All Things Wrong

Chapter 2553: Rogue negotiation

Here, Li Huailin, who is suspected of being a Mashuula, is undoubtedly understandable, but the voice of his voice is as bad as their face. It is really disgusting. It feels like someone has a thick mouth. Pressing the voice is like communicating with you.

"Sure enough, it is the hand of the Protoss..." Duduhaer directly identified Li Huailin’s identity. Yes, as a human being, it is basically impossible to know the people of their Mashuura. After all, they have been "destroying the family" for a long time, and the Protoss also intentionally concealed the traces of their existence, so when Li Huailin When they called their names, they first slammed them first, but they immediately responded. This is definitely what the Protoss told Li Huailin. That is to say, Li Huailin is really a Protoss, that is, the enemy has not ran.

"The Protoss' men? I think you are the wrong person." Li Huailin spread his hands.

"You are not a protoss man? Where did you know what I was waiting for?" Duduhaer did not expect Li Huailin to actually argue, it seems that there is no need for sophistry. Do not know the meaning of the other side Du Duhaer is also directly questioned.

"I really know your identity from the mouth of the Protoss, but it does not mean that I am a Protoss person." Li Huailin spread his hand. "I might even be an enemy of the Protoss..."

"The enemies of the Protoss?" The other party obviously does not believe it. "You are all servants of the Protoss. They have long been washed by the Protoss. You said that you are the enemy of the Protoss?"

"Don't tease, if you come here, you should have tortured a bit of intelligence from the team of the protoss attacked before. Now you should know the true purpose of these agent's troops, they come here to gather. It is to deal with who..." Li Huailin said faintly.

"Continent Union?" Li Huailin said, yes, the Mahsula people certainly know the general situation from the mouth of the attacked agent who called Temes, otherwise he would not Here ambush the agent's troops. Under normal circumstances, these Mashuura people have hatred with the Protoss, but they can't dare to directly deal with the Protoss. After all, they were previously destroyed by the Protoss. I heard that there were five at the time. The Leviathan class is definitely a state of prosperity more than it is now, but now that I don’t know how much strength they have, it should not be more powerful than it was at the time. The reason why they dare to start with the Protoss is obviously because they know the current situation of the Protoss, that is, the fact that the Divine is now closed.

So even this kind of thing knows that the original goal of the agent's troops is of course also known, that is, Li Huailin's Continental Union organization. The people of the Matura people did not know the organization of the mainland alliance at the beginning. Although the organization of Li Huailin was basically a unified continent, the problem was that the Mashuula was originally a development of incognito, and did not understand the mainland. The situation, this time I heard that there is such an organization against the Protoss is also a bit surprised.

There is not much intelligence in the Continental Alliance that they know from the mouth of God, because those gods are not the gods who are responsible for the connection with the lower bounds. They are temporarily employed. So when I heard that Li Huailin mentioned this, Duduhaer immediately asked: "Are you a mainland Chinese?"

"You understand it." Li Huai-lin spread his hand. "The mainland league is my talent pair."

"You mean you are the leader of the mainland league?" Duduhaer asked. "What can be proved?"

"Certificate? I don't need any proof, and I can't prove it to you, because obviously you don't know anything about my mainland league, because you only know a little bit and you know who the leader is. In this case I Of course, I can't prove it." Li Huai-lin spread his hand. "In short, I simply said that I can stand my position."

"Since you are a member of the Continental League, your goal is the same as that of us. If you know the situation of our Mashuura, we should also know the hatred of us and the Protoss. If so, we are in some sort of way. To a certain extent, it’s a 'comrade-in-arms', so why do you want to attack us?” Duduhaer didn’t know if he believed in Li Huailin’s identity, but now he said that when Li Huailin is the leader of the mainland, “just In a way, I am waiting for this time to help your Continental League and help you deal with this so-called 'surrogate' attack. Shouldn't you be grateful to us?"

"That is naturally because..." Li Huailin paused a little, and smiled and said, "I don't think you are upset."

"Ha?" Several Mashuura people are a glimpse. I didn't expect to hear such an answer. It really didn't come back.

"Is there a problem? The original target of these Protoss is us. Of course, our mainland alliance has already done a variety of countermeasures, but it is because your Mashuura inexplicably appeared here that our plan was completely lost. ? Also help us? You are not mistaken." Li Huai-lin said.

"..." Duduha did not speak for a while because he did not know whether Li Huailin said it was true or not.

"You know more about the Protoss than we do. The protoss that are now here are not the righteous gods. They are just a few servants of the Protoss. They are not even the main force of the Protoss. Simply put, this is some small. Shrimp only, did they solve any special significance?" Li Huailin said, "According to our plan, it was originally prepared to put a long line to catch big fish, but it was because of your sudden appearance that our plan could not be executed, then you Let us thank you, do you think I am stupid?"

Although I don't know if Li Huailin said it is true, it does make a point. Several servants are not really on the Protoss side, but they don't know it at first. "I just thought about it at first." To see the purpose of the Protoss recruiting the agent, but after hearing some information, the attack plan was temporarily carried out."

Du Huai’s meaning, Li Huailin, of course understands that, as he suspects, the other party did not intend to attack the gods, but only after hearing about the closure of the Protoss will it be decided. Although I understand, of course, Li Huailin is here to pick things up, so I immediately said; "I don't care what your reasons are. In short, my plan is being messed up by you. It is very troublesome to fight against the Protoss. No link can be done at any one. There was an error, so in order to prevent such things from happening again, I still have all of these unstable factors gone out."

"What? Human, do you mean that you want to destroy me?" Duduhaer here immediately asked, of course, some anger.

"Isn't it already being implemented? You are so surprised that you don't have a bad attack. This will make me wonder if you are mentally retarded." Li Huailin said.

"Are you talking about the ancient behemoth above?" Duduhaer said. "Do you think that this kind of thing can destroy our Mashuura?"

"Oh, can't you? Anyway, let's say it first, no matter what." Li Huailin said indifferently.

"..." Duduha is very depressed. In fact, Argos is really difficult for them to deal with, but there is no such thing as being destroyed. But the problem is that the Matura people now do not want to consume other things. Their goal is very clear, that is, the Protoss, their **** debts must be paid for by the Protoss. He is really not afraid of Li Huailin now. According to his calculations, he and Li Huailin really fight. Of course, he is dominant here. If you really finish playing, you must win the Mashuula, but the problem is... What is the use of Li Huailin? It’s just pure consumption. Now the Protoss are in a special period according to their analysis (that is, the things of civil strife, which are learned from God). They must of course take time to do something. If it is wasted in a meaningless battle with Li Huailin, when they finish playing, the Protoss will end up in the civil strife, and when they are slowed down, they will turn around and get them. After they have consumed, they are estimated to be profited by the Protoss. This... The second time I lost in the hands of the Protoss Duduha is absolutely not allowed to happen.

So the current situation is really embarrassing. He feels that they are not afraid of Li Huailin, but they also don't want to conflict with Li Huailin, but this guy is looking for his own troubles.

"Stop this meaningless battle." Duduhaer thought about the advantages and disadvantages of Li Hualin's good balance. "Our enemy is the Protoss. The enemy of your mainland alliance should also be the Protoss. For the purpose, We are the same. There is no hostile relationship. If there is a conflict between the two of us, the last person who benefits will only be the Protoss. Can you accept it?"

"Who knows, I am an ignorant lower-ranking person." Li Huai-lin spread his hand. "Whoever makes me unhappy, I will blame. Before the Protoss made me unhappy, I directly smashed the Protoss, and now there is another one in the middle." If you are in trouble, I will marry you directly. As for who benefits from what is not beneficial, how do I know that I am not ignorant."

"You..." Duduhaer understands that there is such a negotiator. Li Huailin is only looking for trouble. "Is the leader of the mainland alliance only this kind of knowledge? Too disappointing me!"

"Don't tease, you seem to be very good at us." Li Huailin spread his hand, "Yeah is yelling at you, what are you doing?"

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