All Things Wrong

Chapter 2530: set

"You choose this thing yourself." Li Huailin said to the Pope Melekden. "I don't know what you mean by asking me this question. You can already think of the consequences of the two choices. What do you want?" So, let me say, 'You go to help the Protoss to deal with us, even if you say the enemy, I will not do anything to you?' I said it at the beginning, this is a problem standing by. You have chosen the station yourself. Anyway, I will tell you, if it becomes my enemy, I must eradicate the entire light church. You can do it yourself."

"Your Majesty, this..." The Meredon Pope is really flustered, but he really doesn't know what to do. Does he want to be opposed to Li Huailin? Of course, I don't want to, but the problem is that the Church of Light is to believe in the God of Light. You can't believe it, then there is a need for their existence in the Light Church, so this makes him deal with it.

"I am too lazy to manage this matter. You choose it yourself. You can choose to tell me." Li Huailin walked directly outside while he was on the side, because he also received a new notice, a remote call, from the call. Jade Emperor here.

"I have already arrived in Brasov City." Summon Jade Emperor replied.

Yes, the situation before Li Huailin and summoned the Jade Emperor, they said it, but now there are still a few days away from the collection of several gods, but the first comers should almost arrive, summon the Jade Emperor, they will be a little faster It has arrived today, and because there are a large number of people on both sides of the sky, and it is directly by boat, it is estimated that it will arrive until this evening.

Put on the cloak, Li Huailin found the summoning jade emperor in the place next to the transmission array, and of course, the gods and the activists. The number of people who tried to summon the Jade Emperor through trials was relatively small, only 200 people. Li Huailin also swept a bit. The quality of the 200 people seems to be very high. Basically, Li Huailin sees np, and the shape of the light knows that it should be a very strong kind of np.

This pile of np walking in the streets of Brasov City certainly attracted the attention of some civilians around, but when Li Huailin arrived, there were still no guards to ask about the situation. And Li Huailin looked at the direction they were walking and knew their destination.

"You are going to the headquarters of the Bright Church now?" Li Huailin asked directly in front of them.

"Who are you?" There is a person who is also wrapped in a cloak. I can't see the age, but the sound is the same as that of Wendy. Although I haven't seen it, Li Huailin basically determines that this guy is The **** of the team made it. Looked at the name, this **** is called Uyers.

"Does God make an adult?" Li Huailin asked directly.

“Hmm?” The other side was obviously alert.

"I am the agent who was recruited by Wendy, and I am here to wait for you." Li Huailin said.

Hearing Wen’s name, the other side relaxed a little vigilant. After all, the other party knew the name of the gods. This is not the case. He also believes that the other party has really met Wendette. He thought about it: “Wen is really sure.” Have you arrived first? So now we should gather right at the Bright Church."

The goal is really the bright church. After all, Wen Qite is the **** of the gods of light. It seems to them that it is very simple to persuade the Guangming Church to join them. Therefore, it is estimated that the good gathering place is just at the headquarters of the Guangming Church. They should also want to see Wen Wente now that they have arrived.

"This is the case, Wenyu special adult has not yet contacted the Guangming Church." Li Huailin said.

"Hey? Why?" Uyers asked strangely.

"There was a little accident in the previous trial mission. Wen Yute’s trial was over-consumed and is now recovering. When the restoration is over, he is in contact with the Guangming Church." Li Huailin replied.

"Ha? There will be an accident in the trial mission?" Uyers smiled. "That guy is really stupid."

Obviously, the relationship between the two seems to be not very good. Although this Uyers does not know which **** is the god, but the **** of the other faith should be at least not much different from the **** of light.

"Wen Wen special adult is recovering in the front of the hotel." Li Huailin pointed to the front and said.

"Okay, lead the way." Uyers nodded here, although he was a little vigilant, but he was not afraid of anything. In his opinion, even if this is the trap of the other side, he is a god, is it still afraid of these people? ?

"You seem to be a good dog's leg." While walking, summoning the Jade Emperor also went to Li Huailin's side and said.

"Md, you are in trouble." Li Huailin helped the amount. "You can't talk over, it's suspicion, and the direct team channel says it's not finished."

"This opportunity is rare, decisively ridiculed a wave." Summon the Jade Emperor said.

"..." Li Huailin didn't have time to play with her, because after a little walk, Li Huailin saw Wendette at the entrance of the hotel. Yes, I didn't expect Wendite to go downstairs. Is it to restore the power in advance? ?

"Wen Weite!" Of course, Uyers also saw this, and directly pointed to Wen Ting's side.

"Uyers? You have arrived," Wendy said.

"Listen to your voice, you don't seem to pick me up," Uyers asked. "I wonder why you are standing here. The result really has nothing to do with me?"

"You said I will pick you up?" Wendy spread his hand. "Tems, they have arrived. I will wait for them, or they will go directly to the Guangming Church."

Li Huailin stood next to him. Of course, Wen Huaite also saw Li Huailin, but he didn’t even bother. Of course, he didn’t doubt anything. After all, it’s no surprise that Li Huailin came back. Li Huailin also heard Wendette’s words. It seems that he is similar to his own guess. His relationship with Uyers is not very good, but he said that this Temes should also be one of the gods. It seems that The relationship with Wendette is not bad, Wen Wei Te is specially to pick him up. It is obvious that this Tees team should be one of the team of agents who don't know the news.

"I heard this, I haven't gotten the people in the light church yet. It is said that there was a little accident during the trial... You are really shameful." Uyers said with a smile.

"You..." It was very uncomfortable for Wendette to be ridiculed, but the other party said it was a fact. After thinking about it, Wen Weite did not refute.

Uyers here seems to be ready to continue to ridicule, but at this time there are several substitutes next to Wendette shouting: "Adult, it seems to be coming."

Everyone of course looked at the other side, and sure enough, a team of people came over to them. What happened at this time was basically the agent's troops, but what made them feel a bit strange is that this unit seems a bit strange.

Yes, Li Huailin also felt it. The opposite agent’s troops looked very strange. Everyone felt the swaying kind, and they didn’t hear the voice of their conversation. They were dead and the whole army revealed a The breath is not like gathering things, it feels like the defeated troops that have just been defeated.

"It seems that something is wrong." Uyers here said immediately, at this time, regardless of the ridicule of Wen Biao.

"Go." Wendette also took it seriously and walked directly toward the team of the agent. When he came closer, he found that the other party seemed to have gone through a big battle. Many people also brought The situation that hurts seems to have been attacked.

"Temis!" Wendette directly found the **** in the same cloak who was leading the front. "What happened? You were attacked?"

"Well... um..." The state of Tes on this side seems a bit bad, and it doesn't go back a little.

Wendette quickly took off the cloak of Temes and looked at the other side. Of course, Li Huailin is also on the side, looking at this Temes, the age and Wen Yute are actually similar, the same is a young class.

"It seems that there is no injury." After reviewing the physical condition of the other party, Wendette said a little strangely, "Temis, Temes, what happened to you? Was it attacked?"

"Wen Weite?" Temes seems to be a little awake. He looks at Wendite in front of him and says, "It seems to have been attacked. I... I don’t remember a bit..."

"What does this mean?" Wen Hao's face was inexplicable. "Who was attacked by who? The power of the people?"

"This... I have a headache... I don't know why? Well... is this Brasov City?" It is obvious that the state of Temes is similar to sleepwalking.

Seeing this situation, Li Huailin remembered something because he seemed to have just seen the same situation. A little bit excited, Li Huailin looked at Temes behind him, followed by him also has a hundred individuals, and all are np, one by one is a look of gray, many people still have injuries.

"Is this great Smith, is it the ambassador of the evangelist on the mainland here?" Li Huailin suddenly asked.

"Oh? Yes." Although I don't know if Li Huailin suddenly asked this question, but after all, he trusted Li Huailin. Of course, Wen Weite replied fluently.

"Sure enough, they?" Li Huailin did not guess correctly. These people were the ones who were attacked by unknown people in the Huaxia District, but... Why are they still able to get here? (To be continued...)

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