All Things Wrong

Chapter 2492: reinforce

It’s really a little bit of a walk. Li Huailin really regrets working with this group of people, because it’s a waste of time. The fastest update is because there are people around me, and Li Huailin doesn't want to reveal his identity, so basically he is not going to do it. The wild monsters along the way are very troublesome.

To know that the level of the wild monster here is 100+, and the level of the players is more than 80 levels, so the scope of the field exploration is very large, and the player can be found in the distance, so they want to touch the mountain. Particularly special difficulties.

If some melee monsters are better, after all, it is okay for a hunter to take the blame away. However, some remote monsters are really troublesome. The attack distance of people is almost the same as that of archery. Therefore, if the hunter shoots an arrow, it may be seconds to turn it back. After all, the level difference is a bit large, so when encountering remote monsters, only Can everyone go up and fight.

Of course, Li Huailin also went up to fight, but the performance was more restrained. Anyway, there was no team. Everyone could not see that Li Huailin was playing a fierce battle. Li Huailin’s casual flat cut was a good output. Of course, the opposite priest will still add blood to himself. Originally, because Li Huailin’s attributes are so high, the defense is also very high. In fact, the wild monster is not hurting Li Huailin, and there is no problem with the pastor helping to increase blood. Of course, the pastor can't really see Li Huailin's actual blood volume. Anyway, Li Huailin didn't call for help.

Now the problem is bigger, it is still a matter of time. It is really a bit late for Li Huailin. Of course, this was calculated according to his own time going up the mountain. Now, it’s really slow to team up with this group of people. It’s not only troublesome to encounter wild monsters, but also to pull, sometimes encounter situations that have to be circumvented, for example, encountering more than two wild Blame, can't pull, can't move (they can't seem to beat), can only walk around, so it has increased the time of going up the mountain.

At first glance, this situation is not quite right, but Li Huailin can’t just leave it now. Now even if they kill the people directly, they will pass the news of their resurrection in the main city. After all, you kill. The system here will directly prompt you who was killed, and the name is displayed.

Li Huailin has a headache, so it’s too late. I knew that if this happened, I would rather bring a guy who can play, so that going up the mountain is faster. However, I think that Li Huailin is a little bit stunned here. Yes, the guy who can play is not very late.

I thought that Li Huailin immediately started to contact people. It was just that the wind and the two people were still waiting for news in their own ducal house. Li Huailin immediately contacted the two. Speaking a little with the two, Li Huailin continued on his way and headed for the top of the mountain.

Waiting for a while, Li Huailin’s team appeared in front of it and it’s been strange. This time it’s a troublesome remote monster. The remote blame here is mainly some undead wizards who seem particularly strange. In theory, the undead masters of the undead are important forces, but the undead masters here do not seem to be with the masters of the main city. Li Huailin does not know. There are any plots about the undead people here. Anyway, these gangs of undead are the attributes of wild monsters. Could it be similar to the setting of the rebels?

A single Necromancer is better solved, after all, it is crisp. Li Huailin did not use the root attack, but used the weapon to swallow. After all, a wizard is too exaggerated, and now Li Huailin does not want to be so swaying. According to the previous situation, Li Huailin was prepared to cut directly, but the nearby Prashang noticed a problem.

"This undead wizard seems to be different. It seems to be a bit more advanced than those I have encountered before. It is not an elite." Prashang said.

"It's a bit like." The priest fluff next to him also said, yes, Li Huailin hasn't noticed yet, but take a closer look at this necromancer who is slightly dressed up and slightly different from the ordinary monsters he encountered before. Humanoids don't have their own names. Generally speaking, they are not bosses. This is definitely not a boss, but because of a little change, it may be that the elite blame may not be.

The 100+ elite is really a bit difficult to deal with. After all, the 100+ ordinary blame can also cause the 80-level players to have a headache for a while. If it is not for Li Huailin’s silent output, it is estimated that this team can’t be so simple. I saw that this elite wizard is a bit embarrassing.

"Or do you still want to get around," said the hunter Makur next to him.

"But it’s too late to get around now." Prashang looked at the time and said, yes, of course they also want to do this task, so of course pay attention to time. After calculating them, I really felt that it was too late, so I was very anxious. "If you don't have time to pick up the task, it will be meaningless to come here, so you can only gamble, try killing directly."

This is not a problem. They came here to pick up the task. Of course, the task is the highest priority. If you can't get it, it doesn't matter if you are not killed. So I thought that a few people here nodded, and it seems that they can only be **** the scalp.

Of course, Li Huailin was at the forefront, but Li Huailin was just about to rush out, and the opposite necromancer first discovered Li Huailin. The scope of the exploration of the elite is definitely bigger than the ordinary, so it is not very strange to be discovered first.

Just what they didn't expect was that this elite monster actually launched the magic of the group attack. It is different from the ordinary monster that commanded the single attack. This elite will not only have the soul of the spell, but also the group damage. Soul Blasting Skills, due to the discovery of Li Huailin, the Master has a first-hand skill and is now in the crowd.

"Well!" Everyone was shocked, because the damage of this Necromancer is a bit high. Of course, the second kill is really no second. The attack of group skills is weaker than the single, which is common sense, so they all passed. But the problem is obviously not able to stand the second attack.

At this time, Li Huailin would consider whether or not to let these guys be blamed, but if the guys die, and then they will reach the top of the mountain safely, it will be a bad thing. I was thinking about it. Suddenly, a wave of waves crossed the sky, and Li Huailin felt a strong wind in front. When the reaction came, the necromancer in front suddenly intercepted the whole person. Looking further to the side, the black tree next to it does not know what the name of the big tree is also cut off by the waist, and the rows are falling down.

This sudden change is of course to make everyone stunned. The elite wizard in front is actually killed in a flash. What is the situation? When everyone was forced, there was a voice in the sky: "Several, okay?"

Of course, everyone looked up and looked at the net immediately. As a result, they saw a guy floating in the air on top of their heads. Look at each other's dress is definitely a mage, and the name is displayed on the head, that is, an np. Players basically know that the np that can fly directly is the holy np, which is definitely a bug-level character. Generally speaking, they can't see it. I didn't expect it to appear one now.

Of course, if you think about it, they are not very strange. After all, this time, the task assigned by the Protoss is to call the elite, not to mention the player's speciality, so it is very possible that the powerful np is here. It has already been discussed at the time of discussion in the forum. This holy level np in the sky should also come to participate in the collection of the Protoss, but the question is... Why is this np going to help them?

From the green name can see this np and they are a camp np, but the problem is that although np is the same camp, but it will not necessarily help the player, unless you and np feel very high, of course, people Will also help you. But the np guys in front of me are definitely the first time to meet, no reason to shoot.

Just thinking about it, the sky np has slowly fallen, of course, everyone is a little nervous, this np they must be beaten, so the other side in case of any attempt is really troublesome. Everyone is watching him cautiously without knowing the purpose of the other person.

"Yeah." Np here looked at a few people, especially Li Huailin, but did not do anything special, just said: "You are responding to the gods of the Protoss, strength... worse But it is also a matter of heart, let me go with you."

"Hey?" Everyone is a glimpse. Listening to this np means escorting them up? Is this OK? Is there such a good thing? Although it is indeed a good thing, but things happen a little suddenly, they feel a bit strange, why the np want to **** them. But if you think about what Np said, is this np very pious to the Protoss, so seeing that they are also responding to the call of the Protoss, so help them?

Only Li Huailin knows what happened at the scene. The reason is very simple. Is this np what he is looking for? The name of this np is called Wozmont, yes, the holy master who helped Li Huailin to make a statue. Li Huailin contacted the wind and let the people come over there. It was him who was on duty.

Was it happy to hear that Li Huailin summoned his own Wozmont? He really didn't want to go to the statue anymore, so he was happy to come. He just used such a big magic to show his strength in front of Li Huailin, otherwise he would kill an elite according to his magical operation. No need to be so troublesome. Of course, he also remembers what Li Huailin had said, that is, pretending not to know Li Huailin, although he does not know why, but he certainly does not dare to disobey.

Although it feels a bit strange, but after all, it is a good thing to think about it, and now the time is really not enough. Several team members discussed it and decided to follow the np up the mountain. (To be continued.)

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