All Things Wrong

Chapter 2487: Continental war

On this day, there was a huge storm on the Big Six. But to be honest, this storm has been expected by everyone, because the Protoss has already lowered the gods. Of course, when the Protoss descended the gods, many people were present, after a pass of ten, 100. Everyone knows this news, so everyone is ready for this.

The war started, and it was true that the Terran Empire immediately announced the war against the Elves. The reason is not to mention the call of the gods. Originally, the Terran Empire and the Elf Empire were allies of the same camp. Now they are suddenly fighting. It is true that the people are a bit embarrassed, but after all, it is the command of God. It seems that there is nothing strange.

However, the follow-up exhibition is a bit strange. The second declaration of war after the ancestors declared war is the dwarf. This is actually not very strange. After all, what is the situation of the dwarves? In fact, most of the people who eat me still know. Now the Terran of the Patriarchate has declared war, and the dwarves who are affiliated countries must of course follow suit.

But after the dwarves declared war, the very fast elves also expressed their attitude. The first elves said that they did not have any fault at all. They did not know what they had committed, they were accused of being inexplicable, and they were also annihilated. They were certainly unacceptable. Moreover, the gods they believe in have not lowered this kind of god. The gods who are descending from the gods are not the gods they believe in, so why should they listen, so the elves finally show that they absolutely do not accept this result, and The declaration of the Terran was disappointing, and the Terran and Dwarfs were declared the first time.

This situation seems to have become a civil war between the bright camps, but everyone knows that people in the dark camp will not just watch. Sure enough, shortly after the Elf’s statement, the dark camp also expressed its position. This time it was the Orc side, and the Orc chose to fight the Elves.

However, most people can understand the selection of the Orcs. After all, the war between the Orcs and the Elves has just ended. The last war was the end of the Orcs’ final summation, and the Elves were occupied by the Orcs’ summation. There are many territories of the Orcs, this dark loss, the Orc must be remembered. In the case of the protoss of the Protoss, the Orc has a card at this time and chooses to find the elves. This seems that everyone can accept this setting, even if it is not incomprehensible to cooperate with the light. .

What they didn't expect was the situation of the undead afterwards, because after the orc announced that they had started the war with the elves, the undead also expressed their own statements, and what everyone did not expect was that the undead people chose to help the elves. Yes, the behavior of the undead is still very strange. After all, there is a premise of the gods. Because the elves are the parties, you can’t listen to them, and the undead do not dare to respect the gods?

But people have done this, and not only do it themselves, but also the devils. The devils are the dependents of the undead. After the undead announced the support of the elves, they of course announced the same order immediately, but unlike the undead, everyone knows that the undead has no special beliefs. Yes, but the Mozu have, they are of course the gods of the Protoss, and they are clear against the meaning of the Protoss, this practice is even more serious.

The order has just announced that the entire Mozu is in chaos. The people have expressed how they can follow the undead people. Isn’t it true that the gods are angry? The current emperor Ma Weien of the Mozu is coming out to appease the people. Ma Weien said a lot of things to the people. However, although he did not say it clearly, his meaning is probably understood by the people. The main thing is "I can't help, I am just a beggar, I can't do the Lord."

Ma Weien’s meaning of the people probably also understood, but in their opinion, is this not a dead act? Can the gods of the Protoss be violated? Are you not on the road to death? So the Mozu side was a little confused. The inside of the Mozu had a lot of rebel troops against the rule of the undead. At this time, these rebel forces saw a good time and jumped out.

However, these rebel forces have not yet made any changes to the overall situation. The royal family of the Mozu has already announced which side to join, and of course the official declaration is the standard. Therefore, after the Mozu announced their intentions, the six major countries have already announced their participation in the battle. The entire Big 6 has entered a comprehensive war mode, and the Big 6 war has exploded.

This war, when it started, made people feel a little panic. At first everyone thought that since the gods came, of course, the whole big 6 all deal with the elves, so the war should be a one-sided model, and it will end soon. But soon they are not the case at all. The current camp opposition is still the 3v3 model. It’s a bit of a calculation. The strength of the camps on both sides seems to be similar. This war has been played.

For the people, of course, the most feared is the continuous war, so it seems that this war will last for a long time, and everyone’s heart is a word. But they seem to have no choice. Who is the person who provoked this war? Is the Protoss, can they find the Protoss to reason? Obviously it won't work.

Of course, they can't do anything. They have to say that there is still something they are dissatisfied with. It is the situation of the Mozu, because only the Mozu side is a completely contradictory protoss, and the Mozu people are there. Of course, it is dissatisfied, and other people think that the Mozu should not listen to the undead at this time, and should stand on the opposite side of the elves.

So who can change the position of the Mozu in addition to the Undead? Of course, there is, that is the big 6zheng house. Yes, now the people on the big 6 know the existence of the big 6zheng house. In theory, it is now a big 6 out of the big thing. Is it supposed that it should be slightly out of mediation? This is not something you should manage.

However, they have not waited until the opening of the big 6zheng government, and the war has already begun. Yes, the troops of the original countries have already begun to assemble because the Protoss had ordered the annihilation of the old ones. They are all prepared troops. Now, with the new orders, they can certainly act at any time.

The first news came that the two races of the Terran and the Orcs attacked the Elves at the same time. The two were originally bordered by the Elves, and the troops were of course very fast. There is nothing unexpected about watching the Orc attacking the Elf, but the Terran troops actually choose to attack and people can't understand it. After all, now the undead people are not fighting with you. According to the conservative plan, we should not observe the movements of the undead. Well, but the Terran actually chose to take the initiative to attack the Elf, this is a dangerous move.

Of course, the meaning conveyed is obviously that the Terran is ready to fight, and it is easy to eliminate the Elves with the strength of the Orcs. This is true. Although the people feel that this is a little dangerous, they can’t interfere with the strategic deployment. .

But the result was very unexpected to everyone. Unexpectedly, the Terran and Orc forces actually drove straight into the land of the Elves, as if they had not received any effective resistance. The two ethnic groups continuously captured many cities of the Elves. Although they were not very clear on the front line, they knew that the battle did not last long.

Just as they were still admiring the strategy of the emperor's battle, many people raised a question, that is... Where did the main force of the elves go? Their doubts were quickly answered. A few days later, the elves' troops suddenly appeared in the human race, and they were still in the hinterland. This made everyone panic.

No one knows how the elves’ troops appeared here. There are so many cities and sentries between the Terran and the Elves. In theory, the Elves are unlikely to appear so silently. But people... It’s just like this. No one knows what is going on. The only thing I know is that this is going to happen.

Sure enough, the elves' troops immediately began to attack the Terran city, and the Terran side had no resistance at all. There was no army at all. The Terran troops went all over the Elf, and everyone knows this. Seeing this situation, everyone understands that the original Elf chose the strategy of attacking the Terran to force the Terran to retreat, but this is also a bit too dangerous.

Both sides seem to be a little radical strategy, but it is a bit strange, but it is still in the imagination of everyone. Until now, no one has felt strange. This is the effect that Li Huailin wants. Well.

On the other hand, the undead's troops are even more exaggerated. They are directly divided into two units. They attack the dwarves from the west all the way. It seems that they are preparing to attack the Terran through the Dwarf Kingdom, while the other side is attacking the Orcs to the north. Of course, the Mozu is in the north of the Undead, so in theory it is prepared to meet with the Mozu's forces.

Of course, the dwarves are resistant, but the resistance is weak. Of course, everyone actually understands that there are not many regular troops on the dwarves. On the other side of the Mozu, the undead people were really dragged, and the news seemed to be that the rebels had attacked the incoming undead forces. 8

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