All Things Wrong

Chapter 2449: return

It is true that the things in Zhang Youdong’s hands and the secret treasures that Li Huailin once had are too similar. If you think about it now, this may be the expression of the data code that Zhang Youdong said in the game. Of course, I asked Li Huailin to take this thing directly and look at it. However, there is no such thing as a secret treasure. It will be bombed and then there will be a lot of system prompts. This is very It was simply taken by Li Huailin.

Of course, the system does not recognize this thing. After coming here, Li Huailin will have a small problem with their system. All the items (which are obtained here) cannot display the data. It is estimated that the two game versions are not matched. The situation caused.

"How did you study this thing?" Li Huailin also asked strangely.

"How to study this is a bit complicated." Zhang Youdong does not know whether he is too lazy to say or do not want to answer, anyway, the reply is very perfunctory. Of course, Li Huailin just asked a little. Just after all, he really didn't understand this thing, and now they are communicating by hand. You said that it is really troublesome for the other party to handwrite a research record to him. .

"How to use?" Li Huailin did not know how to trigger this thing for a while, and Zhang Youdong next to him gave him back to him. Li Huailin certainly handed it back.

Just seeing Zhang Youdong here pinched something in his hand. This originally transparent stone suddenly gave off a light blue light, and then Zhang Youdong put this thing on the ground for a moment. Blu-ray thought about opening it all around, then...and then there was no movement. Yes, this thing is still on the ground with blue light, but Li Huailin has never seen anything like a portal.

"What is the situation? Did you open the door?" Li Huailin asked.

"No, everything is normal, but it takes 10-15 minutes to open the portal." Zhang Youdong replied.

"Hey..." Li Huailin helped the amount. Yes, he finally understood why every time the Protoss could stop the programmers from going back. Li Huailin saw that the King of God opened the portal almost every second, and then thought that the programmer was here. It is also second, he is also wondering why every time this will be discovered by the Protoss. As a result, it is now found that the programmers need to open the door for such a long time. The protoss have such a long time to prepare, and of course they can wait for them to open at the door.

"But if you can't open more than one at a time," Li Huailin thought and asked. "Can you say that you can only open one door at a time?"

"No." Zhang Youdong shook his head. "It's just that this thing is difficult to make. It's impossible to mass-produce. We must also save some... We tried it before using it more than once, but the Protoss only have to It’s okay for the export to wait for us, and it’s useless.”

Li Huailin nodded, and he believed in the difficulty of making it. After all, the other side has made a secret treasure for so many years. If the energy production is made, the other party must be mass-produced.

"But this time, we can try to open more doors." Suddenly Zhang Youdong said, "After all, we still have some left, and we should not return to the world anymore, so we have left. The next one is useless, or else..."

"It makes sense, open it all at once." Li Huailin also nodded. This is not something like tactics to play, anyway, I can confuse me with a little confusion.

Zhang Youdong certainly agrees, he definitely does not want to go back here, so it is also a one-time take all the remaining portals, but a total of four counts, all open, five green The light began to condense.

"You also go in, don't come out until I have notified you." Li Huailin also said directly to Zhang Youdong.

Zhang Youdong nodded, but he was thinking about leaving. He suddenly remembered something. He thought about it and took out a note saying: "If we go to the world on your side, will there be a situation that cannot come out of the temple?" ”

Li Huailin had a slight glimpse. I couldn’t think of Zhang Youdong’s thoughts on this issue so quickly, but he did not panic at all. He immediately said, “I don’t know about this.”

Zhang Youdong nodded. After all, many things in the world are certainly uncertain. Zhang Youdong thought about Li Huailin and he would not know about it. So I didn't ask much, and soon the white light flashed back into the temple.

"The next step is the problem of the Protoss." There are only five people in the Li Huailin team left in the scene. The five of them are of course directly going back to the transmission.

After all, I was about to start a war with the Protoss. Li Huailin looked at it a little. Several people were a little nervous. Li Huailin’s spreader said: “In fact, it’s not terrible. In theory, the protoss’ skill judgment can’t be judged even by the secret treasure. So it should be no problem to summon the presence."

Yes, before Li Huailin and St. Dickenka did not engage in warfare. At that time, St. Dyka’s judgment of the gods was repeatedly blocked by Li Huailin’s secret skills, and it was thus judged that the protoss’ skill determination was only the skill within the system. Of course, Li Huailin himself said that he was a bit unconfident. After all, the situation is not so clear. Before that, Li Huailin’s battle was only a avatar. Li Huailin had no experience with the real Protoss.

"If you really can't talk anyway, you can go straight to the temple and go to the temple." Li Huailin said, "Or come from the beginning, go out and stop the attack, then you will transfer to the temple, then I also teleported away from the frontal confrontation?"

"This method is not bad." The firehead next to him said.

The fire had just finished saying that everyone was staring at him. He was a little embarrassed to see him: "I am not embarrassed. Isn't this the case that is not suitable for the war now?"

"What do you think?" summoned the Jade Emperor directly to Li Huailin.

"I will play sooner or later, I don't care." Li Huailin said, "But now I really want to test the protoss positively."

"Yeah." Summon Jade Emperor nodded. "Let's see the situation first."

Peanut and Malinka also expressed their support. The proposal to withdraw directly was abandoned. The team discussed the decision and asked for a positive look. After the decision was made, several people waited a little quietly. Soon, fifteen minutes passed, and the surrounding portals were ready one after the other.

It is similar to the portal opened by the **** king. The portal made by Zhang Youdong is still a special portal with blue light. The other side of the portal still can't see anything. No one knows the door. What are waiting for them.

"Let's go." Li Huailin said.

"Which door do you want?" summoned the Jade Emperor to ask, after all, there are five gates here.

"It is estimated that it is almost the same. The Protoss can detect the position of the portal. The King of God seems to have the ability to spy on the lower bound, so it is estimated that the result is almost the same." Li Huailin said.

"Would you like to go apart?" The peanut next to him suddenly raised his hand.

Five people are all a glimpse, but I didn’t expect it. There are just five people here. Can you take one to try? However, this opinion was quickly rejected by Li Huailin.

"It is said that being killed by the Protoss is to deduct 90% of the attributes." Li Huailin said faintly.

"I rub? Isn't that the account directly abolished?" Peanut said in amazement.

"So if you don't want to die, you will follow the call." Li Huailin said, "Go."

After saying that Li Huailin wanted to go inside the transmission array, it was not enough to be summoned to stop the Jade Emperor: "Hey, let me go first, what is really wrong in the province."

"Nothing, the protoss skills I am not very afraid for the time being." Li Huailin said, yes, there is already a bff of God's punishment, Li Huailin estimates that this bff can not be superimposed, and it is not a good thing for him to superimpose. Of course, he is not afraid of this, and he can go out and see what happens immediately.

Without listening to the call of the Jade Emperor, Li Huailin first entered the transmission array. With a flash of blue light, Li Huailin quickly returned to the visual, and the surrounding scenery immediately changed from a self-contained mosaic mode to a high-definition horseless state. Finally, it was successfully returned to the game of "Glory Heart".

However, after seeing the situation clearly, Li Huailin put his attention in front of him for the first time, because now there is a heavyweight character in front of him, a little yellow man with a shining body.

Yes, there is no attack that Li Huailin expected, but the Protoss is still coming, and the one that is the biggest card, the king of God, appears directly in front of Li Huailin. Needless to say, seeing this posture is waiting for him here, this is really a real confrontation, but Li Huailin is also a bit unexpected.

Of course, the other party also saw Li Huailin, but did not speak. There was no movement in the air, and I didn’t know if Li Hualin’s people were there. Li Huailin is also thinking about how to start, and suddenly a voice interrupts Li Huailin’s thinking.

System announcement: The server has an unknown error, emergency shutdown maintenance, this maintenance time is not fixed, please all players within 30 seconds to go offline.

system notification:……

“Hey?” Hearing this system announcement, Li Huailin’s whole person is a glimpse. I didn’t expect a sudden emergency maintenance at this critical moment. What happened? Li Huailin looked at the **** king in front of him and did not know what to do.

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