All Things Wrong

Chapter 2517: process

Yes, Li Huailin really does not understand what the Protoss is doing. According to this god, Wendette, there is now a rebellion inside the Protoss, that is, the natural female sacred Lojom is looking for The troubles of the Protoss. This matter Li Huailin had already speculated before, but I did not expect that it seems that it is still not easy to understand that the Protoss want to solve this problem.

In theory, this matter is not very easy to settle? After all, the king of God has the highest authority, and then directly accept the managerial authority of the St. Lojom guys? Is the problem solved? But don't you start to do it now? Can't you do this? Is it possible that the owner of the temple will have to pay a little price if the manager’s authority is withdrawn?

It is very likely that it is related to the value of the belief. After all, the **** to be recovered has a high belief. Perhaps the owner of the temple will pay a corresponding price when it is recovered. For example, Li Hualin Although I tested this before, but after all, my wife’s belief value was 0, so I didn’t deduct it. It might be different when I came to the king.

If this is the case, the king of God may choose not to take back the authority in order to prevent his own loss of power, and then let himself deal with this group of people under another wave? But what is the matter of the closure of the gods that God said? Is it because the king of God decided to deal with the internal affairs first, so the temple was closed for the time being?

It’s certainly a very lacking practice for the outside world, and Li Huailin feels that the person who can close the entire temple is definitely the king of God, but is it really necessary to close the entire temple? What is this for? Is it to prevent the St. Rojom’s guys from escaping directly from the temple?

Really, Li Huailin doesn't quite understand how the King of God is thinking about it. According to Li Huailin's thoughts, you have the highest authority. There are many ways to deal with this group of people. But now the result of the king of God is that it seems to be a little uncomfortable, which makes Li Huailin feel a little fake.

Yes, according to Li Huailin's calculations, although the Protoss' internal disturbance may cause vibration to the Protoss, it is just a little shock, and I don't want to rely on this to make the Protoss really hurt. But now the situation is far beyond the expectations of Li Huailin. It sounds like a good thing, but it is because Li Huailin feels that things are not that simple.

"Is it going to show me again?" Li Huailin said, touching his chin. He always felt that the action of the King of God was too strange, and the more strange he was, the more Li Huai Lin felt that there was something he did not know. Although the situation that occurs now can be explained clearly by logic, according to Li Huailin’s thoughts, do not use logic to think about war matters. Otherwise, can anyone who learns logic be a general? Of course not. In the real war, you find that if everything can be logically rationalized, most of them are traps arranged by others, waiting for you to step on it.

Although Li Huailin has been paying careful attention to this matter, to see where there are traps and the like, but until now he really can not understand the purpose of the other side. I always feel that the Protoss here is inexplicably messed up with a whole mess. Is this the first to show weakness and lead to be fooled? But why should the Protoss suddenly show weakness? Obviously, you don't need to do this right. So Li Huailin, who has a lot of things, really doesn't understand.

Of course, when Li Huailin is still thinking about what is going on, here is Wendy’s continuing to tell others about the current situation: “As I just said, the threat is mainly from Above the Vattusen continent, the continent and the situation here are similar. There are also six major countries, but the difference is that these six countries are now controlled by a powerful force."

"What? Six countries have been controlled by one force, isn't that this power has already controlled the entire continent?" Someone immediately asked.

"Yes, this force has completely controlled the entire Watussen continent." God told Wendite, "Not only that, in fact, from the other information we have heard, this power controls more than just one. On the mainland, there is also the mainland of Saskatchewan (the continent of Magnesia), and several countries in the territory of Trionjune (the continent of East Asia) may have been controlled by the other side."

"What?" Everyone was shocked. This situation had to shock everyone. According to what God said, this power is not already controlling the three continents. This is really exaggerated. Their current cognition is still on the whole continent. Everyone feels that it is very difficult to unify the mainland. It is almost impossible, but now I have not thought that other forces have already controlled the three continents. . The most terrible thing is how much time has it passed. Yes, they only received information a few months ago. The lost sea that could not sail before is now available. It can be said that the gap between the continents has just broken. And at this point in time, this power has already controlled the other two continents? Everyone felt shocked when they heard this first time, but after the shock, they felt that this was not possible.

"This is impossible. There is such a powerful force. If this is the case, the other party will not be able to rule the whole world very quickly." Someone has questioned this. Yes, not everyone now believes that Weng is a god. So, so what he said is also likely to be deceiving them. Of course, some people questioned.

"If you let them go on like this, it is really possible to have such a thing." Wendette sneered and said, "And as far as I know, this power should be the enemy of our Protoss, because according to us recently The intelligence of the investigation for a few days, although this force shows that there is no suggestion to the Protoss, but they are also the slogan of destroying the Elves, but in fact they have been using the excuse of war to dismantle the temple of the Protoss. There is no meaning of confrontation. The first time you choose to enter the city of the house is to demolish the temple."

"Some of us have already seen through each other's conspiracy. Obviously they are targeting our Protoss." Wendette continued here. "But I have to say before, we can't contact the world at the moment." So now the situation here may not be known to the gods, they do not know the behavior of this power privately, and we can not report now. You asked why you did not lower the gods, it may be because of this situation... so know After the discussion of the situation, we decided to start with this force first."

"So I started the recruitment of the agent?" asked someone next to him.

"Yes, of course, it is impossible for us to rely on six of us." God said, "So we are ready to gather all the power that can be assembled. We are ready to recruit in all continents, of course, in the control of the Vatuson continent, Sa The Skutra continent and the Terujuan continent have also been recruited. When the people arrive, we will immediately attack this power."

"Yeah." Li Huailin nodded when he heard Wen Wei Te's words. Yes, there is indeed a recruitment point in the Magnesia area. Although there is no such thing in Huaxia District and East Asia, there have been two recruitments. I don’t know where it is now, it’s expressed in riddles. The two recruitment points that don’t know where the location should be are in the Huaxia District and East Asia. It seems that the other side knows that the two continents are their own sites. Therefore, when the recruitment was made, the specific location was not announced, and it was considered to be one of them.

"So I have said that although I have not been instructed by the gods of the gods, the current situation has to be dealt with specially. If the gods of the gods really know the behavior of this power, of course, they will also lower the gods and let everyone come. Dealing with him." Wendette said, "It is now estimated that the agents of other recruitment points have already been recruited, and you idiots are still questioning my identity! Do you know how stupid you are?"

This gentleman said that everyone is embarrassed, because carefully thinking about these things seems to really be able to use the Wengite argument. But if this is said, what Wen said is all true? So this gentleman is really a god? This is not the case...

Really, there are still many people who really believe in the identity of Wen Yute. After all, some things can't be edited even if they are edited. However, they just have already treated Wen Wei as a fake god. Now they are all like this. Now, make sure the other party is true?

"What should I do? Is this guy really true?" Someone has started to talk quietly. Yes, they don't know what to do now, so ask the people next to them.

"You, listen to me." At this moment, Li Huailin suddenly appeared. After hearing that Li Huailin’s people all turned to him, after all, Li Huailin was the first person to question the identity of God. Of course, in their view, Li Huailin is definitely the most worried now. Everyone wants to hear what Li Huailin is going to do. .

"In the current situation, we still can't judge completely. Although the **** said it is very true, there is no means to prove it." Li Huailin said, "So, we still need to verify it ourselves. ”

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