All Things Wrong

Chapter 2578: remains

It didn't take much time, and everyone came to the stronghold of the Bancros. Of course, not all of them came. Some of the flying Wessek soldiers flew here with the ancestors of several old people. As for the other people, they came slowly by boat, anyway, now Haven't arrived yet, even if you want to attack the Protoss, you have to wait for people to come together.

The arrival of a group of people at the base of the Bancros has put a lot of pressure on the civilians here. The Bancros civilians here are basically born on this small island, and they rarely touch the outside world, so they look at it. When they suddenly came to such a large group of people, they felt curious and the other was panic.

Yes, in order to prevent the civilians of the Bancros from running out, in fact, their official propaganda outside the world is still very dangerous, which makes them all fear of the outside world. But at the same time, everyone also wants to go out and see the world outside, so it is also full of curiosity.

Obviously, these civilians saw that these people appeared on the island and were afraid to hide in their tree house, but the curious people continued to look outside, especially some children, all relying on special near I watched and whispered while watching.

"Where?" Iofarm here has no time to pay attention to these Bancros children, directly to the Queen of Anwar, her purpose is to look at the artifacts here, in fact, what old people She is not very concerned about her leader. As for why now agrees with Li Huailin’s opinion that he has temporarily become the coalition’s ally, mainly because their enemies are all Protoss.

"Please come with me." Queen of Anwar is also a match. Iowam's prestige is really big. In any respect, her as the coalition's ally, Anwar is reassured. Yes, everyone was under great pressure when facing the Protoss. After all, the other party is a Protoss. But now there is a living legend, which is the legendary white dragon Iofam. It is this person who feels that his heart is calmer on their side.

Does the Bancros hate the Protoss? Of course, it’s annoying. If it’s not the Protoss, they don’t have to nest on this island. So this time it’s not just because of the relationship between him and St. Ruthus, but mainly for their class. The future of the Cruz family, so Anwar had to shoot. Now with the participation of Eofarm, Anwar was relieved when she arrived, so she also tried to cooperate.

With everyone, Anwar walked in the direction of the bird's nest that Li Huailin had before. Yes, they are not flying, but they are going. It didn't take much time, everyone came to the position directly below the Bird's Nest. On the Internet, of course, the palace of the Bancros is the bird's nest, and below it, except for a huge tree supporting the nest. There is also a building.

This building is quite strange, because it is built in the middle of the tree that supports the palace building. Not only that, there are still many guards around the building who are standing guard, it seems that this is not the place where ordinary civilians can come. It is true that this place is also far from the place where civilians live.

"Her Majesty the Queen." Seeing the appearance of Anwar, the guards at the door were saluting Anwar and the several elders next to them. Of course, the next second also looked at Li Huailin on their side. Obviously, they were also wary of these appearances. I don't know who the family is.

"You retire." Anwar did not explain much, just waved his hand.

"Yes, Her Majesty." The situation of Anwar does not want to be held, so the guards understand that this is the meaning of the Queen himself. And Anwar walked with the crowd toward the inside of the building.

There seems to be no strange place in the interior of the building. When I first entered, it was like the feeling of a tree house. It was very ordinary, but there were two things like elevators in the building. One of them was obviously rising. It seems that It is directly to the upper palace, but because the people of the Bancros are flying, it is estimated that the elevator is not prepared for them. It is obviously useless for a long time, and the elevator is rusting. And the other... does not have a rising channel, which is obviously going down.

"It seems that the location of the artifact storage is below." Li Huailin saw this and probably understood it.

The size of the elevator is still very large and can stand many people. A few people walked up to it, and then Anwar also said hello to an elder next to him. The elders went to a console-like place next to them. The hands on the top seemed to be the switch, and the elevator sent out The sound of 咔咔 ,, then began to fall.

A little bit down, a huge space appeared in front of Li Huailin, everyone was surprised, because I did not expect such a huge space hidden under the island. Yes, everyone in it found that the whole island looks like it is hollow. The space below is very huge. Not only that, Li Huailin also found this space very strange. First of all, the walls of this place look a bit like the top. The walls inside the nest are the kind of walls that are very technical. It is not like the feeling of a cave. It seems to be made by hand. What surprised Li Huailin was not only the situation in this space, but he also saw the palace that appeared below.

Yes, this interior space is not very dark, but I don't know why it is a bit bright. What makes the light is not clear, but everyone clearly sees the position just below them, there is a huge white palace, which is like a dungeon feeling.

Li Huailin was particularly surprised to see this palace. Because of this palace, he really looked very familiar. When he saw the pattern of this palace, Li Huailin first thought of... the temple. Yes, this palace is unusually similar to his temple in terms of style and color. Although the architectural aspect is slightly different, it seems to be a feeling of a designer.

Li Huailin deliberately stunned Iofam next to him, just as Iofam turned to Li Huailin. It was obvious that the two thought the same situation, did not speak, but they all understood.

The elevator also leads directly to the interior of the palace. It may have been part of the palace. Li Huailin felt that the bird's nest above should also be part of the palace. After all, the interiors on both sides are really similar. The elevator entered the palace directly through the roof and then stopped.

The palace where they are now should be in the most central position of the entire palace group below, which is the tallest building in the middle, probably the location of the main hall. And they are now at the top of the main hall, with a very obvious step next to them to go down.

"Below." Anwar told everyone to follow her, but Iofam here suddenly made a noise.

"Wait." Ioaf suddenly said, Li Huailin was a bit strange why Iopham stopped at this time, turning to her and found that the other's eyes stayed on the pattern on the building wall. Yes, Li Huailin looked carefully and found that there were quite a few patterns on the Pangbi around the room. Although it was estimated that it was too long to be taken care of, it was all dust and even a lot of moss plants. But still can be seen clearly.

"What's wrong?" Li Huailin went up and asked, "Is it text?"

Yes, there are quite a few things on the wall that seem to be textual. Because it is a ghost character, and Li Huailin can't read it, the system doesn't automatically translate it, so I can only ask the nearby Iofaum to see if she knows it.

"Can read the part." Iofarm here said, "This is some ancient text, and it has something to do with a person we know."

“The people we know?” Li Huailin thought for a moment. “It’s the designer of the temple, what is it...”

"Brians." Iowam remembered, replied directly, "From the situation in this place, it should have been made by someone called Blaines."

"It turned out to be the case." Li Huailin nodded. At first, I felt that the artifacts of the Bancros were able to invade the temple. It is very strange, but now he understands what it is. The so-called artifact is the maker of the temple. This is more understandable by Blaines.

"This place is also the ancestor of your Bancros family?" Iofar asked directly to the next Anwar.

"Should..." Anwar answered a little uncertain. "In short, our Bancros family has always lived in this place. It is the tomb of the ancestors..."

"So the man named Blaines is your ancestor?" asked Iofam.

"This... my ancestors should have no such name..." Anwar thought about it.

"Yes, the ancestors of the past did not have this person called Blaines." Next to Tomia also nodded and confirmed that they are homologous on both sides, so the ancestors still count together.

Eofarm nodded slightly, didn't say much, and continued to look at the text on the wall. After watching it for a while, Iofam waved his hand: "Although most of them don't understand, there should be no important information. Let's go."

Anwar certainly nodded, then took everyone down to the building, and soon they came to the room where the artifacts were stored.

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