All Things Wrong

Chapter 2484: war

"It is estimated that your next problem is to force the Protoss out. The fastest update." Li Huailin said to the guy who was a little bit stunned. "This... Of course it is not an easy task. If the other party is killed." If it doesn't happen, then it really hurts. But there are some things we can still do."

"Your Majesty, what?" Yazawa asked immediately.

"Of course it is provocation, taunts understand?" Li Huailin said, "I don't know under what circumstances the Protoss will leave the temple, but there are still ways to make them anxious."

"Is... the power of faith?" Rachel said suddenly.

"Md is finally someone to keep up with my rhythm." Li Huailin said, "Yes, yes, I said before that the only function that the Protoss now keeps you is to provide them with a source of energy, that is, the power of faith, so If this source of energy is now cut off, the Protoss will undoubtedly be provoked."

Everyone has nodded, and probably understands why Li Huailin is looking for them. Yes, the population under the control of the six major countries accounts for more than 80% of the entire continent. Therefore, if these six major countries have the plan of severing the energy source of the Protoss, they are sure to pass them.

“That is to say, the activity of prohibiting God in the country?” said Ma Weien, the emperor’s emperor next to him. “This way... no, it will be seriously rebounded.”

"You are also saying." Li Huailin smiled. Yes, at this time, Li Huailin really can't guarantee the situation. According to St. Dickenka, the devotees of the temple will support it, so it is said that the dismantling will be completed. Of course, it's not that simple, because he doesn't know when the Protoss will officially be hostile to him. After the hostility, the feelings will not be chaotic, so it is impossible to guarantee that it will be removed.

"But we don't have an excuse right now." Li Huailin paused and said with a smile.

"A good excuse?" Of course, everyone does not understand what Li Huailin said.

"War!" Li Huailin lifted the amount. "No matter what is destroyed during the war, it is a very normal thing. So if there is a war, then there is no way for the people to disagree."

"Do you mean that we are now fighting the war and then taking the opportunity to dismantle those temples?" said the great leader Penelope, "What war?"

"What war can be..." Li Huailin directly looked at Rachel.

"Hey?" Rachel was a glimpse first, then suddenly reacted. "Right, the Protoss now say that we want to destroy our elves, so it is indeed a war."

When Rachel’s words were finished, all the people suddenly realized that the gods had come down. Of course, the people knew about it, so it was too normal to launch a war against the elves.

"Right right, this is right." Li Huailin said, "Then, of course, the elves can't wait to die like this, so of course they will launch a counterattack. But after all, it is against the coalition, the elf queen thinks positive. The fight is definitely not beaten, so I used a rather strange tactic... called a home change."

"This is the case." Li Huailin said that of course, Rachel also understood, "So let us go to the elves to demolish their temples, and then let us tear down our temples... so this is indeed ... After all, it is a temple that the enemy has demolished, even if the people can’t say anything... but..."

"But in this way, the elves are too weak. One family faces five military forces. Even if they change their homes, they change too much." Li Huailin immediately said, "So you should look for allies at this time. This is not Is there a ready-made ally?"

While talking, Li Huailin looked at the side of the undead Yaze.

"I?" Yazawa was a glimpse, then suddenly understood. "Right, I didn't receive the gods."

Of course, other people immediately understand that the undead people have no **** of faith. Of course, it is impossible to receive the gods, and there are not many temples in the territory, and there is almost no need to dismantle them. (By the way, it doesn't mean that the undead people have no faith at all, or there are a few undead beliefs, such as the demon god, which belong to foreign beliefs.)

"Yeah, you can help to remove the temple everywhere." Li Huailin said directly. "In short, on the surface, the elves and the undead are allied against the Terran and Orc forces. The forces on both sides are similar. Five open, anyway, you will kill less, and you will be able to dismantle the temple. The average person will certainly not understand what you are doing, so that God will completely dismantle the temple without knowing it, right."

Yes, Li Huailin said yes, the average civilian heard that there are enemies still not rushing to escape, is it really left on the battlefield waiting for others to kill? That person has run out. You have dismantled the temple. Who knows what your purpose is, of course, no one can find it. In this way, as Li Huailin said, it is possible to dismantle the temple without knowing it, but the problem is...

Li Huailin’s plan sounded like a good idea, but everyone except Yazawa was immersed in contemplation. Obviously, this program will suffer huge losses in addition to the undead family of the temple. After all, it’s a bit too fake for you to split the temple. It’s more or less the meaning of the split. Of course, what is the second thing in architecture? If you really implement this plan, it means that you have to put the troops that may be enemies into your own city. What will happen, they will not dare to think about it.

After all, it is the six major countries that cannot fully trust each other. They don't know what will happen to the other's troops when they open their own homes. Will you kill innocent people? Will it destroy their important buildings (such as digging their graves)? Will you take the opportunity to empty their treasury? This is all bad, so of course you can't be assured.

Although everyone did not say it, Li Huailin certainly knew the thoughts of these people. They were too scrupulous about what was obvious. Looking at the six people present, Li Huailin said directly: "I said before, we have a common goal now, that is, the Protoss right."

"Yes, Your Majesty." The six people here answered at the same time.

"The current war has already reached the time of the Great Gods. Everyone is involved and can't escape. After the end of this war, there will definitely be a huge reshuffle of the situation on the whole continent. Yours Can't you broaden your horizons? Think about it. If we beat the Protoss, what kind of world will be waiting for us, compared with that world, is this worry now?" Li Huailin said.

"This..." Everyone is still a little hesitant.

"Hey, your eyes are too short." Li Huailin helped the amount. "Forget it, look at me. If the Protoss are killed by us, then who is the boss of the world?"

Everyone looked at Li Huailin. Although no one answered, it seems that the answer is still obvious.

"I am right," Li Huailin said. "So I am going to do the insurance for this action? You are doing what I said, who is going to come up with some tricks, I will help you find him. it's OK?"

On the contrary, it makes everyone feel at ease. If Li Huailin is insured, he will be relieved.

"I am really..." Li Huailin helped the amount, "I have done it. In short, I am going to follow this plan first, is it OK?"

"Yes, the mainland emperor sire." Li Huailin said so, of course everyone nodded.

"However, if the Protoss really found it..." The result was just answered, and Ma Weien asked here.

"I don't want to let the Protoss find it." Li Huailin said, "If the other party is willing to move, it is best. Anyway, you will follow the original rhetoric. You are attacked by the elves to see how they answer."

Yes, Li Huailin didn’t actually say anything to these people. He still has a part to do this. He really wants to see what the Protoss is doing. Now I don’t know what the Protoss are doing. I really want to let the Protoss move a little to let him see the situation clearly.

"Your Majesty, if the Protoss are really forced to come to us except the Divine, do you really have a way to deal with them?" asked Penello here.

"The battle thing, you can't control it." Li Huailin said, "The protoss are much stronger than you, and the army and the like are not used at all. So this is the problem I considered. If I lose, can find a way."


"If there is no problem, just go and implement it." Li Huailin said again.

Of course, no one now has a better way than Li Huailin. Now they are in a state of chaos, and they can’t think of anything. They can only come first according to what Li Huailin said.

Seeing a few people nod, Li Huailin also directly transferred several people except the temple, but left a person alone.

"Anthony." The man left by Li Huailin is Anthony. He also went directly to the other side and asked, "What happened to you, from the beginning, it has always been a bit of a sense of ignorance."

It is true that Li Huailin also noticed that several people have expressed doubts about Li Huailin’s plan. Only Anthony has never said anything. He also returned to God when he was listening to the plan. Others seem to be in a state of sleepwalking. Normally, Li Huailin left him alone to ask about the situation.

"I... I don't know why I feel like I have been to this place." Anthony thought about it and suddenly said.

“Hey?” Li Huailin squatted.

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