All Things Wrong

Chapter 2444: distribution

"Hey? This is a bit of an accident." Li Huailin said a little surprised. Yes, the residence has been successfully upgraded to level 3, and Li Huailin looked at the residence page a little surprised, because this time the level 3 residence actually provided 16 rooms.

Looking carefully at the current residence no longer increases the room, but directly added a layer, and this thing actually turned into a second floor, Li Huailin walked up the stairs and looked at it is also a corridor, the same There are also 8 rooms, so the up and down are 16 rooms.

"Thinking about it seems to have not earned, this system is really enough to do business." Li Huailin also smiled a bit, before he opened 4 rooms with 1oo million energy, now 1ooo only opened 8, the unit price Of course, I didn’t make it, but I don’t know why I still have a feeling of making a big profit, so this system really does business.

No matter how many rooms are now enough, Li Huailin has built a blank room for the rest of the room, and then directly rose to level 3, where Li Huailin’s main hall has two levels 3 residences. The building can accommodate a total of 32 people. It is sure to be able to let down Zhang Youdong. Li Huailin also set up a new hall next to it. At present, no one can choose. Li Huailin directly chose Ma Linka as the bias. The administrator of the temple then built two homes in this hall, so that the room was ready.

"This... is it here?" Li Huailin's operation was completed, and Ma Linka responded. Yes, when I set up the administrator, Ma Linka was directly sent in. The first time I saw this situation, Ma Linka was also very surprised. Now, Li Huailin did not explain to her that she started directly there. After getting home, Marlenka only reacted.

"Oh, let's talk for a while, let's go out now." Li Huailin said, "You should find a button to send it out."

"A new page has been added..." Ma Linka also looked at it and said, "There are indeed buttons for delivery."

"Oh, let's go first." Li Huailin doesn't know what page the player who is set to the administrator sees. It is estimated to be the management page of the partial hall. It is not very important anyway. The next moment is Ma Linka. It disappeared directly in front of him. Of course, Li Huailin quickly followed.

"Do you set her as an administrator?" Summon Jade Emperor, of course, knows what happened, and asked Li Huailin to come back.

"Yes, there is not enough space to create another temple." Li Huailin said simply, "There is no one to choose. If you have any problems, change them."

In fact, the original situation does not need to use 2ooo to upgrade the residence of the main hall. After all, the residence of the partial hall should be upgraded as long as 1oo million, and if it is upgraded to level 2, then it should be able to open up Zhang Youdong. However, there is a problem here. The administrator of the partial hall can also kick people out. Li Huailin thinks that it is more reliable to put Zhang Youdong on his side for insurance, as for the help of Wells, anyway. Kicked out and kicked out, not a very critical person.

At this time, of course, the classification work on the other side has also been completed, and Li Huailin also looked at the current situation. There are now 24 people in Wells. This number is slightly more than expected. There are still 7 people in Jieding, and the number of people in Zhang Youdong is 13 people.

Li Huailin allocated a little bit here. The seven people on his side of Jieding were placed directly in the hall of Malinka. Because these 7 people are the least important, what happened to Marlenka really made them disappear. I am gone. Then the 24 people in Wells were divided into two batches. A group of 15 people were directly thrown into the fire and summoned the Jade Emperor's partial hall (there was already one in it). The remaining nine people, Li Huailin put them back. One of your own homes.

Yes, Li Huailin has two level 3 residences, each with a capacity of 16 people. Zhang Youdong’s 13 people, Li Huailin, arranged for them to be in one place, while Li Huailin placed the other personnel on the other side. Li Huailin The side also assigns tasks for everyone to complete separately. Ma Linka here because it is just set up as an administrator, I don’t know what it is, but summoning Jade Emperor is also a little bit to explain to her. In fact, just touch the person she wants to put on. After all, they have no energy points. You can add people, this also requires Li Huailin to operate by himself.

The peanuts on the other side were very unhappy. Although everyone did not evade him, he also heard information about the temple. Hearing what seemed to be something magical, but why didn’t he have anything to do with himself? This incident is obviously related to Li Huailin, but peanuts really want to ask clearly, but now it seems that there is no chance to see everyone busy, it is really a little irritating feeling.

Li Huailin really does not have time to manage the peanuts. He also touched the people who want to pull them in, and soon they are all ready, and summoning the Jade Emperor, they are also their own. The people who entered it touched each other, and the targets were relatively targeted. Therefore, Li Huailin can directly pull people after entering, and a wave of settings can be done.

However, Li Huailin is still not in a hurry to pull people, because there are still problems with np to deal with. First of all, there are still a lot of np lying on the battlefield. They are really nobody, and now they are lying there. Li Huailin certainly will not take care of them, because there are already 8 people standing at the np. And Li Huailin now only wants to bring 7 people back.

Five of the eight people standing were followed by Li Huailin. The five people were almost completely obedient to Li Huai-lin, and the other three were the rest of the battlefield, because these three people can stand under the halo of Li Huailin. For a long time, it is still a bit of strength.

Of course, these three people now know the previous events from the five people who came from behind, and now they probably know the current situation.

Yes, did they not help Li Huailin translate Wells? Although they said that they only translated in the same voice, they also listened a little bit to the information revealed in the words. Of course, the nouns they don't understand are too many. What "real world", "server" and the like are simply impossible to understand. The system stipulates that they don't know what it is, so most of them mean nothing. Understand, but there is also a lot of information, that is, the world really has to collapse.

It is clear that the cause of the world's collapse is neither the demons (programmers) nor the gangsters, but the world is about to collapse, which makes them really desperate. But they also heard one thing, that is, Li Huailin really can take them away from the world that is going to collapse and go to another place.

So now, whether it is true obedience or false obedience, they can only count on Li Huailin, and see Li Huailin coming over. The three previous nps also quickly said: "God makes adults, we are willing to follow you, please take us with you. Let's go."

"Oh." Li Huailin nodded casually, np he must be with it, in addition to the translation has other uses, but 8 people are still a bit more, think about it, Li Huailin said: "I am very sorry to tell you, now There are 7 left in the position, you... do you want to solve it yourself?"

"What?" All np looked at each other, but no one directly started. "Adult, is it..."

"Forget it, or you should rock the scissors." Li Huailin said casually. "Come on, I am in a hurry."

The way of rock-paper-scissors determines their lives is really random, and a few np are also a look of sadness. However, Li Huailin was too lazy to entangle with them. He took a picture directly on everyone's body and then transferred it to the temple. He picked up seven of them and then pulled them in. Of course, all seven of these people are arranged in a residence.

"You are staying here for the time being." Li Huailin said, no matter what the NP is surprised, he said directly, "I will send 9 seriously injured people in a while. Your temporary task is to prevent anyone from entering your place." I mean the people who live on the other side.

"Yes." Although it is still not very clear, but a few np now certainly listen to Li Huailin, nod directly.

After telling this, Li Huailin also started the operation directly. First, I went to the side hall and sent the staff of the temple to the hall. Then I returned to the main hall again. After a set of appointments, Li Huailin pulled all the programmers into the temple.

Of course, there was a loud exclamation from all around. Everyone was amazed at the current situation, including Zhang Youdong, who did not expect Li Huailin to send them here.

"Put these people in." Li Huailin pointed to a few seriously injured programmers on the ground and told the np, and then went to Zhang Youdong.

“Where is this?” Zhang Youdong also asked with a little surprise.

"In the interior of the temple, everyone on your side lives in that building. You arrange the people yourself, and then you are familiar with the environment." Li Huailin also handed a piece of paper in the past, let Zhang Youdong study it himself. And he is sent to the outside again.

"All arranged." Li Huailin said directly to the summoned Jade Emperor, "The question left now is... How do we go back..." 8

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