All Things Wrong

Chapter 2630: Coercion

"Impossible!" St. Bard's first reaction was impossible. Li Huailin could understand the other Protoss and he could do it. St. Bard really didn't think about it, even if there is only one person left in the scene, he doesn't think Li Huailin will move him, but the problem is that the fact is that he surprised him, a direct lightning Going over to him, St. Bard's face changed directly.

"You can't do this!" St. Bard snarled, and was also prepared to resist. Supporting the shield seemed to be an attack against lightning. It is a pity that this lightning is not an attack, just a judgment.

Did not receive any blockage, lightning directly through the shield and smashed the body of St. Bard, in an instant St. Bard felt that all the power in the body was pumped out, although not directly attacking him, but the contrast before and after He couldn't help but want to spit a blood. At the same time, his body is also a flash of white light, yes, he was directly transmitted out of the temple, after all, fired.

The next second, St. Bard was lying on a red ground. Yes, of course, the elemental planes they came in before, just landing, a strange energy directly poured into his body. This is of course the energy he has not felt. The elemental plane is full of elemental energy, because these energies are too thick, so the general race cannot survive here. Before, their protoss had the power of the gods, so they could ignore this energy, but now St. Bard has lost his power, so he has no experience in the face of this energy, and he is rushed into the energy in a flash. There has been a breakdown throughout the body.

A sudden pain came, and St. Bard’s brain did not react to what happened. Yes, this pain has not been felt for thousands of years, because in the past millennium, the Protoss has basically never participated in wars, even if they participate, he is taking a avatar to participate in it, the ontology I have been hiding in the temple all the time, so I will not be injured at all. Now, I didn’t expect it to be seriously injured.

St. Bard couldn't help but snorted and wanted to be lucky enough to resist the injury and heal the body, but soon he found that he had no divine power at all. Yes, he was not used to this situation at all.

"啪", St. Bard fell directly on the ground, the Protoss itself has many other spells besides the power of God, for example, the spells that Iopham taught them before, are spells that can be launched without divine power. . But now St. Bard is too late to use, one is that he is not familiar with the current situation, the second is that ... will be attached to a weak debuff after being expelled from the temple. This has been tried by Li Huailin before. It is obvious that this group of protoss is also in this debuff, which is of course weaker, so it is impossible to resist the cruel environment of the elemental plane.

When St. Bard fell, it was discovered that there were still many people around there. Apart from themselves, several protoss who had just been expelled were basically on the ground. Several people seemed to have fainted, and several others Fortunately, the pain and sorrow of the ground, of course, no one can stand there intact.

The violent elemental energy is still destroyed in the body of St. Bard, and the pain of the body is felt. St. Bard here can’t help but want to scream, but seeing Li Huailin standing next to him, he bears again. Lived, biting his teeth and looking at Li Huailin, of course, the eyes are desperate to kill Li Huailin’s eyes.

Yes, Li Huailin has already come out at this time. After all, people have been expelled. St. Bard’s last one was not Li Huailin’s desire to give the other a desperate, just when Li Huailin was operating from the bottom up, St. Bard was the first to buy it, and the result was the last one. Kick yourself out.

"You... you dare to do this!" St. Bard's physical condition is very bad, weak and external elements are eroding, basically the kind that is almost impossible, but still angered Li Hualin's anger.

"I don't dare, I can dare to win the king of God. You are the minions of the gods. Do you dare to move?" Li Huailin casually spread his hands. "I am not so bad at speaking, not giving Your last chance, no one cherished, I started, do you think I will make a joke?"

Li Huailin said that of course the Protoss on the ground have heard it, but most of the people have now lost their strength. And really, they are also strange... Why haven’t they died yet?

Yes, of course, they understand their own situation, lost their power and then invaded the body by elemental power. This is really going to die. Now, this situation is better than death, but the question is, why are they still not dead?

"Is this all done?" At this time, Li Huailin also came over two people, one of which was to summon the Jade Emperor. Yes, Li Huailin was also in contact with the call of the Jade Emperor to come here. The purpose is of course to save a few Protoss. Now Li Huailin has to inquire about the King of God. This is also a little used by the Protoss, but also when the other party comes in. The elemental plane, if you are afraid of any problems, will make it necessary to summon the Jade Emperor to come forward just in case. The other person, that is, into the human state of Iofam, Li Huailin is also to summon the Jade Emperor to call Eofar, but also to better threaten these protoss.

Of course, Li Huailin did not explain to them carefully how they used the effect of the temple to slay the protoss. In Iofam's opinion, Li Huailin actually defeated so many Protoss alone? And also includes St. Bard? Even if he saw Li Huailin killing the Protoss, Iofam was still very surprised.

"Well, it’s all up." Li Huailin casually kicked and kicked a few protoss who were lying on the ground, no matter if they really fainted or pretended to die, suddenly they were buzzing on the ground. Looking at Li Huailin, who was standing there watching them, there was a feeling of humiliation in the hearts of several Protoss. They actually fell in front of this lower-level people, which made them unacceptable.

"In this case, I dare to show this kind of look. It seems that you are really a proud Protoss." Li Huailin looked at the Protoss who looked at him angrily and smiled. This group of protoss now estimates that even the strength of their speech is gone, so they can only kill him with their eyes. Of course, if the eyes can kill, their threats will be useless to Li Huailin.

"There is the ability to do it..." The only thing that has some strength here is St. Bard. Suddenly, he lost his power. He is still in front of a lower-level person. St. Bard is also unable to accept the current situation. The war is dead.

"I want to die...what is so easy." Li Huailin said with a smile. "Do you think that death is a very simple matter? It is a difficult thing to fall in my hands. I won't let you die... I know you all around me."

Li Huailin pointed to the nearby Iofam, and when I saw Eofar, several protoss were first, but St. Bard immediately recognized it because he had seen Eofarm become human. "Is it you...Iopham?"

"What... is White Dragon Iofam..." When I heard the words of St. Bard, the surrounding protoss also understood that this must be the white dragon of humanity.

"I heard that your Protoss did something very unsophisticated. People taught you spells well, but you have a knife behind them. Now, this white dragon aunt is also ready to cook you, of course, it is not so simple to send you. Going to death..." Li Huailin said with a smile.

All the Protoss had an ugly expression on their faces, and it was possible for Eofar to do anything to them. After all, it was also the fault of the Protoss. If it really falls in her hands, as Li Huailin said, it is estimated that even death is a difficult thing.

"However, there is an opportunity now." Li Huailin suddenly changed his style. "I have a piece of cooperation that you need now. If you are obedient, I can not only give you to the white dragon aunt. And you can get the temple again..."

When I heard Li Huailin’s words, all the Protoss’ eyes were bright, and only St. Bard thought a little. Li Huailin is a typical coercion and temptation. St. Bard is understandable, but... see what is the use, the current situation of these protoss...

Sure enough, as St. Bard thought, these protoss immediately compromised when they heard this. They immediately wanted to express their willingness to cooperate with Li Huailin, but the problem is that most of them can’t even speak now. But just look at the meaning of the other person's eyes and understand what they are doing and they are willing.

"Look at everyone's expression, I really want this opportunity?" Li Huailin said with a smile. "I said, if you talk well, it will not be a long time. Then, I really want to know the information of some gods." No matter what kind of information is available, everyone can provide a little bit of it. I think your performance is decided. What do you think?"

The information of the king of God... I heard that all the faces of the Protoss have become unhealthy. If you tell Li Huailin’s message to the king, it is a complete betrayal of the King of God. This is the war between the King of God and Li Huailin. If God King finally wins, their current situation can be true... Can't go back. But for now, ... do they have a choice?

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