All Things Wrong

Chapter 2600: Harm oneself

"What?" Everyone was shocked by this situation in a flash. The sun spear thrown by Li Huailin felt unremarkable, but it was inexplicable to penetrate the Protoss defensive shield. Contrast contrast is a bit too Obviously, everyone has not responded. .

No, although most people have not responded, but some people are responding, this person is the light and sacred Bald. Yes, when Li Huailin used the sun spear, St. Bard did not know why it felt a bit wrong, although in theory, this human being is of course impossible to pose any threat to the Protoss, but St. Bard feels a little crisis in my heart. Feeling, I don't know how it feels like this, but it has also appeared before, and it can be understood as the feeling of the sixth sense. So although St. Bard has no action, it has always been paying attention to this matter.

Now, when Li Huailin’s sun lance broke through the defensive shield of the Protoss, St. Bard reacted the first time. In the next second, St. Bard also immediately shot, also a sun spear shot, hit the position of Li Huailin's sun spear, and his purpose is of course to eliminate Li Huailin's attack.

St. Bard’s sun spears are really very fast. Although Li Huailin’s shots are much earlier than him, St. Bard’s sun spears are the first to come, and the sun spears on this side have just penetrated. At the palm of the Protoss, St. Bard’s sun spear has hit Li Huailin’s spear.

The sound of "铛", the collision of the sun spears on both sides, almost determined the outcome in an instant, because St. Bard’s sun spear directly passed through the middle of Li Huailin’s sun spear and directly penetrated it. , played in two paragraphs. It is obvious that although the sun spears on both sides are somewhat similar, they do not seem to be a grade at all.

But the problem is that Li Huailin’s sun spear was indeed interrupted, but it didn’t stop after breaking into two. The first half of the sun spear was still flying in the direction of the Protoss. I really want to love you. It is also affected by any influence, which makes the shot of St. Bard also a glimpse.

"What?" The sense of crisis is even more intense. St. Bard immediately realized that something was wrong, so he directly pulled the direction of the attacked Protoss, and a flash of light flashed. What did St. Bard’s hand seem to release? Shining on the Protoss, I saw that the Protoss had deflected in the direction of St. Bard. Yes, this should be a long-distance divergence power that drags people away. St. Bard’s main purpose of releasing this spell now is to let the Protoss avoid the attack.

Because the time is short, St. Bard can only release this skill. It is true that this reaction can be made within this time. St. Bard is already very abnormal, but the problem is... things still can't follow St. Barth. The direction of morality is developing. The body of the Protoss moved a bit, but at the same time, the first half of the remaining sun spear thrown by Li Huailin was suddenly slightly deflected, drawing a slightly different angle, and then Directly inserted the position of the heart of this Protoss.

This is of course not a hit correction for the sun spear, because although the sun spear is a hundred, it is only a confirmation of the hit, and will not say 100% confirmation to hit the opponent's key position, has already hit the other's arm, So in fact, the judgment has passed, to hide can hide. The current judgment of this hit is derived from the rule of the roots of Li Huailin's sword.

Yes, there is no guessing. This poor Protoss is now wearing cloth. For the guy wearing the cloth armor, Li Huailin simply won’t care, a 100-degree attack result, so no matter what St. Bard here. Interference, the final result is affirmative, when Li Huailin throws out the spears, the guy is dead.

"噗嗤", nothing unexpected, Li Huailin's half sun spear directly inserted into the chest position of the other side, and the reaction is particularly large. Such a small sun spear directly opened a hole in the mouth of the other's chest, penetrated the other's chest and then flew far away until it was out of the line of sight of everyone.

"What? This..." I don't know if the protoss has a strong vitality. The protoss with a big hole in the chest can still move a little. The other person looks down at his chest with a surprised look. The location, and then there is something I can't believe. I want to touch it with my hand. Is it an illusion, but at the moment when the other person raises his hand, a dark feeling comes, and the protoss suddenly loses consciousness and hangs. .

Of course, at this time, St. Bard’s skills are still being launched. The power of the gods is still involved in the body of the Protoss, but when he pulls the Protoss to his side, of course, it’s just a dead body. Death can't die anymore.

"De...Delis..." Looking at the body of the hand, St. Bard here still has no reaction. He did everything he could, and in this case Delis actually died in front of himself, which made him completely unacceptable.

" is this possible?" And the surrounding protoss reacted. What did they see? A human being launched an attack on the Protoss. If you still have a second time, this Protoss, you must know that this is the real Lord God, is there a God of the Temple? Then was it killed by a weak human being? This is something that can't happen at all. It happened to them.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, these protoss can't believe that this will happen. But now everything is happening to them, and there is no way to falsify. Even so, they can't believe their eyes. This is equivalent to saying that an ant suddenly feels like stepping on a lion. Can you see this thing with your own eyes?

A bunch of gods haven't reacted yet. Of course, Li Huailin is not surprising at all. After all, I basically thought of this result when I shot. But Li Huailin’s appearance is a bit awkward now, because the system prompts he heard are a bit strange.

System Tip: You killed the wine Divine Delis, you lost 788,000 experience, you robbed the other side's power, your **** power limit was reduced by 3,488,908 points.

"Ha?" Li Huailin is a glimpse of the whole person. Of course, it is no strange that Li Huailin has such a thing. After all, he has always been like this. Therefore, killing a humanoid boss directly deducted 7.8 million experience is also normal, and he is just pressing the 100 level, for the time being do not know what the reason will not lose experience, it does not matter. And he was surprised at why he was deducted from the upper limit.

I immediately looked at my status bar. Now, Li Huailin’s divine power has become a negative more than 2 million. Originally, he has more than 1 million divine powers. Now all of them have been deducted and not owed. More than 2 million, in this case, he has been unable to release any divine skills.

But the question is what is going on here, Li Huailin said that he could not understand. In a similar situation, Li Huailin had not tried it before. What was the upper limit of the power of more than one million of his previous powers? Before that, the direct separation of the divine sacred Di Leka's divine power, and then got these power. So the current situation should be similar to the situation at the time. You should get the limit of 3 million power. Why is it suddenly becoming a buckle now? This... is not suitable.

Li Huailin did not understand, but Li Huailin thought about it for a while, and he understood it a little bit. Yes, what is the biggest difference between yourself and the present, that is the judgment of the camp. At that time, he was the task of picking up the king of the gods. It may have belonged to the camp of the shrine of the king of God. Therefore, when he destroyed the sacred body of St. Dijon, he might belong to the chaos, the following commits, etc. It should have been deductive, but it has since become a god.

But now the situation has already got its own temple, that is to say, it belongs to the camp of its own temple, and the attack on those who kill other temples may be able to get the power of the gods of other camps according to the original rules. However, because of his own bug physique, it turned into a defiant power, which should be caused by the difference in this aspect.

This makes Li Huailin really a little headache. Although there is no use in some aspects of his own power, the only useful skill is to eliminate the skills of others. It is still very useful, but it is also more powerful than the Protoss. More than that. However, this skill is better than nothing. Maybe it will be used when it is, but now it is completely useless. This is not a pothole.

What makes Li Huailin’s headache is that he still wants to slaughter more than this protoss. It seems to be deducted in the future. This is too pitted. This is really a bit of a disadvantage to others. However, I thought about it. Anyway, I have already started it, and it is still deducted into a negative number. Is there any difference between the negative 2 million and the negative 20 million? The matter of divine skill, I will find a way to forget it later.

"Really big loss..." I thought that Li Huailin wanted to complain about it, but I was about to say it. Suddenly, Li Huailin found a flashing thing on the ground, and suddenly it was a glimpse.

"Explosion... Explosive equipment? Or orange?" Yes, what appeared in front of Li Huailin was an orange-emitting thing, just below the place where St. Delis died.

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