All Things Wrong

Chapter 2607: Remnant army

"What do you say?" Ioofam said with no anger. Of course, it is necessary to help in this way. It seems that Li Huailin appears relatively timely. .

"How can I help? Can you recover from the broken left hand and left foot?" Li Huailin asked directly. Of course, it is also necessary to help Eofarm now. After all, the Protoss still doesn't know how to do it. Maybe it needs Iofam to help.

"I can recover, but I need a lot of magic," Iofar said. "Or you find someone to treat me."

Speaking of the treatment of Li Huailin's first thought is of course to summon the Jade Emperor, the healing magic of the life sword can be described as metamorphosis, when the conflict with the guardian of the Excalibur, the people there are almost played by Li Huailin I can't see anybody's appearance. I was treated by the Life Sword and it was directly intact. So Iowamu's current situation is estimated to be no problem.

There is nothing wrong with the treatment, but the current location is a bit of a problem, mainly because Iofar’s hiding place doesn’t know where it is. But it is still good that Li Huailin can directly throw Eofarm into his temple, which is much safer than here, and summoning Jade Emperor is also the administrator of the temple, so it is convenient to go directly to the temple and find her.

But now summoned Jade Emperor is still not on the line, Li Huailin also directly gave her a message to let her go to the treatment of Iofam, then Ioofam was thrown into the temple to rest. And Li Huailin now has to go to the Protoss and the old family to see what it is.

Once again, the surface of Iofar’s lying is not much distance from the sea. The seawater here may have been covered later, that is, the part of the seabed that was previously exposed.

Li Huailin is still not seeing anything obvious. Riding on Xiaomi, Li Huailin starts flying directly to the north, because there is nothing on the sea, and the Protoss and the old family cannot stay here, so the probability is still Li Huailin will also fly in the direction of the other side of the mainland, which is the mainland where the Huaxia District in the north is located.

A little flew for a while, Li Huailin saw the coastline of the mainland. I said that the location from the mainland is not very far away. It is only an hour by boat, not to mention Li Huailin. It is also a coincidence that Li Huailin’s right direction is the direction of Vicosoli City, because Li Huailin saw the familiar silhouette of the city at high altitude. Li Huailin has been here several times these days, so he is still familiar. Although the surrounding scenes have undergone tremendous changes, the city Li Huailin still recognizes it.

"Isn't this not broken?" Li Huailin is a bit strange. The city is still unable to return to the city to return to here. But a little closer to Li Huailin found that this is not the case at all. The city is indeed ruined, but unlike Li Huailin’s thought, it is not caused by the anti-material bomb that caused the entire destruction to disappear, but by another thing. The tsunami was destroyed.

Yes, the rest of the city is a wreck, and the way it is destroyed by antimatter bombs is still a lot of things left here. It is also obvious that Li Huailin is close to it. It is all destroyed by water. It is estimated that the huge tsunami caused by the previous explosion has swept the city. But now that the tsunami has passed, the surrounding coastline has declined. Vicosori was originally a port city, and now the port has lost its effectiveness, as the coastline has retreated outside the port.

The terrain here can be said to have undergone tremendous changes. If it is not familiar to this side, Li Huailin estimates that he will not recognize it. Of course, Li Huailin is not in charge of the destruction of the city. He is looking for someone, but in this case, there seems to be no one in the city.

After a little search, Li Huailin did not find anyone, but he found traces. Yes, it is a footprint. These footprints are obviously left behind after the tsunami, and the people in the city here have all been evacuated when the old people occupied it, so these footprints are most likely to be left by the old people who fled back. It is a pity that the footprints are not clear and I don't know what direction the other party has gone.

The clues are a bit broken, but at least I know that the old family may have been here. Li Huailin felt that there was not much time in the past, and he should still look around, so he also hovered around Xiaomi to see if he could find someone. This method sounds a bit stupid, but don't say it is really a bit useful, because Li Huailin flew for a while and really saw people.

The other party appeared directly in front of him, and the other party used to fly. Looking at the wings behind him, Li Huailin certainly knew that he was a Bancros, and the other party did not say much. He directly pointed to Li Huailin to follow him. Li Huailin followed him for a little while, then he came to a mountain, where Li Huailin saw many acquaintances.

Obviously, this is the temporary base of the old people now, but most of what Li Huailin can see is the Bancros, and their close relatives, the Viseks, who account for 90%. . There are also many other people, but the number is really poor. Think about it too, because the people of Bancros and Visek will fly, so they are still very likely to escape. Other people, or they have not had time to escape, or just escaped but Drowned in the sea, or escaped and found no meeting here.

In the air, Li Huailin looked at it. At present, there are about 500 people here. Compared with the tens of thousands of old-fashioned troops, this one can only be described by the army. It seems that yesterday’s explosion, the old family It is really a huge loss. After the landing, Li Huailin also found that almost everyone here was wounded. The scene is a bit like a theater hospital. There are people everywhere screaming, and the medical staff are busy.

Soon, Li Huailin also met the Queen of the Bancros, Anwar. It seems that there is nothing to look at him, and he is still helping to treat others. At the side of Anwar, Li Huailin saw a person who surprised him a bit. The whole person Li Huailin had never seen it, but the name of the other person, Li Huailin, was heard. His name is Saint Rutes.

"Anwar's lover?" Li Huailin nodded. Ben Anwar agreed to use the artifact because of this relationship with St. Ruttus. Li Huailin did not see this protoss in the previous battle. It is estimated that it is slipping when fighting. from.

"There is a big man in the chest." Seeing Li Huailin, Anwar here also stopped and walked and said, "How is your situation over there, seeing other old people?"

"I just found it, I haven't seen it." Li Huailin spread his hand. "I don't know what happened at the moment."

Anwar and Li Huailin are still familiar, so they have not concealed it. They immediately told Li Huailin what they know now.

After the explosion of the red ball on the temple yesterday, of course, I couldn’t fight it anymore. Both the Protoss and the old ones suffered heavy losses. After the explosion, the entire part of the temple was pulled out and directly blown into three sections. Then all lost the ability to float. The wreckage of the temple fell into the sea below, and the Protoss and the old people in the temple did not know where to go.

Of course, the Bancros and the Viseks are flying, so those who are less injured have escaped directly, and some have saved other companions nearby, that is, what Li Huailin sees now. People. Since most people have been injured, they can't fly all the time, and the body can't resist it, so Anwar also directs them to go to the nearest mainland to rest immediately.

As for the Protoss, Anwar didn't know how. She was also anxious to run, and she didn't pay attention at all, but she didn't see the Protoss running out of the temple. It is best to kill the protoss of course, but it seems impossible.

"Yes." Li Huailin nodded. If Anwar could run out, the Protoss could estimate that they could run out. However, the ones that were closest to the explosion at the time of the explosion were the main gods. They may also be injured. Maybe they can actually kill a few.

Anwar doesn't know much. After all, she still has to escape. In this case, after rushing to here, it has not stabilized yet. As for other old people, of course, there is no connection. When I saw Li Huailin, I thought it was Li Huailin who came with other people's news.

"I may know where the Protoss is." At this moment, St. Rutes, near Anwar, suddenly said.

"This is the adult of St. Ruths." Anwar also introduced Li Hualin immediately.

"Oh, you are St. Ruthus." Li Huailin nodded. "Are you now a rebel protoss?"

"Yes, I have broken the Protoss." St. Ruttus nodded and said, "I have been looking for this opportunity. Now is the best time."

"When you started the war yesterday, are you with the Protoss?" Li Huailin asked.

"No, I have already escaped when I started the war yesterday." St. Ruttus said here, "In fact, when you attacked, I had left the temple."

"How do you know the position of the Protoss now?" Li Huailin asked.

"A little guess can be found, you... is this ready to see?" St. Rutes seems to be quite interested in Li Huailin, ask.

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