All Things Wrong

Chapter 2460: Mainland Conference (middle)

Li Huailin’s words made the scene quiet again. Yes, many people still really believe in what Li Huailin said about the demon family. Although Li Huailin can almost say that he can’t provide any evidence, but you said that It’s really a bit of a feeling that it’s really true. Secondly, you have to know that many people here have a very high degree of affection for Li Huailin, and the high level is amazing. Therefore, even if Li Huailin is really a composer, the other party may also believe unconditionally, so many people really believe it. .

So their thinking was quickly led by Li Huailin to the same problem, that is, since the demon is such a great race, but now it is gone, and not only the race is gone, but now the proof of existence It seems that there is no more. Anyone who has never heard of this incident is simply erasing it from history. This is the most terrible thing for a race.

"In fact, it's not just the demons. I said before. The so-called old people, including the demons, have other races, such as the Bailong family, and some others that don't even know the name. The race, they are not only being eliminated, even their existence has been completely eliminated, which is why?" Li Huailin continued.

Everyone didn't talk. At this time, even the Terran and the Mozu did not do the work, because they were also attracted by the words of Li Huailin. For Li Huailin’s question, they are curious and fearful. After all, no one wants to disappear in this world, even without leaving a trace.

"In fact, the reason is very simple, because their former opponent is the Protoss." Li Huailin smiled and said an answer that surprised everyone.

"What, Protoss?"

"They are fighting against the Protoss? Isn't that a god?"

When I heard the name of the Protoss, the entire conference room began to confuse. The news was too scary, and the guys had already forgotten the time when Li Huailin was talking. He couldn’t help but make a sound.

Li Huailin did not say anything. After all, I thought about this situation for a long time. I just quietly observed the situation on the scene. After all, it is still possible to jump out of a Protoss and talk to him at any time. But after waiting for a while, there was no one who jumped out, and the voice of the scene gradually became smaller, because everyone soon noticed that the conversation was not normal. Listening to Li Huailin’s current meaning seems to be a bit different from the Protoss. Relationship.

Li Huailin waited until the whole scene was quiet again before he continued to say: "In fact, history is a very simple thing, and it is a defeat of the king. The protosies you know now are only a common one on the big 6 years ago. Race only, they are only victorious in the race competition. The content after that is of course written by them. The history you have seen is processed by them, so the so-called old people, the devil All the white dragons and the like have disappeared and nothing has been left."

Li Huailin said that everyone did not speak, the scene was very quiet. Yes, Li Huailin’s words are very big and bad for everyone to see. In their subjective thinking, the Protoss is God, the gods who are high above, but the world, even they are created by these gods. of. But now it’s Li Huailin’s mouth. These protoss have become an ordinary race on the Big Six. They just gain an advantage in the competition. Simply speaking, they are almost no different from them. It’s just that the strength is stronger. . These statements have a sharp contradiction with their original three views, and they are certainly unacceptable.

"Look at your expressions like a feeling of what I am saying, but in fact, this is the case." Li Huailin glanced back and said, "The so-called Protoss is more like the demonics who once ruled the Big Six." There is no big difference between us and even our comparison. The only thing that can be said is that they are different, but they have mastered a relatively powerful force. These forces are still contributed by everyone."

"Ha?" Everyone once again, the power of the Protoss or their contribution?

"The world of knights is much simpler than you think." Li Huailin said with a smile. "In the period of the demonic rule, the demons enslaved all the other races, for what they did, of course for their demons. Service. Of course, these services are mainly labor services. After the turn of the Protoss rule, the Protoss actually did the same thing, but what they need is not the labor service, they have a kind of other The way people gain strength in their beliefs, so the reason for leaving you all is just for this service."

"..." Everyone was shocked. Li Huailin’s explosion today is bigger than one, so that the following people are stunned.

“In a nutshell, the Protoss now builds a new world that is conducive to their survival. Because of their powerful power, all the forces that attempt to confront them are of course eliminated directly, and the remaining races are subdued by their power. They can only turn to believe in them and provide them with energy. In essence, they are no different from the demons, but the method of use is not so cruel." Li Huailin said with a smile.

However, here, Li Huailin is also a sudden change of style, raising his voice and saying; "Of course, they are leaving you just because you are obedient. If you dare to threaten them a little, of course, you will definitely be in the first place. Just destroy all of you and even erase you from the whole history. This is the real situation on the big 6 now."

It is said that Li Huailin paused a little here, which is a time for everyone to digest. Of course, the following people did not return to God for a long time. Li Huailin’s words made them equal to seeing the whole world. Everything was so reasonable and reasonable. Of course, this information also shocked them all. . The entire conference room was in a state of long silence. Everyone was thinking carefully about what Li Huailin had said before, and no one made a sound.

Suddenly, a voice suddenly attracted the attention of everyone in the conference room, woke them up from the state of deep thinking, looked up and saw that Li Huailin directly knocked on the front podium, let Said that everyone has returned to God.

"Well, when it comes to this, you should all understand what is happening now." Li Huailin continued. "Yes, these races that were once "destroyed" by the Protoss are now coming to the Protoss for revenge. Their revenge is of course reasonable. It is well-founded, after all, the Protoss not only 'destroyed' them, but also directly wiped out their existence. If the Protoss did these things to you, you will also want revenge."

Li Huailin said that there is absolutely no problem at all. If they are, they will choose to find the Protoss desperately. This is understandable. But what is the use of this now? Even if this group of people wants to find the Protoss revenge, and it is justified, but what about them, can you say... Li Huailin wants...

Everyone’s face changed a little. Yes, Li Huailin said that some people now want to understand what Li Huailin’s main content is. After so long, Li Huailin’s thoughts are obvious, but although some people think of it, I can't believe it or dare to say it, because this idea is really too big to say, actually want to be with the Protoss...

Looking at some people's a little flustered expression, Li Huailin also guessed that the other party had already thought of what he was going to say, but he did not immediately express his position, but said another paragraph: "In the current situation, the Protoss is fighting the old people. Of course, these old people must be threatening to the Protoss. Otherwise, if they can solve the problem themselves, they will come to us with low and proud heads. Then the question is coming again. Should we obey the orders of the Protoss to destroy those old people? I know that the first reaction after you heard this so-called **** is to help. After all, your previous vision is limited. Under the environment of the Protoss building, you have already consciously defaulted that the Protoss is your master and they are trained. It’s like an obedient dog. It’s like now, obviously fighting is very dangerous, Protoss will not give you any benefit, but you will automatically give them life, but you think about it, this... true Is it correct?"

"..." Everyone is silent again. This question is of course incomparably correct to them. The **** you believe in lets you sell his life to him. Why don't you go, but Li Huailin said this before, They really think that the Protoss does not have "so gods", so everyone has a feeling of confusion at this moment.

At this time, Li Huailin spoke again: "So at this critical time, should we first establish our own position? Attention, it is our own position."

"Own position?" Everyone couldn't help but repeat.

"Yes, in fact, what is the difference between the Protoss and the old ones? Think about it carefully, the era that belongs to them has passed, and it should be gone. In this new era, it should be our own era, one by Let's create the era."8

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