All Things Wrong

Chapter 2547: support

There is no time to discuss tactics and the like, and the two figures have already rushed out. This is of course the action of the two gods who help attract attention. Of course, they have just been dispatched, waiting for them to be indiscriminate bombing, the surrounding ship class has been surrounded, the attack is almost all-round, it is very difficult to dodge.

"Why are you still not moving?" In the original place, the only remaining **** asked Decker to look at Li Huailin. Yes, there are two people left at the scene. Dekel’s meaning is of course Li Huailin and two. God made the same fire to attract the other side, and then took the opportunity to escape, of course, Li Huailin did not think so.

"My speed is so slow. Going out is probably a slap in the face. It is estimated that it is not helpful." Li Huailin said with a smile. "But it can help you with a little advice here."

"Ha?" Decker did not understand the meaning of Li Huailin.

"Help you plan the route to escape." Li Huailin said, "Because your plan has been a bit stupid."

"What? You dare to say..." Decker was a glimpse, and suddenly his face changed dramatically.

System Tip: Because you insult God Decker, Decker has increased your favor to you by 10, and now I feel good: friendly.

" seems to make a point." I don't know why, but Decker suddenly felt that Li Huailin said it was right and nodded. "What do you say should be done?"

"There are currently seven ship-levels around. It is enough for two people to go out and attract attention." Li Huailin spread his hand. "Slightly in place, etc., there will be support in a while."

"Support?" Dekel certainly didn't know what support it had. Now, if the temple can't be connected, the only thing they can support is the previous recruits, but the problem is most of the agents. In the previous battles, they have already been sent to the West. The estimated deaths are now running. Now there is any support.

"God makes an adult, do you believe in me?" Li Huailin suddenly asked.

"Ha?" Decker looked at Li Huailin inexplicably. How do you believe him? However, before he even had time to question it, Li Huailin’s hand to face Decker was a slap in the face.

Decker didn't fight on this side. He didn't expect Li Huailin to suddenly hit him. The Dekel who came back to God was of course a violent anger. He was about to say something, and suddenly there was a warmth in his heart.

"Now, believe it or not?" Li Huailin asked again.

"You can understand my kindness, but now you have to explain the so-called support..." Decker wants to ask this question again. After all, this is not a trivial matter, but it may be related to the Protoss. He can't be sloppy. Of course, he can't believe Li Huailin completely unconditionally. But just want to ask what the situation is, Li Huailin is a slap in the face.

" did a good job..." Decker squinted and his expression changed...

"Now? Believe it or not..."

"I think……"



"Okay, I believe in you." After a few rounds, Li Huailin and Decker exchanged their feelings very smoothly, and the two became a feeling of life and death. The feeling of goodness of Decker here is of course to be brushed, otherwise the other party may tell himself how to invade the temple. Now that the brush is full of good feelings, Decker also directly believes Li Huailin’s so-called "plan" and has not asked much.

"Since you believe me, then wait a little, and there will be support immediately." Li Huailin said.

"...well..." Decker didn't know why he thought Li Huailin should be okay, but his heart was still a little chaotic. What is the so-called support? He is not very clear, can he solve the current predicament? I don't know, but he always thinks that Li Huailin will not lie to him.

The loud bang of "Boom" is another explosion on the field. Of course, there are a lot of explosions around. After all, there are two gods who are fighting against the ship. However, the explosion of this sound attracted Dekel's attention because of the different directions. Yes, the two gods made the direction of the north, and the explosion came from the west.

Turning around, the two squadrons in the west suddenly stopped walking. It seems that attention has been attracted to something. Is it Li Huailin’s support?

"Boom" suddenly sounded two more explosions, but what made Dekel surprised that this time the explosion occurred two warships. Yes, the two ship-class bodies in the west suddenly burst into flames, as if they had been attacked, and the attacks they received... seemed familiar. Decker thought for a moment and found out that this explosion... seemed to be the attack of the ship's own level.

Yes, if you think about it, the two ship-levels seem to be attacking each other. What is going on? Could it be that the support of Li Huailin’s book couple attracted two company-level attacks, causing them to accidentally hurt their own people?

"Boom" is the sound of two explosions, and it is still the ship-level self, and it seems to be their own attack. Decker didn't understand it yet, but Li Huailin also said directly to Radeker: "Go here."

Although I don't know what happened, Dekker also knew that there was definitely support from Li Huailin in the west, so he quickly rushed toward the west.

A little rushed for a while, Li Huailin appeared in front of a small team, of course, the head of the person is to summon the Jade Emperor and the two sides of the day. Yes, just now Li Huailin has contacted the two people with the team channel to help, because before the ship-level self-destruction, all the people on the battlefield were basically dispersed, summoning the jade emperor their position away from God. It takes a little bit of time to get a little distance. Fortunately, God made this way of distracting himself, which is of course good.

Li Huailin certainly didn't expect the two gods to attract attention at the beginning to let Decker take the opportunity to escape. This is too dangerous. Now Decker can't do anything. Therefore, Li Huailin asked the two gods to go out just to delay the time, dragging them to summon the Jade Emperor, and summoning the Jade Emperor, Dekel is of course very safe.

Of course, Li Huailin, who is currently attacking each other at the ship-level level, does not know much about the situation. However, Li Huailin, who saw each other, understands it. Yes, this must be done by each side of the sky. Although we don’t know the specific effects of the swords on each side of the sky, we can also reflect the attack of the ship-level attack. It should be similar.

“Is it added?” Li Huailin asked directly, and of course the person who asked him called for the Jade Emperor. Others can't understand what Li Huailin asked, but the summoning of the Jade Emperor is of course clear. Li Huailin is asking whether the call of the Jade Emperor has the effect of adding Undead to Decel.

"Yeah." Summon Jade Emperor is of course a nod. "If I don't die, the effect will not be automatically canceled. But at present, the damage of this kind of thing can not be beaten even with the effect of the aura. It should be nothing." questionable."

"Ok, you are here to support, I am going to call Big Brother." Li Huailin nodded.

"Ha?" Everyone is a glimpse. I don't quite understand what Li Huailin said about the big brother.

"The guy on the head, I have to deal with it a little." Li Huailin pointed out that he said in heaven.

"In the sky, what?" Summon Jade Emperor still does not know the Leviathan class, looked up, the sky is still a dark situation, of course, can not see.

"There is a big guy." Li Huailin said, "If you don't deal with him, it is very difficult to estimate that you want to leave."

"Do you want to deal with that thing?" Dekel, who was next to him, looked at Li Huailin with amazement. "This is impossible. It is really Leviathan. It is not something you can deal with."

"I can't beat him at least." Li Huailin said, "Do you think that this thing can fly in the air, can we run away? How do we contact the temple?"

"..." Decker thought a little. Li Huailin said that it is a bit reasonable. At present, this thing is on top of his head. If the other party has been chasing them, he can’t contact the temple at all. Drop it. But how do you think that this thing is not something that the lower bounds can deal with, at least in his view.

"In short, I will solve it first. You are here for a while. What is the situation?" Li Huailin said that the white light disappeared in the same place.

The next second, Li Huailin has appeared in his own ducal palace, of course, is Gert's side. At this time, although it was midnight, Gert still didn't sleep. After all, it is very busy now. A lot of things need him to deal with.

"Your Majesty." Seeing that Li Huailing Geerte also came over to salute, "Is it going to be dispatched now?"

"No, no, the previous plans were all cancelled." Li Huailin said casually.

“Hey?” Gert’s whole person stunned and arranged for half a day to cancel the action. What is the situation? I thought about Gert and asked immediately, "What’s wrong with your majesty?"

"There is indeed a little accident, but it is a good thing." Li Huailin said, "There is no time to explain. In short, the plan is cancelled. Everyone is on standby, I have something to do."

After saying that he did not wait for Gert's reaction, Li Huailin left the Duke's Mansion directly and went to the transmission center in the city, and immediately transferred it to the Randil, the headquarters of the Wizards Association.

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