All Things Wrong

Chapter 2560: trim

Protoss of the Protoss? Li Huailin really heard about it for the first time. Really, Li Huailin is really a bit curious. I have inferred a little. First, according to Decker, this Bancros has at least two traits. The first one must be able to invade the gods. This Decker Already said, secondly, they must also have the ability to protect themselves, or let the Protoss can not easily move their abilities, or else it is estimated that the Protoss and the Ma Hula will not solve the problem of the Bancros. People can invade your home, of course, priority should be given.

But what makes Li Huailin a little worried is the current situation of the Bancros. Yes, according to Decker’s statement, the Protoss and the Bancros are the things of the alliance, but the things of the gods before the millennium. Now it’s been a thousand years, if the Bancros is so hoisted, of course. Will leave a big name in history. But the problem is that Li Huailin has not heard the other person's name.

It is necessary to know that Li Huailin is now confronted with the Protoss, so Li Hualin, who said that the Protoss can find it, has sent people to check it, but no matter what information, he has never heard of the name of the Bancros. This makes people very worried that these guys are still missing. After all, the white-eyed wolf is not going to say that we are allies and we have always loved each other. This can master the race that invades the ability of our hometown. Li Huailin will also Choose the first time to kill it.

Moreover, just the reaction of Decker seems to explain this. Yes, before Li Huailin said that he had not heard the name of the Bancros, Decker also said, "Maybe people have never heard of this name." This sentence, it is obvious that the name of the Bancros family should be lost in the long river of history. As for how to disappear, although the specific situation is not known, the first suspect must be the Protoss.

"Then we are going to find a help from the Bancros?" Li Huailin asked.

"At present, there is only one way to do this. After all, now that the temple has been blocked, it is impossible to contact the gods, but the situation is so urgent now," Decker said. "It’s just that these people are not so easy. Speaking, when the Saint Andrews was looking for them to shoot again, it was a distressed expression, so the conditions of the other party may be very harsh, but I don't know what the conditions are."

"You can still find the position of the Bancros family now?" Li Huailin immediately asked.

"I can find it naturally. I didn't say that I went to find them with Mr. St. Ruthus, but I didn't go in." Decker said, "Although it has been a lot of time, but the approximate location. I still remember."

"Adult, I mean, is the Bancros still there?" Li Huailin asked.

"This... I really don't know." Decker estimated that he did not understand Li Huailin's suggestion. Li Huailin meant that the Protoss had already killed them, and Decker estimated that Li Huailin asked if they were I moved, "I haven’t been there since, and St. Ruttus warned me that I can’t go out and I haven’t been there anymore...”

Although Decker did not answer the idea, Li Huailin heard some intelligence. It is obvious that after the Protoss did not directly clashed with the Bancros, at least there was no noise on the surface. If you go directly to war, of course, Decker will know about it.

"But... is it possible that the level is not enough?" Li Huailin thought that the situation of the Protoss did not seem to publicly acknowledge the meaning of this ally. After all, Decker also said that only some Protoss knew that they still have a class called Bancroft. The things of the allies of the Sis, or some people do not know the ability of the Bancros to invade the temple. If the Protoss intentionally concealed the news, they might not have publicly announced that it would be possible for a low-ranking servant like Decker to know.

So it is still possible that the Bancros family has long been gone, but even if there is only one hope that Li Huailin wants to see it, maybe he can really know how to invade the realm. Otherwise, Li Huailin can only wait for Iopham to study the method, but Eofarm is a bit too slow. There is no news until now, and there is no deadline. Who knows when she is? Can you really study it, and you can't pin your hopes on her.

"Adult, if this is the case, let's go now." Li Huailin thought for a moment and said, "Where is the other's territory?"

"We may need a little preparation." Decker thought about it. "The territory of the Bancros is in the south of the entrance to the border of the gods. Now, it seems to be a sea."

"South of the border of the gods?" Li Huailin squatted a little and then understood where Dekel was talking. Yes, the southernmost position of the mainland is the entrance to the border of the gods, that is, the place where the seal of the element is located. It is the map that appeared after Li Huailin untied the seal. According to Decker, the territory of the Bancros is More south, it must be going to sea. However, it sounds a bit strange. What is it like a sea now, which means that the place was not a sea before?

It seems that Li Huailin’s doubts are seen. Decker said: “You may not know that there was a continent in the south of this continent. At that time, the continent was the frontline base of our Protoss, but now the continent is gone. It is."

"Oh... is that true?" Li Huailin nodded, and the entire continent was so exaggerated. Is it because of the war, or because of the Protoss? Li Huailin did not ask much, but Decker continued: "In short, the Bancros family lived on the mainland there, but I was not very clear about the situation. If they are still there, they should It will be there too."

"The whole continent is sinking, will they still be there?" Li Huailin asked.

"There should be no mistakes." Decker nodded and said, "The adults of St. Ruths once told me that they seem to be there for some special reasons."

"Is it..." Li Huailin nodded. "That is, we may have to go out to sea now?"

"Yeah." Decker nodded. "If you want to go to their territory now, you will only go out to sea. I thought about it. Let's go to the city near you and make some adjustments. You are here to look for the ships going out to sea. I have to take the opportunity to recover..."

"Oh, this way." Li Huailin nodded slightly, but in the previous battle, Decker was obviously consuming a lot. Like Wendette, Decker should not be able to restore his power through the power of faith, so he can only recover by meditation. Decker is also estimated to be a little scared. At present, his situation is very bad. If the people of the Matura people find that they can only sit still, it is also very anxious to find a place to recover.

Decker’s plan, Li Huailin, of course agrees. After all, he is so tired. He hasn’t slept almost all night. Of course, he is also very sleepy. Just take a break at this time. As for the boat-seeking thing, this is really a good solution. Is it difficult to find a boat according to his identity? The navy of the mainland alliance can directly **** him.

After the consultation, the two also immediately started to act. First of all, of course, it is directly into the city. Of course, in front of the city of Wilkie, because the number of refugees is too much, the city has been martial law, temporarily blocking the door, or else so many refugees directly influx, it is a bit unbearable. But this is not a problem for the two. After all, the wall of Wilkley City is too short, and the two of them casually turned into the city.

When I arrived at the transfer point in the city, the staff at the transfer point took refuge outside the door because of the earthquake. However, after discussing it, Li Huailin persuaded one of the staff members to come back to work. As for the method of persuasion, It's very simple, pull it up and slap it directly.

"The adults are very kind to me, this little thing, I will do it with the adults!" The staff here, swollen face Li Hualin said.

"Well, don't say so exaggerated, let's say there will be no more earthquakes now." Li Huailin said faintly, the battle next to it has already ended, and there will be no more big things, which he certainly knows.

In short, the three people returned to the transfer point again. At this time, because of the refuge, the transfer point stopped working, and there was no one in the transfer point, and there was no need to queue up anything.

"Where do the two adults want to go?" The staff here went to the map and asked.

"It seems that it can only be transmitted to the cities in the south of the mainland." Decker looked at the map and said, "And you have to be able to go to the port of the sea... If so, then the city."

Li Huailin looked at the city pointed by Decker, which wrote Viksouri. Of course, Li Huailin had never been there. The city is on the east side of the promenade peninsula, not the closest location to the promenade peninsula, but it seems to be Because it is closer to the territory of the Bancros.

"Well, then go to Vikosori...and so on...why I always think that the name of the city I have heard of it." When Li Huailin repeated the name of the city, he suddenly found himself where it was. I have heard this name, and it seems that I just heard people talk about it. After a little recall, Li Huailin suddenly remembered, "Yes, before the horse..."

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