All Things Wrong

Chapter 2545: Surrounded

The huge shock wave once again struck the entire city. Fortunately, the impact of the previous explosion has completely removed all the buildings, and this time the huge movement has only aroused the numerous dust on the ground.

A group of smog filled, Li Huailin finally saw what fell, that is a ship-level combat machine. The other person's original body is a rectangular thing like a building. When he landed, his legs seemed to be collected in the body, so it felt like the feeling of falling down the whole building in the sky. The scene is really It is a bit exaggerated.

Because the station is relatively close, Li Huailin and several nearby gods have been shaken to the ground, and now it is ugly that several gods have no time to manage their own position. They think now, Why even the ship level will come down from heaven.

In view of the fact that they also saw a smaller singular-level picture of jumping from the sky, it was probably an attack method that started with the ship-level jump and then fell. But carefully thought about the impact from the impact of the other side must be from a very high place, even the ship is how big the body, which can jump so high?

Besides, even the ship class is so big, they will definitely notice it if they move it, so if they jump directly, they will definitely notice it when they go up. Turned to look at it, the other two ships, one is still playing games with Xiaomi, on the other side, the company that has been approaching this side has slowly come out of the shadows. Both of them are in, that is to say, this newly-launched ship-class is the fourth.

Seeing this situation, the faces of several gods are not very good. They have already considered it before, and the three ship-levels are basically a limit number. The current situation is also, if you don’t know which adventurer is releasing the pet dragon, you can still entangle a ship. Level, they estimated that they couldn’t beat it. Even in this case, they spent almost all their efforts to kill a ship, and now several people are already discussing the retreat. And now there is still a fourth ship-class, which seems... really does not have to fight.

What is even more strange is where the ship's class came from. Why is it falling from the sky? Everyone subconsciously looks in the sky, but the problem is that it is night, and the time is almost midnight. The sky is dark and the eyes are not good.

"Well? Can't see anything?" Li Huailin took a moment to look at it. I remember that it seems that there is still moonlight. How suddenly it seems to be a lot darker. The scene was just a bit confusing because of all sorts of messy explosions, and I didn’t notice when it was like the moon disappeared.

I am preparing to take a closer look. The front-class ship class will not wait for them. After landing, the ship's class on this side paused for a while, and the next part of the opponent's lower part directly drilled four huge claws, which is the other's legs. The ground was shaken and the ship level stood up again.

"Booming and banging..." Just got up, even the ship level facing the ground is a round of indiscriminate bombing. It seems that it is declaring its own appearance. Of course, there is nothing on the ground. The target of bombing is in front of us. Li Huailin them.

The sudden attack made several gods wake up like a dream, and quickly set up the magic shield defense. It is only said that the damage of aoe is slightly lower than the damage of the single, so they can block it. However, Li Huailin is now able to understand the battle mode of the ship-level. This aoe damage is only to determine the position of the target. After the bombing, the position of the opponent will definitely be exposed. After determining the position, the output skill of the opponent will be used. Output, simple and rude, but very effective way.

Sure enough, God made the defense here clearly reveal his position. Even the ship’s side took a little two steps and turned to God to make this side. This is to launch an attack.

"How is Ujers?" shouted a **** next to him. Yes, this position where the ship has just fallen is the head of Uyers, so now Uyers should be directly hit, and he does not know his current situation.

"There is no time to take care of him." Decker immediately said, "The current situation is not something we can cope with, first retreat!"

Li Huailin was not surprised to hear Dekel’s words. In the case of two remaining ship-classes, Li Huailin thought that his own millet would match one of the other parties, so that one left for the gods to go. Dealing with it, so the other party may be left behind by himself, but now there is another case where the gods will not be stupidly stay here anyway.

Of course, this kind of gods is really a bit useful. Before Dekel did not finish, Li Huailin always felt that the other party seemed to know what could be connected to the temple. Slightly speculate that it is certain that the temple cannot be contacted now, so the way Dekel said may be another way, that is, returning directly to the temple. In other words, Decker may know how to return directly to the temple.

This can make Li Huailin a little surprised. Now Bailong Iofar is also studying the way to invade the temple, and does the protoss know what is the way to invade the temple? This is not impossible. After all, the Protoss has a temple for so long, and some research may not be possible. Whether it is to study how to invade the temple of the Protoss, or to avoid the invasion of the temple by the Protoss, Li Huailin must know this method, so Li Huailin must now ask from Decker.

However, looking at the way of Dekel, Li Huailin felt that the other party would not simply say it. He was so hesitant to behave with scruples. Thinking about it is nothing more than two reasons. The first one is that the cost of invading the temple is so great that it is unacceptable, such as sacrificing life, and that Decker is definitely not doing it. Another, the estimate is to worry about being implicated.

That is natural. You know how to invade the temple, which of course makes people scruple. Another way to think about Li Huailin's gods, if you know how to invade his temple, Li Huailin will definitely choose to kill him in the first time, to avoid future troubles. Decker obviously knew that this was something he couldn't know, so he was very hesitant when he said it.

Of course, Li Huailin must be asked, so I thought about it. Li Huailin decided to continue to follow the gods and not leave them here. After all, I already knew the goal. At present, Li Huailin has also set his mark from Wendette's body to Decker's body. According to the current situation, Li Huailin felt that it was feasible to let the other party escape first, and then use the old method to gain the trust of the other party. Then he tried to persuade him to contact the temple and took the opportunity to inquire about the way to invade the temple.

As far as the current situation is concerned, there are obviously more than three war machines of the Matura. Under this threat, the possibility of persuading Decker is still very high, and it seems that they are not convening any substitutes. Useful, it may be a good thing for Li Huailin.

The idea flashed through Li Huailin's mind, and the remaining two gods made this time of course hear the retreat that Deker said. The two were a little hesitant, but did not hesitate for a long time. Of course, they are still worried about the face of the Protoss, but now the problem is not something they can solve, not to mention that Uyers is now unclear, and it is very likely that it will be directly crushed into meat sauce. Even if the situation is a god, it is a bit flustered.

"I agree." Sure enough, I didn't think for a long time, one of the gods said, "Temporarily retreat!"

"Go." Another **** made a nod, and then took the initiative to pull up Wendy, who hadn't woken up on the ground. Although he didn't like Wendette, it was also a Protoss. Of course, he couldn't leave Weng. it's here.

"Go here!" Decker pointed to the position behind him, indicating that everyone was running in this direction.

As a result, when Decker just pointed to the front position, just above the position in the direction of Decker, a huge black shadow appeared again, and "咚" was a loud noise, under the gaze of everyone. And a huge rectangular object landed on the ground, this time a little farther away, but the vibration is still very strong.

Needless to say this time, the thing that fell, that is the fifth ship class. It’s not just the fifth one. It’s a few loud bangs, and the sixth, seventh, and eighth, several consecutive ship-classes appear around them, it feels like they’re going to In the middle of the look.

" could it be..." This situation is even more stunned by the gods. In the face of this amount of horror, several gods have no idea what to do. This is definitely not a fight, and now it seems that it is a bit difficult to run. In this case, how can there be so many ship-levels, and where are they from?

"In the sky, there seems to be something." At this time, Li Huailin’s voice suddenly appeared. Everyone turned to look at Li Huailin and found that he was looking at the sky. They turned to the position of the sky. Of course it was dark, but faint. They felt that something was wrong.

"It's too dark... It's not right." Soon Decker also noticed the situation, although it was night but the sky was too dark, moonlight? What about starlight? I can't see it. Suddenly Dirker looked at the whole person, "Wait... it won't be..."

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