All Things Wrong

Chapter 2453: contact

Su Ximin was really silent for ten seconds before he gave a "beep" answer. The quickest update is no way. This is really too confusing. Just so casually, I really invited the President of Magnesium. Then let them now invite the chairman? Are you really kidding? If the person who called was really the governor of Ye, Su Ximin could not believe this.

"Su brother, Su brother, are you still there?" Ye Yongkun, who was opposite, said again, "Is there any problem?"

There are too many questions, so I don’t know where to start. After thinking about it, Su Ximin said: "Ye Ge, what is this situation? I really can't understand it now. This is really not a joke."

"Of course, I am free to play with you now." Ye Yongkun said immediately.

"Then we really want to send invitations to the chairman? Will the chairman really come back to our wedding?" Su Ximin asked.

"The chairman is not coming to participate. This is the above question, but since you have already sent it to the magnesium country, you must send one here. This is an attitude problem, understand?" Ye Yongkun said.

"Okay, okay." Su Yongkun said something that Su Ximin could understand a little. "So I will send it now?"

"Well, then please come to your brother." Ye Yongkun said, "Right right, if you can, you'd better get the right to make invitations, or else you may have a big mess in a while. It doesn't matter if you come out, after all, you are the elders."

"Good... good." What can Su Ximin say? He can only nod.

"Then please come to you first." Ye Yongkun said with a smile. "If we have time, we will touch each other and squat again."

Su Ximin also hanged a phone call here, and looked at Li Huailin and Su Ruoyan next to him a little bit speechless. At this time, the room was quiet. The staff of the wedding company in the room just heard some conversations, and then took out their own mobile phone for a little check. Of course, it was easy to see the headline news. The President of Magnesium suddenly visited China, and then said that he was attending a wedding of a friend. It seems that everything is exactly the same as that of Li Huailin before. If they didn’t see those things before, they wouldn’t think it was true. I thought What kind of political meeting, and so on, but everything just happened to be in front of myself. Is this really caused by the invitation?

"The store manager, we received a reply email." At this time, a staff member ran over and said, "The signature seems to be the President of the Magnesium State, saying that he will bring his family to the wedding on time, this..."

The manager here is also a bit innocent to look at Su Ximin, how can they stand up, although they are still a very large wedding company in the city, but your movement is not too big. Can they accommodate such a great **** in such a small temple?

“Is the President of Magnesium really coming to participate?” Su Ximin looked at Li Huailin and asked.

"I didn't just say it." Li Huailin spread his hand. "But it doesn't help to invite him. It doesn't seem to be useful except for the chaos..."

"Is this face a bit too big, why don't you go to heaven?" Su Ximin couldn't help but say, "Are we now involved in any special political events?"

"It shouldn't be a political event." Li Huai-lin spread his hand. "If you are in trouble, then send another email to let him not forget it. It is wrong."

"God tnd made a mistake. Who do you think the other person is? You can let him come and leave." Su Ximin couldn't help but say.

"Hey... you see why you don't believe it, or else I send another email to get him out of the way..." Li Huailin said.

"You give me a hand!" Su Ximin couldn't help but say, suddenly it seems that Ye Yongkun said that it is a big mess. I don't care why the president of the country promised to participate. Now everyone has said it. And it’s already public, and then you reject others, isn’t that fun? So what confidence do you have in the end? Su Ximin remembered Ye Yongkun's words, so he quickly said: "In short, the matter of this invitation is handed over to me, I will send it."

"Oh... let's do it." Li Huailin nodded. "I didn't intend to invite anyone anyway..."

"I really are..." Su Ximin looked at this face and it didn't matter. Li Huailin couldn't help but say, "What you are embarrassed is to mess up."

"No, I really came to help..." Li Huailin spread his hand, but looked at Su Ruoyan next to him and seemed to have a headache. He thought that he really added some trouble.

"In short, what else needs to be dealt with?" I thought about Li Huailin and thought that I shouldn't jump too much, or seriously solve the remaining problems. So there is nothing happening in the back. Others about the wedding ceremony. Li Huailin gave a little bit of his opinion. It seems that it is a normal discussion. However, the people who passed the series of events just married the company did not know how to deal with it. The whole process was a little confused.

These mixed things are almost close to the evening. Su Ximin thought about preparing to meet Ye Yongkun, but he was ready to send Li Huailin back. It is estimated that Li Huailin and Su Ruoyan went out alone. of. Li Huailin doesn't care, nor is he anxious to get to this point.

They were sent to Li Huailin's apartment downstairs. Su Ruoyan and Li Huailin got out of the car alone. At this time, Su Ximin was not ready to sit in the car, but gave them two time.

"Sorry, it seems that today is indeed looking for some trouble." Li Huailin said.

"In fact, I don't care much about this, but I still hope that your relationship with my dad can be improved a little." Su Ruoyan said.

"Oh... Actually, I didn't mean to top him." Li Huailin touched his head. "Okay, in short, I will converge a little next time."

"..." Su Ruoyan looked at Li Huailin and did not speak.

"Really." Li Huailin said, "I will pay attention."

The two talked for a while, and Su Ximin couldn’t help but urge. This father-in-law is really a bit too bad to deal with, Li Huailin really has a headache.

After sending away them, Li Huailin returned home. First of all, of course, first look at the situation of the server. Now I am really anxious to go to the county to see the situation. But the problem is that the server is still not open, and there is still no notification of the exact time of the opening.

Looked at the forum, the situation of the forum is also chaotic, of course, of course, because this server maintenance is really too sudden, and there is no warning, this time there is no notice of maintenance time.

The maintenance of the previous few servers was relatively sudden, but after all, it seems normal, people say at least the version update, and then provide the estimated update time. But this time it doesn't look like the one that is expected to be good.

Many players have now guessed whether there is any accident in Tianyu's game server. After all, the announcement is also "an unknown error". There are many ways to understand this unknown error. For example, some people speculate whether the server is down? Is there a bug in the server that cannot be fixed? Or direct physical damage, such as burned out.

So far, Tianyu has not given any formal explanations. They just sent a notice to let the players wait for peace of mind. They didn't talk about what happened to the server. Of course, there is no time to solve it. This makes the players of course more dissatisfied.

"Tianyu company is going to die this time, the server is definitely fried."

"It must be a big problem, otherwise it would not be so straightforward."

"Maybe it is the angry player who directly blows up the server."

Because the game can not be played, the current forum is unusually lively, all kinds of rumors are flying all over the sky, and even what is said to see the explosion of Tianyu’s headquarters, and what is the internal staff of Tianyu, now the server is completely What is damaged, a piece of confusion.

Of course, Li Huailin just looked at the smile, the server is damaged? These guys don't even know where the server is damaged, even if the real server is not damaged. Isn't that a joke? Yes, those who say that the server is damaged, although the head is like the head, but the problem is that no one can give any decisive evidence, such as photos, so there are still many people who don't believe.

Li Huailin looked at the current message. Most of the players didn't believe in the ridiculous things like server explosion, but another reason made Li Huailin pay a little attention, that is, the server crash caused by the system bug.

Yes, more people believe that this is the reason, because there is a bug, so it will be emergency shutdown maintenance. And there are so many people who believe this reason is really related to Li Huailin, because this time is really a bit coincidental.

Yes, just a day ago, because the spirit world won the national war, and then it was involved in the so-called "open door" incident, and then one day, the server here suddenly crashed, or what? The reason for the unknown error, then how do you say that the average player can not link these two things? (To be continued...)

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