All Things Wrong

Chapter 2500: Main castle

Don't look at Li Huailin's so cool, actually, it is not an easy task to fly with Digas. Li Huailin will not fly in the first place, let alone fly with an np, so it is now possible to achieve this situation because of the special skills.

After returning to Li Huailin and returning to the city with Li Hualin, Li Huailin certainly did not have time to rest. He immediately ran to the transfer point next to the main city of Big 6 and then ran to the transfer point of the main city. In the military zone, the octopus's transmission base was found in the military zone, and it was transmitted to the octopus's headquarters through the transfer point, and then transmitted to the octopus transfer point in the main city of the Undead by the transfer point of the octopus headquarters.

Yes, although the main city of the Undead has been martial law, it cannot be entered, but the octopus is not the undead. They do not have to obey the orders of the undead to close the transmission array. And even if there are orders, they certainly give priority to Li Huailin’s orders, so it is very simple to enter the city.

But now Li Huailin has no great use in entering the city. After all, he is a Terran player. This undead is still in a hostile camp. Now he is still in the war. If you encounter a soldier, you must catch him everywhere. And where is the **** now? How does Li Huailin know? Such a big city, where you let Li Huailin go to find this person, the other party does not know what it looks like, so what Li Huailin has to do now is to wait for the rabbit. So why is he looking for the Emperor of the Undead to wait for God?

Of course, now you say that you can directly kill the city and then use the Excalibur to convince the Emperor of the Undead to do it, but this is too much, and you can expose yourself casually. Li Huailin does not want to tell the news to God. what. So the best way is to find the undead emperor directly through Digas.

To go back to Digas, Li Huailin set a mark directly in the main city of the undead. Of course, the mark here refers to the mark of the **** skills. After that, Li Huailin was sent back to the side of Digas, and the mark on him had not been cancelled. He had to go back at any time.

Of course, just returning to Li Huailin, Dugas has already been forced to a dead end. Think about this Digas is really weak enough. He can't hold him for a while, and it will almost be a bad thing.

Of course, it’s impossible to pull Digas directly. Because the skills of God’s skills have not been said to bring people. During the skill movement, Li Huailin can hardly see anything. It is estimated that the hands of Digas will fly. He can't keep up. The method underneath is two. One is to put Digas in the front. Of course, this Li Hualin has already tried it. The last experimental object has not been left after the station has been hit. Another method is that Li Huailin uses it now. The jewelry is directly sucked by the gravitational stone. Because the effect of the jewelry is closer to the attraction, the stronger the attraction, the two people directly **** it and it is really strong. So Li Huailin can fly directly with Digas.

The degree of magical skills is of course very amazing. Before Li Huailin tried to try on almost the entire 6th, it only took ten minutes, not to mention that they are not far from the straight line of the main city of the undead. Not long after, a huge explosion suddenly appeared in the military area of ​​the main city of the undead. The huge impact destroyed the entire military hall almost completely, and all the surrounding buildings received various degrees of damage.

Of course, the buildings have been smashed, and people must be more alive. Because there is no warning at all, the undead soldiers in the military hall did not expect to suddenly explode. Although there was no real explosion, the shock wave was enough to kill them all and was shot. The power of the building debris is similar to that of a shotgun. Of course, the entire military area is a mess.

"Oh... the impact is still so strong." At the center of the explosion, Li Huailin has stood up. Of course he is fine. This has already been tried. When the power of the gods is turned on, it is completely problematic when you hit something, and you will not suffer any harm. Of course, this passive protection is limited to himself. I immediately looked at the Degas behind him. Fortunately, the position of Digas is just in the blind spot at the center of the explosion shock wave, and it is firmly fixed by myself. I didn't fly out on my back, so it looks like... It seems that nothing has happened.

"This has smashed the octopus's transmission array." Li Huailin looked around and set the mark just next to the transmission array. Now the entire conveyor has disappeared, and no fragments are seen. stay. Of course, the octopus delivery staff next to the value does not know how many pieces have been broken, so it seems that they are temporarily unable to use the transmission to enter the city. But the good news is that I have already come in and have no plans to go out.

Slightly called Digas, now this guy has already passed out. Really, Li Huailin is the first time to see the undead people who have passed out. I don’t know what kind of tragedy this guy has experienced behind him. Anyway, I can’t feel it. After all, I basically see everything after I start the skills. Unclear, all kinds of dazzling situations, but according to Li Huailin's conjecture... probably like the roller coaster.

I took two photos of Digas a little, and the other person actually didn't react. This faint is really thorough. Li Huailin can only wait a little. The result was just waiting for a while, and Degas hadn't woken up yet, and they were directly surrounded by a group of undead soldiers.

Yes, the main city of the undead is now in a state of martial law. Therefore, the soldiers have all been in a state of urgency. Now the military hall has such a big event. The first reaction of all people is that they have been attacked. Of course, soldiers will come over to see the situation immediately.

Of course, when they arrived, they saw a messy military hall, and at the same time there was a main city wall that had been worn by a hole. Everyone was shocked. Didn't expect such a solid wall to be penetrated? This even the magic crystal cannon can not do a blow, what is the taboo weapon used by the other party? What surprised them even more was that when they started searching the scene, they found two people at the center of the explosion. What is the situation?

The sound of the shackles of countless weapons was that after the initial blasphemy, the undead soldiers who had returned to God of course had pulled out their weapons and directed them to Li Huailin. Although it is completely unclear who these two guys are, so come in here, but this is 100% problematic, one of them is human, has never seen it, the possibility of being an enemy is too great.

“Calm, calm.” Li Huailin immediately said, “Can you wait a little longer? Wait for this guy to wake up and believe that I can explain it all.”

"..." All the soldiers looked at Li Huailin and did not speak. It seems that no one cares what Li Huailin said.

"Coughing cough..." Li Huailin helped the amount, and then directly facing Digas, who was still lying on the ground, was a foot. "You tnd is getting up, how long do you really want me to wait?"

Don't say that this foot is really useful. The Digas on the ground was shocked and really woke up. But the first thing that went back to God, Digas quickly squatted to the side, squatting with one hand and then retching, as if he could vomit something. But I don't know if it is because this guy is a relationship with the undead. There is nothing to vomit for a long time.

"So finished? You should first look at the current situation." Li Huailin pointed out around.

"You guy... oh... wicked... you..." Digas almost couldn’t say anything clearly, his mind was in chaos, his body was uncontrollable, and it felt like he was falling apart. Really, no matter who Li Huailin is, he has to marry her mother.

"This... Captain, what should I do?" Seeing this situation, even the undead soldiers who surrounded them did not know what the two planes were doing. Is this a drama? So I turned to the captain on the side.

"Get it first!" The captain is also confused, but still calmly ordered.

"Hey? Wait, are you Captain Lotris?" But at this time, Digas returned a little back to God and looked at the undead soldiers next to him, as if he realized that he had already Go back to the main city. Yes, it’s just that Degas has lost consciousness. I haven’t reacted to my position now. I know that I saw the city wall next to it and the more familiar captain. He realized that it seems to be inside the main city.

"Hey... Digas?" The captain, known as Lotris, recognized the Digas on the ground a little bit, but now Degas is like how miserable it is. Almost all of them are almost naked, and the armor of the clothes and the like are all disintegrated on the road. The digas, which has no head, is now unplugged. This can be recognized very well, because it is really different. More, Lotris also confirmed it again, "Are you Degas?"

"It's me." Digas reluctantly stood up and stood up, but did not pay attention to his own situation. He was very dedicated and immediately thought of his mission: "Yes, Your Majesty, I want to see you above." Your Majesty has important information."

"Is it?" Lottry nodded. Of course he also knew the department to which Digas belonged. Since it was confirmed to be Digas, of course he nodded, but he also pointed to Li Huailin next to him. "He is Who?"

"He?" Digas looked at Li Huailin next to him, saying that Degas himself couldn't figure out what to do, but after thinking about it, he said, "He will go with me to see him."

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