All Things Wrong

Chapter 2462: Question

This is a very interesting statement. It is necessary to know that this is the first time that Li Huailin has convened a big 6-level meeting after he became a big 6 emperor. Of course, there is no fixed process in the meeting, so in these people, Li Huailin said The question time is still quite strange. ?

Of course, this kind of thing is very normal in reality, but these people do not know how to start, a few people are also you look at me and I look at your situation.

"If you have a problem, you will raise your hand directly. I will call you up and ask." Li Huailin explained it.

Everyone understands this. Several people discussed it with the think tanks behind them. Finally, some people raised their hands.

"Your Majesty, our undead empire will always be on your side." The voice of the fake Wacha the Great, which is Yaze, and Li Huailin’s first caller stood up directly. It is estimated that the intention of the undead family is to give others a little pressure, but Li Huailin did not expand, and directly press the hand to signal the other side to sit down.

"Your Majesty, do you have any plans for combat?" This time Li Huailin called up the questioning of the great chieftain of the Orc, Penelope. Yes, there was something happening to the Orc during this time, so Li Huailin was familiar with it. The chieftain Dirbao took a black pot and stepped down (this black pot was also forcibly thrown to him by Li Huai-lin). The newly-elected chieftain is the guild-collected Penelope. This guy Li Huailin is also familiar. After all, see After many times, the other party is a stable type with a relatively brainy mind, so the questions asked are also quite brainy.

"Operation plan?" Li Huailin smiled and looked at each other.

"Your Majesty wants to let the old and the Protoss fight against each other, and then we are waiting for the fishermen to benefit?" Penello asked again.

"Penelo, really, now is not the time to say what the battle plan is." Li Huailin spread his hand. "I said before, now when I am standing, the people sitting here may not necessarily stand by me. On the side, so I will tell you about my own combat plan now. Someone will tell the Protoss directly... I am stupid 13 or how?"

"Hold... I am sorry..." Hearing the words of Li Huailin, Penelope also felt that the question he asked was a bit silly. Indeed, now Li Huailin told them what the combat plan is. However, he himself is a little anxious to ask this question. Like Li Huailin said, if this is just a general war, Li Huailin will let them stand in the team. Of course, everyone wants to stand on the winner's side. Then Penello wants to. Knowing Li Huailin’s plan of warfare is also an immediate question.

Penelope wants to explain that he is not a fan of Li Huailin, but Li Huailin directly blocked the other party: "Okay, you mean, I understand, you don't have to explain too much. I know that you are definitely very good now. Confused, after all, is fighting against enemies that you may not have imagined. So I can tell you something now. Simply put, I definitely have a plan of war. I believe everyone who knows me should know that I am this person. I have never lost. I am not going to say anything that I am not sure about. You only need to understand this point."

Li Huailin’s words are so affirmative and emboldened. No one in the audience can dare to question. Yes, Li Huailin’s statement is indeed a fact. On the case of war, Li Huailin did not really lose it until now, otherwise he is How to climb to the position of the Big 6 Emperor. So if it’s really a war, everyone thinks it’s true that they are following Li Huailin’s, but the problem is not as simple as fighting.

"Wilin." Anthony directly stood up and said to Li Huailin. "I really support Hualin. I personally support you. My impression of the Protoss is not very good, and you are me." Brother, so if you really want to fight the Protoss, I must be on your side."

When Anthony’s words were just finished, the people in the think tank behind him couldn’t sit still. Everyone wanted to get up and say something to Anthony, but Anthony’s hand held down a minister who was about to get up, just Use your eyes to let the other person say something and go back. Yes, the current Anthony is very serious, and the whole body can really tell the domineering of a royal person. Just watching it makes this minister afraid to speak.

And Anthony turned to Li Huailin again and said seriously: "But brother, now I am not just representing me personally. I am now the emperor of the Nasser empire. I am carrying the fate of the entire human empire, so I can not use it. My personal preferences determine the fate of all people in the country. As far as I know, my nationals should have difficulty accepting the facts of the Protoss... So I decided that this time, I want all the people to participate, If the nationals decide to go to war with the Protoss, I will lead them on your side, and if the nationals do not agree, I will resign from the position of the emperor and serve as an individual to help you fight against the Protoss."

"What?" Several ministers behind Anthony immediately exclaimed, and the neighboring countries were also very surprised. Anthony's decision was really very surprising to them, but it seems that Anthony and Li Huailin are rumors of the iron buddies. Sure enough, the fact that Anthony here is ready to stand on behalf of the country or private is also here.

However, Li Huailin’s reaction is a bit strange. I originally imagined that the friends who might be represented by Anthony would be like, but not. Li Huailin just sighed and said: "Anthony, I really don't know how to say hello."

“Hey?” Anthony is also a glimpse.

"First of all, people who have no attachment to the throne are not good emperors." Li Huailin said faintly. "You are not responsible for the resignation of the people, but now the people's empire is in power. You have two people, you and your sister, what do you want to do, let your sister succeed the queen." Li Huailin said.

"This..." Anthony touched his head and saw that he didn't seriously think about it.

"The second point is to let the people choose their own path. It is also tnd. Is it still a feudal society? You suddenly play democracy. It is awkward. Do you want to mess around? The principle of feudal society is that the country is the only one to be the master. Okay? Even if the emperor brought the nationals to the squat pit to take the nationals, would you like to follow them? You don’t know how to abuse your rights and play a chicken feather,” said Li Huailin.

"Ha?" Anthony was stunned.

"Third, how do you know that your nationals will not agree with us and the Protoss. Is there not a precedent for this matter? When you split the temple of the goddess in the past few days, it was the national Zhang. The lights are colored, and they are beaten and drummed to celebrate. Have you forgotten this matter just now?" Li Huailin said.

Li Huailin said that the demolition of the temple is really true. Really, Anthony still doesn’t know what is going on here. The goddess of harvest is the patron saint of their human empire for thousands of years. In theory, you are tearing her up. The temples of the whole country should be reversed. The result is really the same as that of Li Huailin. Everyone beats the drums and celebrates, which makes Anthony really look inexplicable.

"So you don't have to think about it so complicated. Going directly to a sacred slogan means that I have to be right with the Protoss. Then you can see the reaction of the people below, and make sure that you still beat the drums, so you can rest assured. Just follow me and I will not see you as an outsider," Li Huailin said.

"Oh... really?" Anthony was really a bit uncertain. Others said that Anthony was absolutely nonsense, but Li Huailin really made him unable to judge according to common sense.

"Do not worry, you can go to the imperial edict now." Li Huailin waved. "I have counted you anyway."

Anthony sat down with his head in his head, and the others looked at the two inexplicably. This is what is going on.

“Is there anyone else having a problem?” Li Huailin said directly to the other people around him, but no one raised his hand at this time. In fact, not everyone is fine, but at this time they suddenly realized that they can't have problems now. Yes, the key point now is that both the Terran and the Undead have expressed their views.

Nowadays, on the Big 6 where Huaxia District is located, the Terran and the Undead are the most powerful countries. The Dwarves and the Devils are now only counties of the two countries. The weight of their speech is actually very small, and the Orcs have just received Difficult, so it is difficult to protect itself at present, and the weight of speech is limited. The elves are the only ones who can talk, and the other small countries are mixed with the six major countries. They are the ones who come over and make up the numbers.

And they don’t dare to speak now because the Terran and the Undead are now clearly following Li Huailin’s, then you are now saying that you want to follow the Protoss. Are you looking for death? Li Huailin will kill you and then go to the Protoss. Well, now the Protoss is still dealing with the old people, is there time to save you?

So in fact, not everyone here wants to follow Li Huailin, but now they don't dare to say anything, even if they want to say at least wait for the Protoss to respond.

The current situation Li Huailin can force them to stand up with themselves, but Li Huailin did not do this, but took the initiative to take a step back: "Since there is no problem, you will think about it clearly, I will give you time, tomorrow. At noon, I will hold a second meeting here. People who want to stand on my side come over and don’t want to come. You can’t come. At that time, I will show the people I am now and the Protoss. The atmosphere of the war."8

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