All Things Wrong

Chapter 2611: plan

The huge red fireball and the golden light slammed together. After a slight confrontation on both sides, the fireball here was defeated and was directly crushed by the front. But although it was shattered, the sparks of the splattering still rushed toward the Protoss with high temperatures.

"What?" St. Bard also found that he was a little underestimated. Yes, he said that they simply looked down on the elemental family, so they didn't bother to understand each other's situation, so they didn't expect the other's attack to be so powerful.

Of course, it was too late at this time. The fragments of the fireball flew directly to the Protoss crowd. Many Protoss directly used the magical spells to defend, but there were too few, for example, a few servants, because they trusted St. Bard too. It is thought that the light gods are naturally in the water, and there is no timely defense. This is directly injured by the fireball.

Fortunately, there are not many people injured, and St. Bard quickly turned his attention to the direction of the fireball. Soon his face changed a little. Yes, he has already guessed that the person may be an elemental creature, and it may also be a lord-level elemental creature, but what he did not expect is that the other party actually came to so many people.

Yes, what appears in front of his eyes is the elemental creatures in the mountains and mountains. The elements of the horror elements are gathering in their direction. Of course, there are several particularly conspicuous elemental creatures, and one of them is still in the hand. Blazing the flames, it was obvious that it was just the attack of the flame ball thrown by the lord of this huge fire element.

"How come..." When I saw this situation, other protoss were a little shocked. Let’s not say how the other side’s combat power is. This number... is it too amazing, is it really a mountain?

"How could it be so much?" Soon they had doubts in their minds. Of course they knew that this unit was just the fire element of the alarm. When the other party issued an alarm, they knew that there might be a reserve army. I came here, but I didn’t expect it to be such a big army. This... It’s not easy for such a force to be assembled. In the end... it’s always impossible to have a special assembly here waiting for them. Let's go.

"Well..." At this time, Corrances suddenly said, "It is the lord of fire, Georgin."

"What's the matter? How can there be so many elemental creatures?" St. Bard here also knows that Corrances lives here and may know more about the elemental creatures, so he immediately asked.

"This is the case. This Gelkin has recently been engaged in a united war of elemental planes. It seems that he has been inheriting the ancient gods and is ready to unify the entire elemental plane. Recently it seems that I heard that they held an elemental assembly nearby. Now, this unit is very likely to be the elemental creatures participating in the elemental assembly," said Corranthus.

"What? Elemental Assembly?" The Protoss listened a little bit. Yes, they don’t know the elemental plane. They can’t hear that Corrans is talking nonsense. The elemental assembly is indeed there, but it has been opened last month. Now this unit is completely waiting. Their.

Before Li Huailin looked for these elemental creatures, of course, it was borrowed from the name of the great **** of Kutani. I have already let these elemental creatures gather near here, waiting for his orders. Now Li Huailin said that the time has come. It is time to attack the Protoss. Of course, these elemental creatures are ready to attack.

Geerjin is now a little too late to show his bravery in front of the great **** of Kutani. He really waited for a long time, and now he finally has the opportunity to come. He is of course the first to hear the news. Time will bring people together. How many people are there in the opponent? The Protoss is not strong in the end. This is not a problem. In his opinion, of course, the elemental family is the most hanged. He does not even know how strong the Protoss is.

"Wow, wow, wow!" Seeing the other side blocked his own fireball, Geergin not only did not have any worry, but was also irritated, and waved directly at the younger brothers behind him, while he was also the first time to rush. Go up.

"St. Bard's adult!" The protoss also began to shake when they saw this. A few of the main gods were daring, and there was no feeling, but a few servants who could not live here can really panic. However, the number of the other party is also a bit too much, although they are very strong, but the other party can consume their own power, and then drown them by the sea tactics.

"The hateful element family..." St. Bard's face is not very good, he still feels that something is wrong, the sixth sense is very strong, but there is no time for him to consider, one thing and one thing happens So that he can't wait to stop and think a little.

"Bald, I don't think it's a waste of time with this inferior creature." A protoss next to the main **** level said to St. Bard, "Now we can't open the door to the seal, but the opposite Iofam can To do, the guys who stayed don’t know how long it will last. If we are entangled here with these elemental creatures, things may be even more out of hand."

Yesterday's fighting Protoss did not see Eofarm. I don't know if it is manipulating artifacts. I thought that he was refueling and waiting for him to chase them now, so in their opinion, several gods are exhausted. The Protoss is also estimated to be unable to stop Eofar, or it is better to go back and tell the king that this thing makes him open the seal of the temple.

St. Bard nodded, and although he did not respond, he was not afraid of these elemental creatures. But as the Protoss said, now they don't have time and the elemental creatures to spend here, so many elemental creatures have to fight for how long. With a wave of hand, St. Bard said: "Go!"

The location of the other exit of the elemental channel, they know that all the Protoss also agreed with St. Bard's judgment at this time, and did not want to fight with these elements of the creature, so they all retreated toward the other side. The elemental creature behind him is of course more fiercely chasing after seeing this situation. You ran how we explained to the great **** of Gettani, so I pursued this protoss.

"Damn!" The protoss who escaped were uncomfortable. They were actually chased by a group of low-level races. It was too shameful. But thinking about it is a special time now, and when it comes to slowing down, I must find this elemental bio-calculation.

Soon, they ran to the other side of the gate to the border of the gods, of course, they saw a huge black ball, previously said to prevent dark matter from flowing into the elemental plane, Kerlan Seuss also set up a seal block here, which is completely black.

"The door is here, but now all around is the dark matter released by Bejah," said Corrans.

"Know it, open the door." St. Bard immediately said, by the way, waved his hand, and the light in his hand went through the past, directly dispelling all the dark matter around the door. It seems that the **** of light still has certain certainity for Biyaji. Restrained.

Of course, this is the door of the elements that is open immediately. The elemental army behind him has already been chased. The fastest one is the lord of several elements, and the other troops behind them are still a little away from them. It.

"You are going." Seeing this situation, several relatively strong gods, including St. Bard, took the initiative to say. Yes, of course, it is better for them to break off. Their strength is relatively strong. They must go at any time.

Of course, there is no doubt about it. Several Protoss are also rushing toward the gate. But what happened to them did not happen. After about a dozen people came out of the door, the elements of the door suddenly began to shrink, and then disappeared in front of them.

"What's wrong?" St. Bard, who noticed this situation, asked strangely. Of course, the first time he thought of it was that Iofarm came in, but he did not see the figure of Iofar. Only a large group of elemental creatures rushed towards them.

"Collanders?" St. Bard certainly looked at the next Corrances and asked what was going on.

"Hahaha... Bald... You counted..." The mission was all completed, and Corrans certainly didn't have to cover up anything, and said directly to St. Bard.

"Collanders? You?" St. Bard did not react, but a little bit excited, he suddenly understood. No, it’s no wonder that I always feel that something is wrong. The most uncomfortable place is the Corrances in front of me. If Corrans really betrayed them...

"Collanders? You betrayed us?" A protoss next to him understood it and yelled at Corrans.

"I betray you? You betrayed the mother." Corrances immediately said, "You are the traitor, you are are all here."

"Oh, is that true?" St. Bard understood, and indeed, Corransus was a person of Iofarm, and he hated himself. Looking at the situation now, even if the other party’s plan splits them apart, now the Protoss is divided into three teams, and everyone is not in a full state, which is really dangerous. It’s just that he is a bit strange, how can I even use the strategy now, I haven’t heard of it.

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