All Things Wrong

Chapter 2446: debate

Rarely, Li Huailin’s thoughts were a bit confusing. I didn’t sleep well at night. It was a bit late the next day. Of course, I didn’t miss the agreed time, and Li Huailin had a leisurely breakfast and could also browse the forum.

The current headline news of the forum is not to say that Li Huailin is going to do something about the epic mission, but the battle between yesterday’s spiritual world and the Magistrate’s Grand Council. Although Li Huailin has already foreseen this result, it is only now that he has actually seen the actual situation.

It is unfortunate that the players in Magnesia are now directly playing back to their own servers. After the guild in China, the guilds in the Huaxia District have all taken over all the territory of the Magnesia. Such a hearty and even exaggerated victory result also made Huaxia District a big face. After all, everyone knows that Li Huailin is not present. He can go to the epic mission. This is completely the comprehensive strength of China. Victory.

However, it is obvious that the players in Magnesia are not thinking this way, because they saw several posts on the side of the Magnesia District Forum, and the players in the Magnesia District directly came to the Huaxia District Forum. They were also very dissatisfied. The reason for not accepting is that... the players in China are open.

Yes, from the perspective of the Magnesia District, the players in the Huaxia District must be reopening. Of course, they also know that there are some gaps between the level and the equipment level on both sides, but the problem is that the battlefield is not a bit at all. The level of the gap.

The people of these big guilds of course knew that they would be killed by the players of their own servers after returning. After all, this loss is too ugly, so of course they also publicized the video of the battle. It can be clearly seen from the video that the players in the Huaxia District are all like hanging up. They are also members of the elite group. The elite members of the Huaxia District are playing with three or four dozens, and even more than a dozen. It’s a bit too exaggerating that the player’s second is still a second. It’s not a big gap.

After such an exaggerated video is released, players in Magnesia also began to feel that their guild did not say that they would not work hard and would not lose. It is not that they are not giving power, but that the other party is open. Therefore, the target of anger immediately turned to the Huaxia District, and they immediately began to ask the Huaxia District with video.

When I first saw the other party saying that I was hanging out, the netizens in Huaxia District were only smiling. I felt that the other party lost and found a reason. It was too ugly to lose. The replies are basically "you come from the country. Now there are plug-ins in online games? This is something that only appeared decades ago." "The official said, "The Heart of Glory" has no plug-ins, no bugs, you I don’t understand people’s words.

However, after seeing the video provided by the other party, even the players in the Huaxia District have begun to shake a bit. After all, the spirit group’s elite group is really a bit too fierce. You are really like hanging. what. Although it is worthwhile to win the Huaxia District now, if it is really open and win... it seems to be very shameful.

The Grand Council of China is a collective silence. Yes, they don’t know what it is. They seem to be a bit strange in their minds. According to their original plan, the spiritual world should not be able to beat. Then they come out to help in times of crisis, and their skills are well-received. I can get the actual results, but this plan has been inexplicably stranded because of the sudden power of the spiritual world. The result is that the spiritual world has obtained the greatest benefit, accounting for the largest number of cities, and they have been assigned a little soup. If it really isn't for this matter that involves international issues, they will have to sneak into the spirit world.

Now, the problem that they dare not do with the spiritual world is that they are also a little afraid of the spiritual world. Although they don’t know whether the other party is really open, but now they have seen the fighting power, they really make people provoke Fire, according to the strength of the current spiritual world, they really can't stop them.

In short, the crazy leaven of this matter is now very hot. The posts that can be seen in the whole forum are almost related to this, so Li Huailin’s things are not many people talking about.

Of course, this incident also happened to the Tianyu company. After all, it is still very deadly for a game. Moreover, the current situation seems to be the collective opening of the entire guild in the spirit world. More bad. Everyone is waiting for the reply from Tianyu, and Tianyu has really responded very quickly, but the answer is not satisfactory to everyone.

Tianyu's reply is still as official as ever. Simply put, our game "Glory Heart" does not have any form of plug-in. The players in the report screen only use the results of the reasonable mechanism in the game, so it does not exist. There is no penalty for anything that violates the rules of the game.

However, this statement does not explain what mechanism the other party is using. The players are certainly not satisfied. The players in this video are too unscientific. Everyone sees the equipment on the other side and probably knows what the other party is. Intensity, it is obvious that they should have too much strength. What "reasonable mechanism" can make people suddenly become so strong, so after this statement, the player is not persuaded at all, but instead starts to Tianyu Company. Difficult.

"I feel that the earth will destroy the people who are still studying whether it is open or not." Li Huailin’s headache is a little headache. It’s too lazy to take care of this matter, just look at the excitement, but at this time, the night flight. Here is the phone call.

At night, there are very few calls to find Li Huailin. They are usually in the game, but now Li Huailin is not in contact with another game world, so the night flight is waiting for one night, wait until The next morning I thought that Li Huailin probably got up after I got up. Of course, it was just the matter that Li Huailin was watching.

"So... now our pressure is indeed a bit big." Night Airlines said a little embarrassed.

I used to say that the most important thing about the Grand Council is reputation. Now, although the spiritual world has won the war, it has been buckled with a hat. This influence on their reputation is of course too great. So many pressures on the night are also a bit unstoppable. So I also asked Li Huailin what I meant.

"So... Huai Lin, can you make this bug public?" Night Airlines thought and thought a little hesitantly. Yes, in the night flight, this thing is of course not open to the public. How can such an important thing be Go around and talk about it. But the problem is that now the spiritual world is really a bit unstoppable. I can only find a way to negotiate with Li Huailin. This is of course the simplest solution. If it doesn't work, the night flight can only think of another way. It is.

“Open?” Li Huailin said, “Of course, it’s going to be open. Is there anything to hide?”

“Hey?” The night flight is a little bit stunned.

Unlike the night flight imagination, Li Huailin wants to be open too much, and now he is not enough energy points, although the Sektor people on the dark side of the 6th are also very quick, but this Of course, things are not too much, and more is better. Now that the story of Li Huailin’s statue can increase the property of 9o%, do you say that there will be players who don’t want to come and pay? Why don't you take this white plus attribute? Since so many players are going to brush, does Li Huailin use his own energy? So for Li Huailin, how do you teach these players to help him brush the points, and now the people in the spiritual world can help with publicity for free, which is a good thing.

"This...this really doesn't matter?" Night Flight certainly didn't know it was this situation, asked a little hesitantly.

"Nothing is ok..." Li Huailin said immediately. "It’s not open to any problems."

"This... well, thank you this time, Huai Lin."

Li Huailin can only spread his hands. It is obvious that he should thank the spiritual world for helping him to promote himself, but he does not need to say so much. The two chatted for a while, then ended the conversation. Li Huailin looked at the time and was directly on the line.

There is still some time from noon, Li Huailin looked at the current Ma Linka and the fire head are already on the line, summoning the Jade Emperor and the peanuts have not arrived yet. Say hello, Li Huailin came directly to the temple, but now there are not many people in the main hall, most of them may still be in the room.

On the side of Li Huailin, he directly called Gert. It didn't take long for Gert to appear directly. Li Huailin let Geerte come to cooperate with the night flight. After all, it is estimated that there will be many people to brush points after the disclosure. Therefore, Li Huailin certainly has to prepare a little more image. It is just a lot of the Duke’s house. Li Huailin also touched it. After some, it was just not set. Now Li Huailin set them up, let Geerte communicate with the night flight a little, and divide these gods out to facilitate Li Huailin's brushing.

Of course, Li Huailin also took the things that he had made before from Gert. Although the role of this thing is not very big, it is better to hold it.

After doing all this, Li Huailin also slightly rectified the waiting time until noon. Soon, summoning the Jade Emperor and the peanuts on the line on time, Li Huailin and Zhang Youdong also touched the head, let him put the programmers in the temple, after all, the gods may contact them in a while, in case the other party can It is not good to see the situation.

After doing this, Li Huailin also waited for the time to arrive, but did not expect that while waiting, there was a slight mistake.

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