All Things Wrong

Chapter 2620: Rebel

The retreat of the Protoss is indeed a surprise to Corrance, which is not only a simple matter of not being able to retreat, but more importantly, the face of the Protoss. When I saw the Protoss retreat, the feelings of Corranthus were not as good as I expected, because it meant that the Protoss was more serious than imagined, and the other party really regarded this as a war.

Since it is St. Bard’s speech, of course the Protoss still listens. Although the Protoss clearly took advantage of this time at this time, no one would dare to retreat at this time without St. Bard's words, but since the opening, of course, all the Protoss chose to leave at the first time.

Just after the words of St. Bard, Li Huailin saw that the Protoss immediately flew out in all directions. It must be said that the escape of the Protoss was really a bit powerful. In a flash, several people directly turned into a golden light and left quickly. The speed is still very scary.

Of course, as Li Huailin said, Ketani’s great gods could not safely let them leave, and waved directly into the air. Li Huailin clearly saw a light spot and was directly hit by it. I don’t know how this is done, because Li Huailin clearly sees that its attack is far from the light point, and it’s like a way to beat a cow.

Of course, Li Huailin didn't have time to study what the attack method of Ketani was at this time. He also started to act here and ran straight down.

"Do we want to stop the Protoss retreat?" Corrances rushed up the first time, saying that inside the elemental plane, the movement speed of Corransus was amazing, otherwise it was impossible. In front of the Protoss, it is precisely because of this ability to protect the bottom of the money before they will ridicule them in front of the Protoss and then leave, it is of course very easy to catch up with Li Huailin.

"Stop?" Li Huailin spread his hand. "How do you see this block?"

The protoss left here in all directions. It is obviously impossible for Li Huailin to have the ability to stop the Protoss without the power of Ketani. However, he did not have time to explain with Corrance, because he just saw a light spot flying in his direction and was about to fly over his head. Yes, this is also one of the protoss who escaped. Of course, the speed of the other party is also fast. Li Huailin simply cannot see who it is.

Li Huailin is also jumping directly in that direction. Now Li Huailin’s attribute value is still very abnormal, but people are flying, you are jumping up, this is of course impossible to block each other. However, Li Huailin originally said that it was not to block the other side.

Cole Lansers didn't know what Li Huailin wanted to do, because looking at Li Huailin seemed to be preparing to block the Protoss who just flew in his direction, but the height of the attack was far from enough, and it was simply not enough. . So Corrances saw Li Huailin jump for no reason, and then fell shortly.

"Get it done," Li Huailin said.

"Ha?" Cole Lansers had a slight glimpse. What did this happen? The other side stopped listening and fled directly across their heads. After thinking about it, Corrancese asked: "What to do now, if the Protoss really dodge, it seems that there is no way to take them."

"Well... I still go back to Iowam and they report the situation now, and they are waiting in the province." Li Huailin thought about it.

"Ha?" Cole Lansers really didn't quite understand what Li Huailin was doing. Now, Li Huailin said that he left and left? However, considering that Li Huailin’s previous plan did not cause any problems, it may be that he is preparing to discuss the plan with his mother, so he did not say anything.

The attention of the opposite Ketani 徳 **** seems to still be in these escaped protoss, did not notice Li Huai-lin on their side, so Li Huailin and Corrancese also directly retreat, and soon returned to the elemental gate Near. Corranus opened the door and the two quickly returned to the seal, but when they returned, they found that the situation was a bit wrong.

Yes, the old people here should be resting and adjusting. After all, everyone’s status is not so good. It’s just because they were temporarily pulled by Li Huailin. Now everyone should take time to seize this time. Recovery. But now everyone is clearly in a state of alert.

Li Huailin looked directly at the eyes of these people and soon saw the object of their alert. Yes, Li Huailin saw a few figures in the air. From the flashing light of the other side, this must be the Protoss.

At the beginning, Li Huailin really fell down. Actually, there are other Protoss here. Is it the protoss that have not come together before? But looking carefully, Li Huailin quickly recognized each other, because the protagonist Li Huailin who is leading is very familiar with the natural female sacred Lojom.

Of course, behind her is the gang of "rebels", but Li Huailin glanced and found that there were fewer protoss she knew. I thought about it. When the big bang occurred yesterday, they were just around the corner. Although it was said that the gang of light gods were standing right next to the source of the explosion, it was quite serious to be injured. It is also possible.

The current situation does not look at both sides, it is estimated that it is just beginning to confront the situation. Obviously, this situation is similar to the previous confrontation. Both sides have concerns about not knowing what the other party is doing, and they know that they have been seriously injured, so they dare not directly.

It seems that Li Huaolin’s unexpected things are here. This is not to say that Li Huailin has forgotten them, but they have no reason to come here. Bright God, they came here to return to the border of the gods and return to the temple, and they are still in the Sanctuary. They are still traitors of the Protoss. Why should they go back and find death? So Li Huailin is not quite sure why St. Lojom is here.

The current situation on both sides is confrontational, and they are observing each other's situation. However, Li Huailin and Corrances, who are suddenly appearing on the battlefield, are immediately noticed by both sides. Li Huailin also noticed the eyes of St. Rojom’s eyes, and there was no need for it. He went straight to the side of Eofarm with his own eyes, and then said to St. Rojom on his head: "There is something going down. Say, carry your head tired."

Li Huailin’s unscrupulous attitude seems to have something to rely on. St. Lojom thought about it and landed directly from the air, standing in front of a row of old people.

"Surely, do you have any involvement in this matter?" St. Lojom looked at Li Huailin and said, "Wald them?"

"A group of people have been locked into the elemental plane. I am currently madly escaping, but it will not last long." Li Huailin said.

Of course, St. Lojom has already discovered the situation now, because just behind the old people, several Protoss are being trapped on the ground by Iofam’s seal, which is basically a state of captivity. Obviously, the old people have already handed over to the Protoss, and it seems that they have achieved a temporary victory. This is of course the reason why Saint-Jojoom is not willing to do it directly.

As for Li Huailin’s said that they have put St. Bard in the elemental plane, St. Lojom will soon understand what is going on, because Corrans is not standing by Li Huailin now, obviously Ernances also betrayed the Protoss to join the old family. Considering this situation, it is not difficult for St. Barde to be trapped in the elemental plane.

"What do you want to do?" St. Lojom has determined that Li Huailin is the culprit in doing these things. Other protoss may not understand that these things are all made by humans, and they will not believe these things at all. However, St. Rojom, who saw the end from the beginning, knew very well that these things were really made by this human being. Even the "rebellion" on his own side was a matter of human beings.

"I have already explained it to you." Li Huailin said casually. Of course, the so-called explanation is just a casual nonsense. He can't understand his own explanation. He said it was very high. It’s all about madness. Of course, Li Huailin didn't want to talk about it for the second time. Instead, he went straight to his own purpose. "Now this question is not supposed to ask me right. I have a clear goal in doing things. What do I want to do? This question should not be Ask yourself?"

"Well?" St. Rojom was a little glance.

"You came here... It is estimated that you want to talk to St. Barde." Li Huailin thought about it, "because it is obvious that you don't know what to do now... and then someone proposes whether to return to the Protoss, help St. Bard, they and so on, and then you have no opinion, then you will agree with the situation, and then come together to find St. Valde them..."

"..." St. Lojom did not speak here, but... Li Huailin guessed it was really accurate. The situation is basically the same as that of Li Huailin. They don’t know what to do now. The Protoss encountered a huge crisis. Half of the temples were blown up. Then the remaining Protoss were also seriously injured and seriously injured. They acted as "Rebels," but it is only the king of God. They don't want the Protoss to perish, so St. Rojom is also confused. Now I don't know what to do. Yesterday, St. Bard also revealed that he was ready to reach a peace talk with them and deal with the old people. So some people believed in St. Bard's words and proposed to talk to them. St. Rojom did not know what to do, but she also felt that she should talk about it at this time, so she came here, and the result was unexpected.

"I told you yesterday that your thoughts are childish. Rebellion has been the biggest crime since ancient times. You will make up for it... Are you funny?" Li Huailin spread his hand.

"Maybe I can convince St. Bard..." said St. Lojom.

"You mean that you want to talk to St. Barde and you to deal with us with them, but after the event you overthrow the rule of the king of God together?" Li Huailin smiled. "Don't tease, now in this case, St. Barth Their only hope is the king of God. In their view, only the king of God can now deal with us. Even if he promises your request, it is just a matter of pulling you up and dealing with it. You guys are really There is no consciousness of the rebels... Once the rebellion, you are the two camps, it is impossible to reconcile, understand?"

"This is not because of your planning." Hearing the words of Li Huailin, St. Rojom couldn't help but grit his teeth.

"No matter what the reason is, it is already like this anyway." Li Huailin spread his hand and did not deny it. This incident was indeed caused by oneself. "I think you should think about it after you think about it."

"Listen to what you mean... I don't want to let us join you." St. Lojom said suddenly.

"Of course it is impossible. Your protoss is a high-class race. How can you listen to the command of a lower-level person? Even if this is the last life of your protoss, you will not listen." Li Huailin said with a smile, "After all, you are the only miraculous race in the world that has been devastated by excessive pride. I understand you very much, so I won't convince you. How do you like to go."

"You..." A protoss behind St. Lojom heard Li Huailin’s cynicism and couldn’t help but step forward. Like Li Huailin’s, the proud Protoss certainly couldn’t hear this human being yelling in front of them.

What the other party did not expect was that the protoss had just stepped forward, and Li Huailin actually went straight to it. This is really a little unpredictable. Li Huailin’s movements were not very fast, but he did not expect that the protoss he would do did not respond. When they noticed, the sun spear in Li Huailin’s hand had been thrown out.

Seeing the skills released by Li Huailin, St. Rojom was also surprised, because she had seen the power of the sun spear. Yesterday was this skill second. A Protoss, although I don’t know how to do it, but she didn’t Look at the idea of ​​this thing. Leaning to the side, raising his hand, a green shield appeared in front of her, really blocking the direction of the sun spear. The other protoss next to him directly took out the shield behind him and stood in front of the protoss attacked by Li Huailin.

"噗噗噗" a few times, what everyone did not expect was that the long spear thrown by Li Huailin penetrated the shield of St. Rojom, the shield of the Protoss blocked in front, and the body of the Protoss with shield. From the front of the Protoss, which was targeted by Li Huailin, flew in and out, and flew to the sky behind him.

"Roll..." Li Huailin's voice was faintly passed to the ears of all Protoss.

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