directly to several people: "Wait, you Yes, it is you, come over."

"I?" Lacuram, who was at the forefront, pointed to himself and asked.

"Yes, you come over." Li Huailin nodded.

Lakufam squatted a little, but after thinking about it, he chose to move on. As a result, he was just closer to Li Huailin. Li Huailin raised his hand and said: "Feedback."

The sound of "砰", a large amount of blood in Lakuffam's body exploded directly, and the whole person was dyed red for a moment. (To be continued...)

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