All Things Wrong

Chapter 2609: Assault

Li Huailin, the guard of the Bancros, came to a gathering place for elemental creatures not far from here. Here, there was a group of water elemental creatures. The level looked low and the number was not very large. .

Waving his hand, Li Huailin let the guards of the Bancros family leave directly, and on his side, he directly summoned Corrances through the tokens. Yes, Li Huailin doesn't want to be a stunned snake now, so I want to confirm whether the Protoss went to the element seal, but I don't want to go directly to see it. After all, the Protoss is more sling, and the scope of exploration may be larger. It is not easy to find it directly. . So summoning Corrance to ask the situation is of course the most important.

Waiting for a while, the waiting time was a little longer. Just when Li Huailin thought that Corranthus could not appear here, the crack in the front of the element cracked slightly, Collanser. Sris came out from inside.

"Great, I am looking for you." Seeing Corranthus on Li Huailin immediately said.

"It is about the Protoss." Li Huailin asked.

"Yes, is it really what you did? What happened?" Corrans certainly didn't know what was going on, but now a large group of Protoss came to the seal of the element and let Korlander Surprisingly, this group of protoss is not a avatar, which is very strange. Corrances also ignored them for a while and did not open the seal of the elements. He suspected that this matter should have something to do with his mother, Iofam. Seeing Li Huailin to contact him, of course, he also guessed that it was related to him.

Corranthus is his own person. Li Huailin certainly explained the current situation and Corrances a little, mainly by pulling out half of the temple through artifacts and then trapping the Protoss here.

"Mother is really amazing..." Hearing that Cole Lansers was very happy, of course, he blamed all of his credit on Iofam. "Oh, you can leave me here." Help the mother to be an adult."

"Now I can help." Li Huailin said with a smile. "The purpose of this group of protoss is to return to the border of the gods through the elemental channel."

"Of course I will not let them do what they want." Corrances said here immediately.

"No, no... This is an opportunity. We can give a gift to the Protoss." Li Huailin said with a smile. "Do you forget the elemental family but my men..."

"Oh, yes." Corranthus here immediately understood the meaning of Li Huailin. After all, when he was convinced of the elemental family, Corranseus was watching it. "In that case, I will put the Protoss. Come in and let these elements attack them?"

"Do you think these elements can solve these guys?" Li Huailin asked.

"This..." Corrance thought about it. I have to say that although there are so many elemental creatures, and there is still a small addition in the elemental plane, I want to solve this lord-level... Estimation It is impossible.

"So we need to plan well. First of all, take me to see those elemental creatures." Li Huailin said.

Looking back to the Protoss, the current Protoss, as Collandus said, are now clustered near the seal of the elements on the southern promenade. At present, the situation of the Protoss is really a bit bad, but it is not the same as what Li Huailin expected. The protoss is not a lot of people. Although several main gods are close to the explosion, they are still alive, at least There seems to be no problem at all.

But in fact they are indeed very weak now, they are very huge in terms of divine power, and they also find that the speed of their own power recovery has been seriously affected.

Yes, they are the main god-level protoss. After the gods consume, the speed of recovery is very fast. Even if they are exhausted, they can all be restored in one day. It is necessary to know how great the gods of the gods are. The quick reply is the use of faith.

But the problem is that they are now clearly discovering that their recovery of their power is slowing down. In fact, most of them still don’t know what happened. Because the temple is isolated, they don’t know that this is Li Huailin’s work. Demolition of a large number of temples, and even affected several other continents, the effect at the beginning is not obvious, but now that a period of time has passed, this effect is slowly reflected. At present, the power of the Protoss is serious. Was affected.

In the current situation, their power is consumed a lot, and the recovery speed is slow, and they are still true, so it is very dangerous. So they are also anxious to go back, of course, not only for this reason, they also need to tell this to the king of God immediately, because the king of God should be retreating in the other half of the temple, now this situation is estimated God Wang still doesn't know, he will immediately tell him to let him hurry up and preside over it, otherwise the Protoss may really be in danger.

Fortunately, although the temple is closed, they also know how to go back, but this method must first go to the gate of the temple. The level of the temple of the Protoss is very high, so the coverage is very large, but it must also be returned to the border of the gods. Of course, the first thing they thought of was to go back through the door of the element, but they found trouble when they came here, because the founder Corrances couldn’t find anyone, they also had Korland on their hands. The relic of the singer just called for a long time and nothing happened.

"What happened to Corrance? I won't have received our contact." One of the Protoss asked.

"Possibly... it has something to do with the guys in Bayanki." Of course they didn't know about the position of Corrans, and soon they came up with another question, that is, the situation of Bayanki. Of course, they know that Bayanki is now on the border of the gods. Although they don’t know how the other party came from, they also contacted Corrance, who said that he could not repair Baiyaki. The elemental channel is broken, and the dark energy of Bayanki must be prevented from invading the elemental plane, so it may not be possible to deal with it now.

"Continue to contact!" said the bright sacred Bald here. Although I don't know if Corrans is busy, but always keep in touch, the other party will definitely notice that the situation is not general.

There is no way to continue to contact. Bright God is also considering other aspects. If there is really no contact here, are they trying to seal other elements? Yes, the seal of the element is not limited to this one, but the seal of other elements is not very stable, there may be accidents, and this one is the most stable one, the protoss do not want to take risks. So this is just an alternative.

I tried it for a while, and I was waiting for St. Balde’s side to try to go to another elemental channel. Suddenly someone reported that there was a force moving towards them.

All Protoss are a little nervous. After all, they are not very good now. Is it the pursuit of the old people? The old people’s injuries received yesterday should be much bigger than them. However, they are not sure that the entire army of the old people was invaded at the time, and it may be only part of it.

The Protoss immediately entered the state of battle, and all Protoss were ready to fight, and the first thing they saw was the huge white dragon descending from the sky.

"Yes...Is it you?" Seeing Iofam, most of the protoss of the main gods recognized it. Some servants did not know the identity of Iopham and their relationship with the Protoss, but also heard of it. The legend of the white dragon.

Many Protoss also showed a surprised expression. They knew Iofam, but did not hear that Iofam was dead? Yes, there are not many protoss that Iowam has been sealed. A few high-level executives, such as St. Bard, still know, and other people below don’t know about it.

"It turned out to be you..." Seeing Iofam, St. Bard here suddenly knows what it is. Yes, in his opinion, Ioofam may be the master of this old invasion. He knows each other. If you have this ability, if you are not jealous of it, why should the Protoss seal it?

"I...revenge!" Iowam here directly yelled at the Protoss side, while other figures appeared behind him. St. Bard glanced at them, basically all familiar faces, all of them were old people, and several kings of the demon family were also there. It seems that a big battle is inevitable.

"Get ready to fight." St. Bard said directly.

The Protoss here are a bit imaginary. After all, the power has not recovered yet, but there is no way at the moment, but at this moment, suddenly a yellow light flashes next to it, and a circular door appears to them.

"What's the matter, who is going to contact me? What's the matter?" The voice of Corrances came out of the door. And when they saw St. Bard, they were here, and Corranseus was a little surprised. "Hey? You? Bald? Lulan Seyton? How are you here?"

"St. Bard's adult!" I didn't expect that the elemental gate suddenly opened at this time. All the Protoss were a hi, and immediately looked at St. Bard. Of course, it means standing or retreating.

"Hurry up." St. Bard here also immediately said immediately, "Everyone immediately withdraws into the elemental plane! Fast!"

Looking at the retreating Protoss, Li Huailin in the distance smiled and planned, it was quite smooth.

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