All Things Wrong

Chapter 2623: Persuade

Iowamu was completely stunned by Li Huailin. He always felt that Li Huailin said that it was particularly reasonable, but... I always felt that something was wrong. I didn’t come to the Protoss to seek revenge. How did I feel that I became Li Huailin’s younger brother? Feeling. Although I feel a little bit wrong, Iowam can't think of any reason.

Of course, Li Huailin did not intend to wait for Iopham to think slowly, and he was ready to go. But just when he was about to leave, suddenly there was a figure behind him.

"It seems to be something falling from this Protoss." It was a soldier brought by Li Huailin.

"Rely, I almost forgot." Li Huailin remembered that he had forgotten the equipment, and now it is known that the Protoss will basically drop some good things after they die. Li Huailin also looked directly at the body of the protoss in the back, and found out the other's fall.

"Oh..." A look at Li Huailin knows that this thing should be of no use to himself, because it is a robes from the outside. Yes, it’s really a bit boring to think about it now. The things that the Protoss hangs after falling are generally the equipment that they have on their own, and those of Li Huailin’s second are basically biased towards the Master, so they fall. The things are basically things that people in the spell class use. It’s like this robe. It’s obviously not what Li Huailin used. Li Huailin’s intelligence is negative. Even if this is a gadget, it’s impossible to pull back.

But fortunately, this will not be wasted now. Li Huailin screamed in the team channel. Soon Li Huailin opened a door and then Enron walked out of the gate. Yes, Li Huailin contacted Enron to help open the door to the border of the gods, so she is of course.

"Just this, it should be something for the spell profession, you can take a look." Li Huailin pointed to the robe on the ground.

"Yeah." Enron here is still not too much, and there is no such thing as pushing it. Anyway, he nodded and slammed it directly. It is estimated that he looked at the property. It must be better than his body. The artifact is also not subject to any level of wear, so it is replaced directly.

"How is the situation there?" Li Huailin is also not very concerned about the nature of this thing, anyway, it is not used by himself, so he also asked the other side, that is, the situation on the border of the **** domain, before Li Huailin let Enron be there. Looking at the situation, what problems are immediately reported to him, of course, if there is no report yet, it proves that there is nothing big.

"They are still playing." Enron's answer is really simple enough, but Li Huailin probably understands that the battle between Beyaki and Protoss continues. Nodded, it seems that there is no problem.

"Then go back and continue to look at it. If there is any intention of this group of protoss, then tell me." Li Huailin did not know whether these protoss could directly open the door of the temple, in case it was true. So I am also prepared, but there is also a mark on Enron's body. If the other party really does this, I will interrupt it in the first time.

After sending away Enron, Li Huailin also continued his own plan. Of course, let Iofam here add a protective cover to himself, and then open the door of the element. Li Huailin directly transmitted after entering the door.

Yes, the object that Li Huailin transmitted is of course the Protoss. Before he was marked on one of the Protoss, he was not worried that the other party could not find it. Li Huailin didn't really know which Protoss he was marking at the time. But according to his thoughts, he would just ask a Protoss to ask about the situation. He really wants to try to persuade the other party. Even if he can't, he can The other party knows a little bit of information, of course, it is about the king of God.

However, the situation is slightly different from that of Li Huailin. Li Huailin thought that he would only encounter a Protoss after he transmitted. After all, they saw that they were running in all directions, but the problem was that he soon saw several Protoss after landing. And actually seems to be waiting for him.

"Sure enough?" The person who spoke was the only person Li Huailin in these people knew, that is, the bright and sacred Bald, and he just stood in front of Li Huailin.

"It seems that you can find my mark." Li Huailin nodded, and understood what was going on.

"Not only can we find out, there is no problem with elimination." St. Bard here said, "But I want to hear what you want to find us."

Yes, it is obvious that the other party has discovered the mark he made on this Protoss. Li Huailin also thinks this. After all, this marked thing is the function of an object that Li Huailin hit from the Protoss. The other person can find this. Also said the past. Of course, it is obvious that the other party knows that it is ready to transmit the past and what the other party said after marking it, so it does not eliminate this mark.

Although a little unexpected, Li Huailin smiled in his heart. Don't look at these guys now seems to be an aggressive look, in fact, it is just guilty. Under normal circumstances, these noble protoss would want to hear what Li Huailin said in the lower bounds? Of course it is impossible, which means that the other party is disguised as a soft suit.

Li Huailin, who thought about the Protoss, realized it in an instant, because they didn’t know what relationship Li Huailin and the elemental family had. Before Li Huailin tried to force it, he set this trap and then summoned the real Kutani. Great God, of course, they don’t know that this is something that Li Huailin didn’t think. I thought it was part of Li Huailin’s plan, so they wanted to talk to Li Huailin. If it wasn’t, they would be with a lowerer. Speak?

"Oh, there is nothing big, I just came over and saw that you have not finished your death. By the way, I will go back and look at the equipment. It seems that you have not finished yet. I will come back later." Li Huailin thought about it.

"You..." Li Huailin’s indifferent attitude is of course to stimulate all Protoss. "You don't think you have won."

"Is it? I thought I had won." Li Huailin spread his hand. "That's the way you discuss it, I still have to go first."


"Well, don't insult everyone's IQ?" Li Huailin said directly. "If there is a way, you will wait for me to be a lower-level person to chat with you? What are you doing now, a group of my family members everywhere? After chasing you, then you are still trapped in this elemental plane, waiting for the power of the gods to resume a fight? My temples are almost dismantled, the recovery speed is very touching. Or wait for the **** to appear in the liberation temple to save How long do you have to wait? One year? A few years? Can you wait?"

"Sure enough, are you doing it?" Several Protoss pointed to Li Huailin. Yes, they found that their recovery of their power was very slow. It was too slow and abnormal. It seems that it is also one of Li Huailin’s plans.

"I have done more things, but I don't have to say it to you." Li Huailin spread his hand. "Thinking that I was so careful at the time, it was really stupid. How can you pay attention to this great Protoss?" What do I do under the bounds, I don’t care at all..."

Of course, Li Huailin is completely ridiculous. The protoss of course are understandable, but they are so mocked by a lower-level person. Of course they can't stand it. One pair seems to be going straight to play. Li Huailin did not intend to talk to the other party at the beginning. Just like this, this group of protoss chatted too tiredly, or just started to play the same thing as the one just shocked and said that there is such a suitable person in Li Huailin’s field of vision. Present.

I was about to start doing it. What I didn’t expect was that St. Bard here suddenly stopped the protoss. Looking at Li Huailin, St. Balde asked: "What do you want to talk about?"

The other party is still calm, but Li Huailin does not care. He said directly to St. Bard: "In short, I just came to persuade you to surrender, or to surrender, or not to kill."

"What?" The protoss were stunned and advised to drop? This guy is not funny, do you want them to surrender to you? It’s just a fantasy.

"Let us surrender?" St. Bard here also sneered a bit. He really wants to hear what Li Huailin wants to come over and talk to them. It turns out that the other person’s seems to be not talking to them. He I didn’t expect that Li Huailin’s words were true. I thought that the other party was just insulting them. “Do you think it is possible?”

"Why not?" Li Huai-lin spread his hand. "I have carefully analyzed it. Anyway, your Protoss also has a tradition of surrender, and now it is almost destroyed. Isn't it normal to persuade it?"

"The tradition of surrender? What do you say nonsense?" The protoss here certainly retorted.

"Is there something wrong? I heard that the current king of the gods is not a protoss, but who does not know where to come from, who do not know what kind of people, then you recognize this guy to be the boss, why? Don't tell me It was convinced by his tyrants. It was obvious that the other party showed his strength and then let you vote for it. This is not what is traditional?" Li Huailin said.

"You are nonsense, the king of the gods is..." A protoss immediately retorted when he heard this, but was quickly interrupted.

"Wait..." It was St. Bard who interrupted him. "How do you know what happened at the time?"

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