All Things Wrong

Chapter 2606: Search

Compared to previous version updates, this version update is really intuitive and intuitive to the extent you can see at a glance. Because I just got in, everyone found that the map of the game seems to have changed...

Yes, many people still remember the place where they went offline, but after only half a day and time, when they went online, they found that the situation they saw was completely different. Some people obviously went offline in the city. When they came up, they saw that the whole city was gone. Some people are off the assembly line in the wild. As a result, the mountains in front of them are gone.

However, they soon discovered that it was not so much that the game changed maps, but the terrain was destroyed, and the changed terrain seemed to have been bombarded. Most of the players don't know what happened. It has been like this for a long time. What happened in the middle of the story? The official did not know what happened.

Of course, there are still a small number of players who know it. After seeing this situation, they immediately remembered the very hot post that they saw on the forum, that is, the post that Li Huailin saw was the city’s bombing. . There are still people who are arguing about the authenticity of this post, but now it seems that there is no need to argue. What the player said has really become a fact, and now it really appears like the end of the world.

The reaction of the players is still relatively small. Of course, it is very surprising to see this situation. I didn't expect the change to be so big. But the players' minds are just a plot designed in the game. It may be triggered. What events, tasks, copies, and so on. After all, I sighed and they started to do the task very quickly.

Yes, they just received the new version of the mission when they went online, and that is a lot of rescue missions. For example, if the city is bombed, the collapse of the building needs to save people. Someone goes to the wild to do something, then the explosion loses contact, let the player find it. A lot of new quests appeared and the players felt very happy. Although some people are curious as to what happened, in general, people who play online games don't pay much attention to the game story. Compared with the game story, of course, it is more important to level up the game.

Back to Li Huailin, he also went on the line immediately after a little cleaning up. As a result, he appeared directly in the sea. It was true that when I was offline yesterday, I was forced to be kicked out of the game when I was still in the air. I just fell back into the sea when I came back today.

Li Huailin certainly didn't know where this was, because yesterday he was bombed and flew far away, and the direction of flying was not very clear. However, he looked out from the sea and looked calm. There was nothing in his place. Surrounded by the sea, I couldn't see any islands, and then looked at the sky. Li Huailin didn't see anything like a temple floating in the air. Even Li Huailin, a seabird or something, didn't see it. In addition to the sound of the waves, Li Huailin could not hear any other sounds.

Jin Guang flashed, Li Huailin also summoned Xiaomi and then flew into the air, looking at the condescending, Li Huailin found that there was no reference object around, even a small island did not see. In theory, you should be able to see the stronghold of the Bancros, but you have not seen it. Thinking of yesterday's situation, it may not be possible to destroy the entire island when the artifact is disintegrated.

After a little hovering for a while, Li Huailin didn't find anything to find. If he thought about it, he would go back and ask someone to ask about the situation. So the transfer was started directly. Of course, the person who sent it was Decker. The result was that the system actually indicated that the transfer failed.

Li Huailin was a glimpse first, then suddenly understood. Yes, Decker hangs up. Without the transmission target, the transmission will fail. I thought about it too. The explosion was so intense yesterday, and Decker was at the temple, basically at the center of the explosion. It’s not a difficult thing to understand.

"It’s not like the old ones are all hung up." Li Huailin touched his head. The old people were all fighting the Protoss in the temple. They would not all be killed. However, there are a lot of people who think about hanging, but it is unlikely that they will all be hung up. There must be alive. And where will they go after they have escaped? I thought about it should be the nearby Vicosori.

I think that Li Huailin is here to send it directly to Vicosori. Of course, the method is to use it directly back to the city. If I have landed in other places, I will return to the city directly. City. However, Li Huailin was miscalculated here, because after he returned to the city, Li Huailin appeared directly in the back of the city in the city of God.

“Hey?” Li Huailin touched his head a little bit awkwardly. This is really a bit strange. How come he will come here? I thought a little about it. I think about the post I saw before. Li Huailin probably understands that Vicosoli may have an accident. Maybe it will be blown directly, so the return to the city is directly canceled, so I will Came here.

"This..." Li Huailin had a little headache, but at this time he saw a problem with the main city. Yes, the explosion of yesterday seems to have spread to the main city of the Terran. The south side of the main city seems to have also been attacked by black balls. The south wall seems to have been directly destroyed. Fortunately, the palace is in the north of the city. So it seems that it has not been affected much.

Of course, how much damage the city is now? Li Huailin has no time to manage. What is important now is how the old and protoss are going. Li Huailin wants to know the situation quickly. Li Huailin quickly thought about it. The only way he can do now is to send Eofam directly.

Yes, Iofar’s body has its own mark. This is what Li Huailin left before, mainly because of the debugging artifacts of Iofarm’s stronghold in the Bancros, and Li Huailin’s visit to Vicosoli. And the two places in the stronghold, so left a mark on Decker and Iofar. But what made him a little headache was that he saw the artifact self-destructive before. At the time, Iofam could be next to the artifact. Do you know that this guy is still alive? If even this guy hangs, then it is really troublesome, and he doesn't know where to find someone.

Of course, no matter whether she hangs or not, Li Huailin tries to try it. Skills started, white light flashed, Li Huailin disappeared in place. Obviously the good news is that Iowam is not hanging, but Li Huailin soon found the bad news, because he just saw the Iofam, who had been seriously injured.

Iofam is now lying on the ground, her appearance looks really a bit miserable, almost half of the left side of the body has almost disappeared, yes, including left hand, left button, left half of the abdomen, left wing Most of the left leg has disappeared. The position where the limb disappears is left as if it had been baked. It seems to be burnt directly at high temperature, or it is directly blown up. Now Iowam is of course a dragon-like state that falls to the ground, and it seems to be dormant when it moves.

And Li Huailin now notices where they are. It is obvious that Li Huailin saw the sea above when he looked up. Yes, their position is on the bottom of the sea. Considering that Iopham also established a submarine city, This incident is not difficult for her. It is estimated that she will hide here after the explosion, and then she will cover herself with a defensive shield. She is currently recovering.

"Hey, Aunt Bailong, are you still awake?" Li Huailin shouted directly at Iofar, regardless of whether the other person is being cultivated or not. Anyway, he first called and asked about the situation.

It seems that I heard the voice of Li Huailin. Here Iowam squinted a little, but the body did not move. He said to Li Huailin: "Human, you are still alive."

"Crap, can I still die?" Li Huailin lifted the amount. "How is the situation outside? Do you know?"

"I still want to ask you, what about the Protoss?" Iofar asked.

Li Huailin and Io Fam learned about the situation and found that Iopham basically did not know anything. Yes, her injury was caused by the disintegration of the artifact. The situation at that time was similar to that of Li Huailin’s conjecture. Because the artifact had been broken after half of the temple, Iopham next to it wanted to adjust immediately. After all, she also wants to pull out all the temples. But the problem is that it has not been adjusted well, and the stored energy has begun to bottom out. Eofarm can only inject his own energy into the artifact while adjusting, and at this point the artifact will understand the body.

At that time, Iofam injected energy directly into the left hand. The explosion that occurred in the disintegration directly killed almost the left half of the body. It was also blown out of the distance, and it was seriously injured. No, I could only lie on the ground to recover. After the sea flooded, she added a waterproof cover to her. After that, she replied here. She didn’t know what happened.

Li Huailin certainly gave a little talk to Iofam, and Iofarm was a little anxious to listen to it: "So now the Protoss and the old people don't know how?"

"I am asking, what help do you need here?" Li Huailin said.

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