All Things Wrong

Chapter 2612: collision

It is true that the Protoss is also a big deal. In fact, they have never really encountered this situation, because they rarely appear in the lower bounds in the real situation, not to mention the fact that the temple is closed. It can be said that this is a situation that has not been noticed.

St. Bard’s brains are still fast, and he immediately wants them to face the simple question of not just the attack of these elemental creatures. The more troublesome thing is that they may not be able to leave this now. The element plane is gone.

Yes, the person who controls the door of the elemental plane is Corrances. Without him, the elemental plane can't be opened at all, so in the present case, of course, they can't leave. This is really troublesome, and it is not that they will always be trapped here, because as long as the temple is closed, they can return to the temple at any time, but the problem is that the closure of the temple is not in contact now. If you don't go back, how can you tell God King to do this? I really waited for the king of God to disarm the temple. I don’t know how long it will take. Now, at this time, things may not be cleaned up at that time.

It is obvious that people who think of this matter are not only St. Bard, but several other Protoss are immediately aware of this problem. However, St. Bard’s reaction was even faster, because he had already thought of another way to open the door to the element, and immediately told several protoss next to him.

"The killing of Corrance?" Several protoss next to it heard this is a glimpse, and have not responded.

"Yes, this guy has betrayed us, of course, it should be executed. And his role is to seal the passage of elements. If he dies, then the channel of the sealed elements will all become open. Then we can leave here and go directly to the border of the gods and return to the temple from there.” St. Bard said immediately.

"It turns out, but kills him..." The protoss next to it did not say it. Of course, because of the killing of Corrans, the elemental passage could not be closed and became open. The spell of the seal element channel is not a magical protoss. This thing was originally made by Iofam. Of course, it is impossible to let Eofarm give them another one. Isn’t that very troublesome?

"Now I can't manage this much," St. Bard said. "This thing can be solved in the future, but now we must go out immediately."

Several Protoss nodded. Now it is not a case of what the elemental gate should do. Corrance has been rebellious. Do you want him to continue to manage the elemental passage? Of course it is impossible, so I will talk about it later.

I thought that several protoss here also unified their thoughts and immediately wanted to start with Corrans. But of course it was not so easy. Corrans was not so stupid and could not think of this. He was ready when he decided to show up with the Protoss. The thing to know is that Corrans is not alone yet. He still has a lot of reinforcements.

The loud noise of "咚" is a huge fireball thrown directly toward the Protoss. Yes, the attacker is still Georgin, of course he will not attack Corrance. Collanders knew him. He had already seen the "God" Li Huailin and Corrances together, so of course he knew that this might be the existence of the "God". Corrancese was originally completely different from the Protoss, so he did not see that the other party was actually a Protoss. Anyway, the "God" people would not move, directly attacking the Protoss, of course. Also, I took care of Corrances.

The huge fireball flew in the direction of the Protoss and felt the energy of the fireball. St. Bard frowned slightly. Yes, this level of attack does not pose any threat to his main **** level, but these servants behind him may not be. And of course he can't let these **** servants die here.

"A horrible elemental creature!" St. Bard is also ignited. This gang of gangsters is still out of trouble, it is really annoying. Looking at Gelkin, who threw the fireball, St. Bard raised his hand slightly and then pointed a finger at Gerkin.

"叮", a beautiful golden light flashed, a beam of light directly through the front of the fireball, directly shattered the entire fireball, the fire is shining, the splashing fire falls to the ground and even directly melts the ground Magma. But such a high-temperature fireball is in the presence of St. Bard, and it is the extent that it is broken, and his beam does not stop after breaking the opponent's fireball. He throws the fireball directly at the back. Gelkin’s direction penetrated the past.

"Well?" Geergin here did not react at all. Seeing this situation directly, he was already hit by the beam in a second. "嗖", the light passed directly through his right shoulder. When he returned, his entire right shoulder was completely gone, leaving a circular through hole.

"Well?" Gerkin also paused for a moment, looked at his injury, and suddenly screamed wildly. Of course, this is not because he is very painful, but... he is really angry.

If this kind of injury is a normal creature, of course, it will be seriously injured. It may even be fatal. If you don't need any healing magic, you may hang it right away. But Gelgin is an elemental creature, and the whole body is made up of elements, so for him, this is just a hurt.

It was only after seeing that Gelgin had just taken a breath, and the hole that had been hit was completely restored, exactly the same as before it was injured. In fact, all elemental creatures can do this, but the speed of recovery is fast and slow. The speed of reply as the lord of the lord is very fast, of course, there is a very important reason. That's because it's an elemental plane.

Yes, I said that the element can exert the greatest combat power in the element plane. This is all about the aspect, not only the improvement of combat power, but also because of the very sufficient relationship between the surrounding elements. Erjin’s lord level is simply open and open.

Therefore, this attack by St. Bard was almost a second reply to Gelgin. Not only did it not cause any harm, but it made Geergen completely angry. As the most brainless guy in the most elementless family, Gelgin will not control how strong your attack is, whether he is an opponent or not. Anyway, you beat me, I will kill you. .

A roar sounded, and then Gelgin directly shot his hands against the ground. The huge body actually vacated and flew directly toward the Protoss.

Really a few servants have been scared by this situation, the situation that such a big guy flew directly to his side is really scary, and not close yet, they have already felt that the surrounding temperature has begun. Rise, the body of this fire element is composed of high-temperature flames. If it falls to them, it can be bigger than the damage of the previous fireball.

"This guy..." next to Corrances also apparently found that Gelgin lost his intelligence at this time, and even in the state of anger he would not be affected. Fortunately, there was a preparation for this side of Corrances. Looking at the side, Corrances reached out and a small elemental door appeared beside him. The elemental plane was filled with such small elemental cracks, and when he contacted Corvances with Li Huailin, he called Cole Lansers through this type of crack. Of course, Corrances can feel the location of these cracks. He has already stood up and can actually leave when he opens the door.

Yes, Corranthus dared to show up here with the Protoss, of course, there is a way to leave, through a few elements crack directly shuttle, Corranses can easily leave here. Here is the elemental plane. Corranthus has lived here for thousands of years, that is to say, his home, he is certainly not afraid of the Protoss.

Originally, I still want to continue to ridicule this group of protoss, but it is also a gas for my mother, but now that he sees Geerjin, he will go straight away, let the protoss and these elemental creatures have fun. . He still has the task of reporting the current situation to his mother, after all, the outsiders still don't know if the plan is successful.

The loud bang of "咚" is another golden light colliding with Gelkin's body in the air. It seems that St. Balde is also shot, but Corrances did not wait for the result and left it directly. Going outside the crack, and then passing another crack to the inside of the element crack, of course not the previous place, a little distance, after a few connections, Corrance is also back to the gate of the element plane and the lower boundary link . As soon as the figure was moving, Corrances appeared directly on the outside of the gate and looked at the situation outside, just like what he imagined.

Yes, the group of protoss left outside now has been surrounded by a bunch of old people. It can be said that the water, land and air are surrounded by all sides, and several protoss are compressed in a small area in the middle of the altar. However, the battle seems to have not started yet, and it seems that the two sides are still facing each other.

"Collanders! You are coming, open the door." Seeing the presence of Corrance, several protoss here are excited.

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