All Things Wrong

Chapter 2543: Self-destruct

A few gods made some wolverines that couldn’t be said at this time. I really didn’t expect this thing to be so difficult. It’s really not a way to get it done. What happened when I was guilty? Suddenly, Wendette sent a message here. Said to find these weaknesses of the ship-level.

After all, in the battle, Wendette explained this a little bit, and it was too late to say that the news was Li Huailin and he said. After listening to it, several gods nodded and nodded. After all, it sounds a bit reasonable. Of course, this is because it is Wendette. If you know that Li Huailin said, it is not necessarily that they will believe it. It.

The current situation has been deadlocked, so they are ready to try this approach. A little discussion, there will be a plan right away. In a simple time, Dukeer will directly open the defense of the other side. When the other party does not fully respond, the other gods immediately attack the wound. Of course, It is also dangerous to do. After all, when they are in action, they must attack together, so that the other party’s attack can basically be completely on them, so it is necessary for a person to use their power to defend them. Because the attack power is not good, the task of defense is given to him.

There was not much time for negotiation, and the plan was immediately confirmed. With the signal from Dukeer, the five gods gathered together again. A few people are all shining, and at first glance it is necessary to enlarge the look.

"Look!" The people on the ground also noticed the gods who had set up the formation in the air. Everyone who saw this situation felt that these gods seemed to be releasing big tricks. Is it a combination technique and mixed magic? Category? Of course, at this time, Li Huailin is also ready to defend.

"Hands!" With the shouting of Dukeer's side, the first attack was the ship-level. Yes, the five people gathered together and the ship has already launched an attack, but the only one who was hit was the Wendette who was standing in front of the defense.

"咚" a loud noise, Wen Haote was directly hit by the explosion, but this time Wen Wei Te's performance is still pretty good, after all, has been subjected to several explosion attacks, and gradually he also understands how much power is used The defense can block the opponent's attack, although his remaining power is not much, but there is no problem blocking this.

At the same time as he was hit, there was a roar behind him: "Get out!"

Wen Hao's special head did not turn, and he flicked directly to the side. A ray of light shot directly from behind him, almost instantly rushed to the ship-level body. Then the familiar explosion sounded, and Dukeer’s attack did damage the ship’s class. The hard shell was once again hit by a gap. Of course, even the ship’s side seems to have been used to such an attack, and immediately stopped. For their blast attack, choose to restore the wound.

But this time it was different. The other three beams of different colors were shot at the wound of the ship-level wound with almost no interval. The speed was too fast and there was no reaction time at all. At this time, even the ship's disadvantages are finally revealed. That is, the other's body is too big, and the action is very slow, so all attacks can basically be hard-eat, and there is no such thing. What to avoid the concept.

Unsurprisingly, the three attacks directly hit the wound that Dukeer had blasted before, but this time it was not like the kind of blasting sound that hit the outer shell before. The three attacks were like stones thrown into the water. The feeling in it seems to be directly into the other's body.

Time seems to have suddenly paused. Several gods in the air are panting in madness. The previous attacks on them are not too small. Now several people are watching the result of this attack, but here The company's ship-level seems to have suddenly reacted, and actually stood still.

"Is it successful?" Wendette’s power here is almost exhausted. If you let him defend him, he might not be able to stop the next attack. Seeing this situation is also unbearable. The sentence, of course, I hope that this attack can really have an effect, otherwise he really wants to run.

The sound of "叮", just at the moment he just finished, even the ship-level side finally reacted. The wound that Dukeer blew before did not recover, but now there is a flash of green light, and at the same time, even the huge body of the ship suddenly began to tremble.

Because of the huge size, such tremors have caused some vibration on the ground, but seeing such a reaction, several gods are a joy, after all, this seems to be effective.

"Successful? Yes, this thing still has weaknesses!" Uyers said with a little excitement.

"Call, this way..." Seeing this reaction and Duker also sent a tone, but just when he just wanted to relax, suddenly he thought of something, cold sweat had to come down, shout immediately Road: "Get out of here!"

"What?" A few gods made a sudden look at the sudden tension of Dukeer, is the other party still not dead? But now this is the case...

"These war machines will blew themselves!" Duqueer shouted as he shouted and flew straight toward the rear.

However, just when he was just starting up, the ship's class on this side suddenly stopped vibrating. The green light that had just been attacked was directly worn out by the green light, and the entire site was quickly dyed green. The next second, even the shell-level shell suddenly began to shrink, as if there was a sudden appearance of a small black hole inside, and then when the zero point was reached, everyone heard a loud bang.

The violent white light flashed, and even the ship-level side had a self-destruction. For a moment, everyone around it was swallowed up by the flame of the explosion.

Li Huailin was prepared in advance, but what he saw was the violent white light in front. Several holy levels have already erected shields in front of him, but the problem is simply useless. In the next moment, Li Huailin felt a huge impact and rushed over to him. Li Huailin, who was unsurprising, was swept out by this shock.

After that, there was chaos. Li Huailin didn’t know where he was flying, and he didn’t know what he had hit. Anyway, when he finally stopped, Li Huailin found himself leaning against the wreckage of a collapsed house. Looked at it, the quality of the house behind it is still quite good, actually not completely collapsed, blocking Li Huailin's body.

"This impact..." next to the summoned Jade Emperor has also stood up, she was already at the side of Li Huailin, so the direction of the flight is almost the same, both of them are on this wall without any big problems, anyway, this There is no aura protection for summoning, so nothing will happen.

Looking further to the side, Li Huailin found that the day is still standing on the other side of the day, do not know when this guy stood up, and then look forward, this scene is a bit scary.

Although it is not very good at night, Li Huailin can now see that almost all the buildings in front of him have been flattened. What you need to know is that the position where they stood before is the location of the headquarters of the Guangming Church. Now, the so-called church headquarters is not seen at all. The huge pits appearing in front of them are all the soil on the surface. I lost a layer, not to mention the building above.

Although Li Huailin has already predicted that the other party will blew himself up, it is unexpected that the power of such an explosion is actually a little beyond his imagination. If such a three-ship direct explosion occurs, it is estimated that the whole city of Brasov will be Wipe off the map. In this way, Li Huailin suddenly understood why the Protoss had to work on the Mazuola, and the gadgets they made were a bit too dangerous.

Turning his head and looking at it, Li Huailin quickly discovered the second ship-class that he had seen before. Of course, it still stood there without any problems, but Xiaomi in front of him had disappeared at this time. Li Huailin looked at it, and Xiaomi really appeared in his pet space. The scope of the explosion just affected the millet side. In addition, the aura of the summoned Jade Emperor was blown, so Xiaomi did not hold it and was directly killed. Nothing unexpected.

Xiaomi was released again, and each side of the day was also greeted. Every day, each side nodded and leaned a little toward the direction of Xiaomi. From here, Li Huailin could find that the skills of each side of the sky should also have a fixed range.

Let Xiaomi continue to accompany this ship-level time. Li Huailin is looking for those gods directly to see how they are going. Mindfulness, white light flashed, Li Huailin directly used the transfer skills. Yes, when I saw Wen Weite, Li Huailin had already marked the other person’s body. Originally, he did not know that God could not return to the temple now. He thought that if someone ran away, he might be able to pass the transmission. Go directly to the other side of the temple, of course, this may also be a bit of a fantasy, it is estimated that it is not acceptable, but you can try it.

The transmission can be successfully released, indicating that Wendette is at least not dead, or the skill will prompt the use of failure. When the white light flashed, Li Huailin appeared on a flat, dusty land. Just after landing, Li Huailin saw two people on one side. One of them was of course Wen Huaite, Li Hualin, and the other was Duquel. Seeing the look of the two, now Dukeer seems to be releasing a healing spell to Wendette, and Wendette seems to be hurting.

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