All Things Wrong

Chapter 2563: Old family gathering

Just landing, a lot of people are coming up to Li Huailin. Yes, people didn’t expect that these guys would dare to encircle them. They must know that Xiaomi is a dragon. How do people dare to go up to the situation? It’s obvious that the other party is fearless, at least one dragon is at They should still be able to solve the situation in their eyes. Of course, Li Huailin has already guessed this aspect. The other side even dare to confront the protoss. You said that the other party is afraid of a dragon? Then, are you still going home to wash and sleep?

Of course, Li Huailin has not yet started the war. After landing, he directly collected Xiaomi. It seems that at this time all the talents found that there are individuals in the dragon, but they did not pay attention to this before. Obviously they don't know Li Huailin, and their eyes are full of doubts.

Of course, Li Huailin also observed these soldiers at close range. First of all, it is obvious that these people are the races that Li Huailin has never seen. These people are very strong. Everyone basically has a height of 2 meters. Big, each is a strong man type, and no wonder the soldiers mistake them for the orcs. However, it is obvious that unlike the orcs, the skin color of these people is a little blue, and some people are still purple skin, which looks quite special. Of course, because everyone is wearing heavy armor, this can only be seen when it is close.

Another obvious feature of the other's face is the prominent teeth. The upper jaw's teeth have always protruded from the mouth, which is a bit like the saber-toothed tiger. It is obvious that the above features are a bit like the appearance of the ancient barbarian, but Li Huailin really did not regard them as barbarians. After all, the armor of the other party is not a barbarian armor, it is obvious. The other side has a relatively high-end forging technology, and the side also shows that the other party's civilization is still very high, but the appearance looks a bit like a barbarian.

Looking at the landing of Li Huailin, some people who do not know what to say, may be the special language of their ethnic group, but soon came out and pointed out Li Huailin, using Li Huailin to understand: "who are you?"

The voice of the other party is relatively low, it seems to be a little leaky, and I don’t know if it is because of the relationship between long teeth. Of course, Li Huailin also knows that the other party will definitely speak the lingua franca, or else how to mention the conditions before.

"You are the old family? What kind of family?" Li Huailin asked directly.

"We are the Warriors of the Barrancos." The Barrancos, who spoke with Li Huailin on the head with the name "Thomas," said, "Now I am asking you questions. Who are you? It is this city." People? Are they the reinforcements they invited? To negotiate?"

"Barrancos?" I heard another new name, and it really is a new race. Li Huailin understands that the characteristics of this old family are that the names are very difficult to remember. Now he has already remembered the names of several ethnic groups that have appeared before, and it is too sloppy. "I am not a reinforcement, I am their head. You are here to be the devils responsible for contact, the devil's people?"

"Well? How do you know about the demon?" The singer here is a little surprised. After all, according to what he now knows, there are not many people who know the old people on the mainland. The demon is even more of the protoss. Forbidden, this human adventurer actually knows that this is not normal.

"Because the demon family is also my younger brother, but I don't know where to go now, I need to ask them to ask about the situation." Li Huailin said faintly, of course, it is true.

"The devil is your younger brother? Hahaha..." It is obvious that the Barrancos people on the opposite side obviously did not believe in Li Huailin’s statement. The former Thimas directly laughed and then gave them their language. My younger brothers said a bit, and then a group of younger brothers began to laugh.

"Sure enough, this old-fashioned personality is almost the same." Li Huailin helped the amount, after touching the old family several times, it was almost to understand the common characteristics of these guys. The simple summary is to live in their own dreams. This Li Hualin is really annoying. If you really want to ask the Devils if they know how to invade the world of God, Li Huailin is really too lazy to pay attention to this group of people, let them go to the Protoss to get your life and death. But now Li Huailin must find the demon family, so I can only find this group of mentally handicapped.

"Okay, don't laugh, laughter and mentally retarded." Li Huailin waved his hand and said simply.

"What, you dare to insult us!" When he heard Li Huailin's words, the other party really didn't smile at once. A particularly angry look pointed to Li Huailin and asked if he used his words to talk to the people next to him. Everyone is glaring at Li Huailin.

"I don't have much time to play with you." Li Huailin said faintly. "Is it true that you must win and you are willing to say where the demons are?"

"The arrogant little dwarf! (This gang is 2 meters high, so called Li Huailin's little dwarf) Do you dare to insult the great Balancos?" said Semas here.

"How can you claim to be great? Can you be a little self-conscious? You are the kind of defeated race that was almost extinct by the Protoss. It was smashed on the road and sneaked up in the civil war years ago. Coward, so where are you great, I can’t see it completely.” Li Huailin spread his hand.

"You..." The singer here was maddened by the blue face and turned into a red face. He thought about Li Huailin. "What are you human beings, slaves of the Protoss? We are Barrancos, although It was lost to the Protoss, but at least we dare to challenge the Protoss, and you are not qualified for the board."

"I didn't say that we are hanging, so do you see what I call ‘great humans?” Li Hualin spread his hand. “Before you win the Protoss, you are not as qualified as us to be arrogant.”

"What are the qualifications of your weak race compared to those of our Barrancos?" Semas immediately said, "You just said that you have to win us, yes, then, you win. We, we really tell you where the demons are, and have the courage to try."

"The result is that I still have to do it for a long time." Li Huailin does not care, this group of people wear heavy armor, so the root cause is unable to play a role, but the light can still be used, slightly control the blood volume to burn them all to the disabled The blood should still be very simple. Li Huailin, who has been exposed to so many thorns, has also discovered that it is not a waste of words to talk to the old people in the future. It is more convenient to talk to them and talk to them more than anything else.

Here, Li Huailin has already reached out and prepared to smash the sword from the package. Of course, the Barrancos people across the plane did not notice what Li Huailin was going to do. He thought that Li Huailin was scared by their battle. In front of Thoras, she looked at Li Huailin and said with a smile: "Reassure, we are not going to bully too much, come over, win and tell me, hahaha..."

"Oh, it’s okay, you are all together." Li Huailin said as he prepared to pull the sword.

The opposite of Thomas, who heard Li Huailin’s words, was even more angry. When he was preparing to teach the little dwarf who didn’t know the heights, suddenly he shouted a cry: “Wait!”

Of course, Li Huailin also heard it. He paused for a moment. He did not pull the sword and looked up. He saw three figures descending toward this side.

Yes, there are three people coming down from the sky, but although they are flying, they are not holy, because Li Huailin clearly sees the other side's back with wings. Yes, the three people who flew down are simply the bird people in Li Huailin’s impression. Of course, the only difference between the impression and the impression is that the wings behind the other side are black and look like the wings of a crow. The tone of the disease said that this group of people may be the legendary angels and the like.

Of course, Li Huailin is not a sick person in the second, so I don't think that this group of people is an angel. It is obvious that the collection here should be the old one. This bird should be one of the old ones.

"You... are the people of the Bancros?" But it was the words of Semas that made Li Huailin slightly surprised, and looked at the three bird people with a little surprise. Bancros? Isn't that the group of guys Li Huailin is preparing to go out to sea? This is really a bit of an accident. I didn't expect to be able to meet the people of the Krugers here. This is not a lot of effort.

"No." But what disappointed Li Huailin was that the bird who flew down quickly denied it. It was a bit uncomfortable to look at the side of Semas. "We are the Viseks, not the shameful traitors." ""

"Oh, yes, I heard that the Bancros family had split before, and some people went out to establish a new ethnic group, that is you." The sorrow here also nodded slightly. "So you guys." Also come to participate in this rally against the Protoss."

"The Protoss is our enemy. It's true that we have nothing to do with the Bancros, whether it is before or now." The birdman here said again.

Li Huailin listened to it. It seems that this self-proclaimed Wisek family is homologous to the Bancros family they are looking for, but it has since split and is still opposite. It is a bit like the relationship between elves and dark elves. It seems that the Bancros family is probably the same as the bird.

" the mainland emperor? I?" When Li Huailin thought about this, the bird man headed by him took the initiative to turn and asked Li Huailin.

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