All Things Wrong

Chapter 2535: monster

"What?" The people who said that the scene is still alive at the moment are at least a bit level, so most people noticed the things that were drilled in the ground at the first time, but noticed that it was one thing, can you avoid The attack of the other party is another matter. .

A few screams sounded, and it was obvious that several of them could not escape the attack of the other side. It seems that they were hit, and the damage seems to be not small. As for what is attacking them, Li Huailin said that the truth is not clear, because the sun has now completely settled, and the surroundings are slightly dark. Li Huailin looked at the direction of the screams and saw only one outline.

From what I have seen so far, what happened... It’s a bit like a beast. Li Huailin can only see that the other person is on four feet, and then the size is still relatively large, probably bigger than the earth. Like the same size, but the other four feet are obviously more slender. Simply put, this thing is a bit like a jellyfish with four feet on the ground, the feeling of a triangular turtle shell on the top of the body. In addition to this, Li Huailin sees that the other side has a very long tail, like a scorpion. The air is in the air, and there seems to be a figure on the top of the tail, which seems to be the feeling of being pierced.

There are still many strange creatures on the scene. Li Huailin initially estimated that there are at least dozens of them. Although there are not many people present, the fighting power seems to be good, and because of the sudden appearance, they also hit them. One was caught off guard, and the scene began to confuse again.

"Hey...what?" Li Huailin is also a bit embarrassed. He is waiting here for the appearance of the Excalibur holder. It is not waiting for such a thing. These creatures Li Huailin certainly have never seen it. However, this is the game. It is not surprising that there are strange species. What is the problem with a good swordsman?

"Your Majesty, a creature you haven't seen," said a holy level next to him.

"Oh? You have never seen it?" Li Huailin turned and asked, this sacred Li Hualin did not remember what it was called, but since it is a holy class, it must be after various adventures. Li Huailin does not believe in home. Being able to practice can also be practiced at the holy level. Therefore, their life experience must be very rich. Generally speaking, they have never seen anything. It must be a novelty.

"What about you?" Li Huailin turned to a few other holy levels and asked, but everyone shook his head and it seemed to be a very novel thing. Slightly think about it, these things should be more special species, or it may be the gadgets created by the Excalibur holders. After all, this kind of thing that is unreasonable is not likely to attack them. And it is not surprising to say that the Excalibur can summon creatures. Can Li Huailin himself use the light to summon the undead? In addition to the previous report, it is not said that the scene of the attack has found traces of similar beasts, and there are cases where the horses are eaten, so it is very likely that these things are done.

"So the Lord still refuses to appear?" Li Huailin nodded, it seems that the other party is really careful, constantly creating chaos, do not know what to do. Is it tempting to attack the gods? But a few gods now look quite safe.

"叮", while Li Huailin was still thinking, the whole venue suddenly became brighter. Li Huailin also turned around and saw that the person who released this large-scale lighting spell was the Pope Mei over there. Lakeden. Although he hasn't decided his position yet, at least the sudden appearance of the gadgets must be enemies. Of course, there is no problem in solving them. Due to the darkness of the scene, the driver's troops were a little confused, and the lighting skills released by Melekden were the scenes that everyone could see clearly.

With the light of this magical illumination, it is all that people can see clearly what is going on. The body type is similar to that observed by Li Huailin, but the other entity is really amazing, because the thing on the upper part of the body seems to be a turtle shell. Now it is not a turtle shell at all, but it is like a beast. body of. But the body of this beast is very unusual, and the other's body is full of strange mushroom-like things.

Look carefully at the body of this beast, but there is no point of anger. The body is completely covered with mushrooms. Even the mushrooms in the eyes and mouth are mushrooms, and the slender limbs and the tail behind him are seen by Li Huailin. It seems that this beast is also completely unsuitable, as if it were stitched up later.

Simply put, what you see now is like a large animal on a plate, then topped with mushrooms, and then inserted with four feet and a tail. It seems that this thing is more like a man-made thing like a synthetic beast, not a natural creature.

"Wow... What is this hunting thing, is everything so heavy tonight?" Li Huailin helped the amount. At this time, the high-energy warning here is not reminded.

It is true that regardless of the strength of this thing, the selling phase is really bad, and the people on the scene can not recognize what it is even if they see the body.

"What is this?" Many people on the scene saw this kind of thing and were very surprised to shout. It is obvious that almost everyone has never seen such a thing. And when they were surprised, the other party immediately launched an attack. The four seemingly slender feet were awkward, and the huge body actually jumped out a dozen meters high. The agility of this gadget and his body shape. It is really not proportional.

"噗", an np is directly pierced by the other's tail, the other's tail seems to be the other's main attack weapon, the attack speed is also very amazing, Li Huailin can not see the other side's attack route.

"Fast counterattack!" Of course, although I was surprised, I couldn't figure out what it was. However, many people at the scene still understood that the situation of this crisis could not be just flustered, so some people immediately launched an attack. Several swordsmen directly smashed the legs that looked slimmer to each other, but Li Huailin saw that there were not many people who could directly cut off the other's legs.

"The hardness is very high." A samurai behind Li Huailin said directly, "It seems unlikely that a shot below the holy level will cut off the other's legs."

Li Huailin also nodded and probably estimated the strength of this thing. That is to say, it is easier to beat them at the holy level. If you cut off a few feet, the other side can't move, but the holy level is more dangerous. .

Of course, most of the people on the scene are not holy. There are so many sacred places. This stuff jumps up and down in the crowd, causing no small damage for a while. But very quickly, this group of people is also aware of the weaknesses of these things.

"Boom", a group of fireballs exploded on the body of a monster, and the other party screamed like a scream, as if it was very painful. Yes, this reflection is of course seen by everyone. The weakness of this gadget seems to be fire. I really thought about it, because the upper part of the monster is covered with mushrooms. Of course, the mushroom is afraid of fire, so it should be restrained.

"Very good, they are afraid of fire, attack with flame magic!" Someone in the crowd immediately shouted, but just after he had just shouted, suddenly there was a light in front, and the next second was a huge explosion. This person was directly overwhelmed by the impact of the explosion.

Yes, everyone sees it. The explosions are the monsters, and the explosions are similar to those of the previous explosions, except that the explosions of these monsters are obviously much more powerful than those of the human body.

Of course, after the explosion, the other party was completely blown up. The rest had only four feet and one tail. It seems that only the upper part will explode, and it belongs to the same way. In theory, they are also killing the monsters, but seeing the pile of monsters left in the scene, everyone's face is covered with a shadow. This is not good, it is high offensive and defensive. Although it is afraid of fire, it will blew itself before it dies. This thing... is really difficult.

Li Huailin also nodded. It seems that the other party is really planning. Just thinking about it, a monster jumped over to Li Huailin. Li Huailin did not mean to shoot. A person directly flew out behind him. In the air, he stopped the monster that was falling. He flew up and kicked the other side to the sky. By the way, it was a sword.

"唰", a sword directly splits the other's body into two, and raises the explosion sound. The other party directly blows up in the air. Of course, Li Huailin is completely fine. Easily defeated the other side of the Juggernaut is also gently landing, and then walked back to Li Huailin's back, this thing is troublesome, but it is too easy for him to be a holy level, it is not even a threat to God.

Li Huailin did not manage this matter at all. Can he still have something to do with so many holy people behind him? What he is paying attention to now is that several gods on the other side make them. After all, they should be the ultimate goal. Li Huailin looks at their situation at any time. And now he sees a few gods as if they are talking about something, from the expression, it seems to be something important.

After thinking about it, Li Huailin decided to lean over to God and he didn't want to hear any important information. (To be continued...)

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