All Things Wrong

Chapter 2540: Second

The attack made by God is indeed unacceptable. Even the wounds on the ship's body indicate that these attacks are at least much stronger than the holy attack, but the problem is that although the attack has effect, the ship has not fallen. . From the snoring of the other party, I can still understand that he not only did not receive fatal injuries, but seemed to be irritated.

"What?" Several gods seemed to be astonished. After all, this was a joint attack by five gods, and the effect of the attack was much smaller than they thought. The damage to the other side is very limited. Among them, Dukeer has the biggest wounds. He has overturned the metal skin on the other side and made a big hole. From the hole, they saw a bunch of green things, like the other side. The interior is full of mushroom-like things.

In addition to Dukeer's attack, the wounds caused by other God-made attacks are very limited. Even Weng's attack failed to break the other's skin, leaving only some traces on the other's skin.

"What are you doing, use all your strength." Dukeer couldn't help but shouted. The faces of other gods are not very good. Yes, they didn’t keep their hands. Only a few gods were fighting for the first time. They didn’t know how strong each other’s fighting power was. It’s a bit too much to make them face up.

"Full attack... What?" Duquel wanted to say something, but suddenly he stumbled because he saw that the gap he had just shot was slowly being restored, and the position of the wound was inside. The layer of mushrooms is slowly filled in, and the mushrooms are beginning to change color and become the metal-like skin of the previous one.

"Does this guy still have the ability to repair?" All the people on the field were shocked. It was very happy to see that the attack made by God was effective. I didn't expect the resilience of the other party to be very powerful. Actually, the wound can be repaired so quickly, so that... is there no fault?

"This..." This situation made the first encounter with the ship-class Dukeer a little surprised, and when he was surprised, suddenly he exploded in front of him. Dukeer's reaction was very fast, and he immediately took the opportunity to defend himself, but he was still injured and wanted to leave. He didn't expect the second explosion to follow, and then immediately followed the third and fourth. Hit, a series of explosions are directed at Dukeer.

Seeing this situation, Duquel also understood that he became the other party's eyes, may be aware that his threat is relatively large, and even the ship class began to output for himself. Dukeer resisted with all his strength, but the problem was that his power was not unlimited. He immediately shouted in the direction of other gods: "Quick attack! Fast!"

Several gods also reacted and immediately started the attack, although their relationship with Dukeer was not so good, but at this time they certainly knew that Dukeer was dead, he was the next one, nothing good. hesitantly. Another series of divine attacks blasted on the ship's class. This time, several gods attacked it more powerfully. A series of attacks hit the ship's huge body and took a step back.

There are more than one threat, even the ship level is immediately attacking several other people. The air is constantly experiencing various explosions. Several gods are constantly avoiding, but it seems that they cannot hide the attack scope of the ship-level. The other party's explosion is the same as chasing them.

Explosive damage can only be hard-resistance. This is too bad for the gods, but even the damage on the ship's level is not small, and the body is attacked again. The two sides are now a little bit into the state of blood-staining. .

"Fast! Quick attack, too late!" Dukel's a little anxious voice came from the air. He is really anxious, although the situation seems to be still playing, but the problem is that they don't have much time. On the other side, is there two more ship-levels coming over them? One of them has already reached the position they can see.

At present, the strength of the ship-level is a bit of their imagination, but fortunately, they are only facing one now, but if the next few appear together, it is estimated that this can’t see the explosion of the route chasing them. If you blow them up, you will not be able to blow them. There is no way to fight them, so you must solve them one by one before these confluences.

Looking at the other ship-level that is getting closer and closer, Dukeer is really anxious, so he also wants to strengthen the attack and suppress this one. But the problem is that this ship-level has taken special care for him. He wants to increase the attack. Yes, but the problem is that once the attack is increased, he will consume a lot of divine power. Then there are two more. What about the two?

Thinking of Dukeer here is also a little bit of resentment to some of my colleagues, what are they doing, is it soy sauce? When you look at each other and hug yourself, hurry and fight hard. What is the attack of this half-hanger?

Dukeer’s request is obviously a bit too high. After all, not all the gods have been on the battlefield like him. The other gods were born after the war. For them, the war of God has been a long time ago. The Protoss ruled the Big 6 for so many years. After that, basically, there was no decent battle. Even if the undead invasion of a hundred years ago, the Protoss did not. In the face of the battle, the main force is the other groups of troops, their protoss is only a foothold, so their combat power is really limited.

Of course, they are also anxious. As everyone looks at the other closer ship, everyone knows that the big thing is not good. It is also desperately trying to solve this one, but this is even a bit too resistant. The skills of the five of them are only smashing the opponent's skin, but the other party can recover on their own, so it seems like they have been unable to finish.

Just when they thought about what to do, the other side of the ship's class did not stop. The four huge claws stepped closer to this side, and the buildings along the way were all smashed. It is completely flat, and it feels like some monsters in the Altman movie enter the city. Of course, Brasov’s city has long been messed up, and screams are everywhere in the middle of the night. It is simply that the civilians did not come in their direction. After all, these "monsters" are all going to the center of the city. They must run to the outside of the city. Is it really necessary to come and die?

Finally, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the second company reached the position not far from them, and suddenly it stopped. Sudden cessation of action did not make others feel happy, because everyone knows that this is not because the other party stopped the action, but because the other party has reached the scope of his attack and is ready to attack.

"Well!" Seeing this situation, several gods in the sky made their hearts a tight one. They had some hardships for a ship-level attack. If this attack is added, it is estimated that it will really They can only passively defend, and they consume their own power, then it can be...

In the face of this situation, a few gods are a little hesitant, even the ship level is more difficult than they think, so now... are you still first...

There was not much time for them to consider, the new ship-level and the obvious preparations for attack there, and just a few of the gods had some resentment, a shout came from the ground.

"Flying dragon flash!"

No one noticed who was yelling, but everyone saw a huge flash of light flying towards the second ship-level. It is estimated that the successive ship class did not notice the sudden appearance of the huge gadgets, and it was too late to attack. The two sides directly collided.

"Hey!" Everyone heard a tragic cry, and then they saw what it was like in the ship. Yes, this is actually a golden dragon? Everyone is a glimpse. I didn’t expect to see the golden dragon here, and it suddenly appeared. What is the situation?

Why did the dragon attack the ship-level? They didn't know it, but it was really too clumsy to say that it was actually taking the body and hitting each other. Obviously, it can be heard from the screams that the dragon has also suffered a lot of damage, but this kind of life-like impact is still effective, because the second ship-level is actually knocked down by this impact.

Even the ship class was originally a rectangular thing that was a bit like a box shape. Now it is hit by a huge impact on the direct side. It straight down and falls down. Now it is lying on the ground. The four feet are constantly stretching, but they are pressed by the millet. I feel that I haven’t stood up yet, or... it seems that it’s hard to stand up.

Yes, the person who attacked is of course Li Huailin. Before that, Li Huailin has not worried about revealing his identity. After all, now that God can't run back to the temple, he has nothing to worry about. In fact, the players in the scene are almost dead. Li Huailin will not care about them when they start to work. They directly smashed Xiaomi out, and the effect is actually quite good.

"I just wondered that this thing has no hands, and I fell and stood up." Li Huailin said with a smile.

"Boom", Li Huailin just finished, here suddenly there was a huge explosion under the ship-level body, as if relying on the recoil of the explosion, the ship-level body here actually straightened up. At the same time, the four claws grabbed the ground, and the other side opened the millet on the body, but actually stood up.

"Okay... is this OK? When I didn't say it." Li Huailin helped. 8

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