All Things Wrong

Chapter 2468: Convergence

"Speaking is not a word?" Baiyaki was a little hesitant here, as if he was recalling what Li Huailin said, and this guy did not even put Li Huailin in his heart. ??

"Forgot? The deal with you before was that I gave you the energy you want, and you are responsible for helping me solve my enemies, that is, the guys on my head. Now I promise you have done it, and heaven. The guys seem to have nothing to do. In this case, you still say that there are a lot of things that are left for me to let you work? Do you think I will believe it?" Li Huailin said.

"If you are willing to be my servant, I will give you the most powerful force in the world, and you will be able to take revenge on your own." Here, Bahiaki did not answer Li Huailin’s question positively, but continued to choose to be confused. It seems that the other party has become addicted.

"The most powerful ability of the wool, you have to really let the guys above solve this problem. Let me see." Li Huailin also continued to help the Protoss hate.

"So if I help you solve the above people, would you like to be my servant?" Baiyaki asked.

"Hey? Your ability to flicker is not that great. Before I said that I gave you energy, you will help me solve them. Now I am inexplicably adding conditions to me and let me be your servant to help me solve it." The means of this breach of contract is also very skilled." Li Huailin said with a smile. "But let's do it. If you help me solve the guy above, you can agree with what you said."

"Well, remember what you are saying now, I will come back to you soon." Bayaki said very confidently. After saying this, the eyes above the tentacles slowly disappeared, and then the tentacles around them slowly sink into the water. It seems that Bayaki is really leaving.

Really, Li Huailin doesn't know why Bai Yaki is so optimistic about himself. Is it because he thinks he can still get the devil's magic crystals and so on? Of course, Li Huailin did not mean to work for Biyaji. He mainly attracted the goal of Biyaji to let him go to the Protoss, but Biyaji should not be a Protoss, or else he would not be sealed before. Well, now this guy seems to have not figured out that this group of people in the sky is the one who sealed him before.

It is not quite known how Bai Yaki will get Li Huailin. Anyway, at least it should not come to Li Huailin now. Sure enough, Li Huailin also rode Xiaomi and continued to fly to the east. This time there was no problem along the way.

However, Li Huailin’s light was flying for a long time. Yes, I didn’t expect that the pollution range of Yaki’s in the past two days was so amazing. In the air, looking down, all of them are black, really sea. There was a black muddy thing floating up everywhere, like the situation after the oil spill, and it took so long to fly around, there was silence, and the birds were not heard. The scene was a bit strange. A sense of terror.

It took about 40 minutes to fly. Li Huailin saw that the black fog around it began to slowly decrease, and the visibility became slightly higher. Looked up slightly, and now the time is still during the day, Li Huailin can see the sun covered by the dark clouds, faint, Li Huailin seems to see the outline of the temple, and surely there is no Protoss What is the problem.

After flying for a while, the black fog around Li Huailin gradually disappeared. There is no obvious boundary between the polluted area and the non-polluted area. However, if you walk out from it, you can still see the obvious. Difference. Because there are mostly seas around, Li Huailin is also looking for the surrounding islands along this line to see if he can meet Eofar, and also observe the temple above.

It is already obvious to see the temple here. As far as the current situation is concerned, the whole temple is completely different from what it was seen before. It still floats there, and there is no movement. It is really There is no change at all, as if it has not been affected at all.

"The following are all made up of such a protoss no matter what..." Li Huailin looked back at the contaminated area behind him. This situation can only be said that the Protoss is a big heart.

When I was thinking about it, suddenly Xiaomi stopped. Li Huailin is also a glimpse, but I immediately noticed the reason why Xiaomi stopped. Yes, now the position in front of them just floats a figure to block them, and Li Huailin quickly recognizes the identity of the other party, that is, Iofam, who has become a human form.

"The other side." It was obvious that the air was not a place to talk about things. Iofam pointed directly to a small island next to him. Li Huailin certainly saw it and nodded at Iofah. Here, Eopham also turned and headed for the direction of the island, and Li Huailin followed her.

The two came to the island in tandem. The island has no special place in appearance, and there is no difference between the similar islands around it. The area is about the same as a hill. Looking at the Pingdingshan, which is a bit like a crater in the middle, may be the island formed by the submarine volcano.

Followed by Iowam Li Huailin to the south side of the island, here is a forest, not yet landed, Li Huailin has noticed the situation on the island. There are other people on the island besides Ioofam, and they are also very recognizable. Yes, the children of the half-dragons who are waiting for Eofam now should be the ones in the submarine city. Now Iowam received life on the sea.

Obviously, these guys should not plan to settle here. Li Huailin didn’t see buildings like houses in the neighborhood. I thought that Iofar’s bringing them up might have been just to attack the Protoss. The combat power is used only because the Protoss is not very cooperative.

"I have been waiting for you to appear." When Li Huailin landed, Iofam here also said, "Your transmission skills, can't you send it directly to me?"

"Oh, this skill needs to be marked before it can be used. It was marked elsewhere." Li Huailin explained it casually. Of course, after Iofam’s reminder, Li Huailin also made a decision on Iofam’s body. Marking, it is much more convenient to come over to the border of the gods. Regarding the skills, Li Huailin did not want to say too much, and went directly to the theme: "How is the situation now, the Protoss has not been moving?"

"Yeah." Iofam frowned and said, "So far... there is no movement."

"Did they have already sent someone to see it before?" Li Huailin asked.

"You said that we just sent Baiaji? Yes, they did send people, and they were killed by Bai Yaki, but I didn't pay attention to it. Crack the spell. Originally thought that Biyaji had already started to the Protoss, then the Protoss should deal with it, but I did not expect that several servants were dead, and the Protoss did not react to it now." Orfham said, "This is a bit abnormal, so I doubt if the Protoss has any plans."

"I heard this from Corranthus. Do you think that the Protoss is prepared to let Beyaki pollute the elemental creatures and then attack the main plane, and wait until the crisis of the main plane to stand up and be their savior? Li Huailin nodded.

"Yeah." Iofam nodded. "It is said that the old people who were persecuted by the Protoss have joined together to prepare for the vengeance of the Protoss..."

"Who did you listen to?" Li Huailin suddenly asked.

"Well?" Iofarm was a little sloppy, and then it was a little bit paused. "This... It seems that I am not very clear about it, but I don't know why it feels like someone has said it."

"Hey, this is OK?" Li Huailin is also a glimpse of the words, this can not be a version of the upgrade after the forced creation of a plot for everyone to accept it, you are not a bit too much.

"In short, until now, the Protoss has no action. It is a bit suspicious. I really don't want to understand it..." Iofam said.

"Yes." Li Huailin nodded. "The recent actions of the Protoss are really strange. The pollution in this place is already so serious. The Protoss still don't want to manage it. Although in theory, the Protoss are most worried now. The collapse factor plan, but now if you let Beyaki be polluted, the whole world will fall into a crisis... If you let Benjamin continue to pollute the creatures, or directly pollute the creatures, the Protoss will also become less ...Do they really care?"

"Crash factor plan? What is that?" Iofar asked strangely. She also heard Li Huailin’s self-talking words, said the Protoss’ most worried plan, and of course wondered what it was.

"This... wait and say." Li Huailin replied casually.

"Hmmm?" Iofarm frowned slightly. She now wants to know very much. Li Huailin obviously wants to escape this problem. What is she wanting to say? Li Huailin suddenly spoke again.

"You said that you can use the protoss to return to the temple to reverse the way to enter the temple?" Li Huailin asked.

"It should be possible, the origin of the spell is the same, so if you understand the ability, you should be able to make a counter-push," Eofarm replied.

"So if I take you to the temple directly?" Li Huailin asked, "Can you directly introduce the method of invading the temple?"

"Can you take me to the temple?" Iofam asked in surprise. 8

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