All Things Wrong

Chapter 2634: information

"I haven't seen it?" Hearing that Gert's report tells the truth, Li Huailin is also a bit surprised. St. Ilofrey is not saying that it is going to investigate the shrine being shoveled. If you really want to find someone on the road, you know what it is, just like the servants can find Li Huailin, the culprit, so it is very easy to find yourself. Li Huailin didn't even have the benefit of his own temple to come back and was afraid of something. As a result, the other party had not yet found the door. Is this a bit exaggerated?

Asked carefully, this is not only the problem of not finding a door, because Li Huailin has now fully declared war with the Protoss, of course, the current exploration is also a large-scale spread, that is to say, Li Huailin, who has something to do, is basically You will receive the message.

In fact, Li Huailin now has a lot of news on the table, all kinds of things, Li Huailin did not have time to see, but Gert has seen all of this. There is no news of St. Ilofre’s side at all. It’s too strange. St. Ilofor’s guy is so good to recognize it. This strangely dressed guy who is flying in the sky will definitely be able to Li Hualin. The report was received, but the problem is... there are currently no reports that have seen such people. This is very strange. Where did St. Ilofrey go to investigate this matter?

"Md won't really run." Li Huailin lifted the amount. It seems that there really is a Protoss suspecting that the other party is running, but Li Huailin can't think about it. The other party is a proud Protoss. How can you think of it? Can you promise them? They shouldn’t have thought of the bright gods and those guys who are now in their own hands. How could they run?

So this guy's whereabouts is really weird. According to Li Huailin's thoughts, it should be a direct and generous appearance and then ask about it, and then immediately find the situation, why not see people?

Suddenly, Li Huailin remembered the slightly strange words that St. Balde had said about St. Iloci’s side. So it might be a bit of a problem for St. Irofra. The other party and St. Barde are not separated from each other and want to find their own accounts, but may have other ideas.

Li Huailin was very concerned about this so-called other idea. Before St. Bard seems to have said that the relationship between the other party and the king of God is particularly good, maybe the other party may have received instructions from the king of God to do something? I thought that Li Huailin really wanted to find St. Iloci, but unfortunately I didn't know about it at the time. Otherwise, it would be good to mark it as a guy. Now... Li Huailin does not know where the other is.

"Gerte, where are the people who believe in St. Iloci?" Li Huailin thought about asking Gerter in front of him.

"St. Ilofrey? His Majesty... What are you talking about, the temple executor, St. Irofref?" Gert remembered it with a little thought.

"Yeah, it is him." Li Huailin nodded. "There are quite a lot of people who believe in this guy. Who are they mainly?"

"Your Majesty, St. Iloci is a stranger of the Protoss. In fact, we don't have his temple on this side," said Gert here.

"Ha?" Li Huailin said a little. "Do you mean that we don't have the temple of St. Irofref across the continent?"

"Yes." Geer nodded. "So we haven't dismantled the temple of St. Ilofrey."

"Ha? How did he get the faith? What about his followers?" Li Huailin asked.

"It should be... a special belief." Gert here thought about it. "For example, if a certain ethnic group believes in him, and according to His Majesty, this group is quite a large number." However, there seems to be no such ethnic group on our mainland. How many temples have been demolished? We have basically recorded here and we have not seen the temple of St. Ilofrey."

"Herbes? I think, St. Bard seems to have said that he is... Cyrus, that gang should be faithful to him. Where is the branch of the squad called Cyrus?" Li Huailin asked.

"This... I haven't heard of this name, but I can investigate it right away," said Gert.

"Then you hurry to investigate." Li Huailin nodded, and Gerd here also immediately ordered.

Really, Li Huailin is more and more surprised. The temple of St. Ilofrey has not been dismantled. That is to say, the power of faith on St. Iloforth has not been greatly affected. The recovery speed should be very fast, and now it may have been completely restored. However, the other party did not come to find himself, which further affirmed Li Huailin's thoughts. This guy must have more important things to do.

Li Huailin decided to look for him personally. Anyway, he seems to have found a way to deal with the Protoss. Now, while taking advantage of Gert to find information, Li Huailin is also rushing to see the income of his temple.

When I came to the temple, Li Huailin also set up Iofam as an administrator. This is not to expel a lot of Protoss. Their temples will not disappear directly because they were expelled, so they will have a lot of temples at once. Li Huailin can also be assigned casually. Iowam did not say that he had to study before, let her study it herself.

After setting this up, Li Huailin immediately looked at his energy point, and the number that appeared made Li Huailin shake the whole body.

The number of more than 88.9 billion is really a bit of a flash of Li Huailin’s eyes. It’s really a bit too cool. If you want to convert an adult, he needs to find nearly 200 million people to worship him. When to get it, Now, in the morning, Li Huailin got nearly 90 billion energy points. This money is coming too fast. It is the only way to make money.

By the way, Li Huailin also looked at the value of his own power, of course, the number that made him a little surprised, more than 22 million, this value of the power of the light has been comparable to a superior god. Of course, Li Huailin’s divine skills can also be used, but the skills that can be used at present are just invalidated. However, the current invalidation has been used for a long time. After all, the total amount of my power is high, and now it is against a protoss. Invalidating the other's skills may not help the other's divine power.

Of course, it is still a bit too passive to fight with each other. Li Huailin still needs some magical attack skills. It is best that St. Bard's ability to throw lasers casually. That's not there now, what should I do? This is not rich, use money to swear.

Li Huailin started to work without saying anything. Now that he has 88.8 billion energy points, he quickly upgraded his temple. Li Huailin immediately raised his main hall to level 6, and soon added four more venues to build outbuildings. And the temple is also a big change, and it suddenly becomes magnificent.

Then, Li Huailin immediately raised his own research room to the sixth level without saying anything. The entire research room is also a big change, not only a lot of research equipment, but also a lot of warehouses. However, these new instruments are repetitive. Except for a machine that can decompose advanced research materials, others are all appeared before. It is estimated to be used by several servants to help study together.

Li Huailin certainly has only one person now, and he is still in a hurry. He immediately began to research and synthesize new magic techniques to see what new skills he can make. Anyway, he has more power now, and he can put all the skills and quickly get out of it.

Li Huailin is now a six-level divine research laboratory, and random research on the emergence of six levels of material, so the probability of advanced skills should be high. However, the research materials of the sixth grade certainly require more research time than the first grade. Of course, Li Huailin will definitely not wait and accelerate directly. Of course, according to the consistent style of this temple of dead money, this accelerated money will increase, and it will increase a lot... and then the synthesis, because of the use of advanced materials, the synthesis time really increased, of course... Spend more money.

Don't look at Li Huailin's money now, but the problem is that it is very scary to spend. After a while, Li Huailin finds that the 88.9 billion energy points are not enough. It costs more than burning. That kind of situation.

Even so, Li Huailin has made a few of the magical skills that are still visible, the key attacks are also at hand, and the value is still a good skill. But after an afternoon, Li Huailin was a little tired and forgot to eat lunch. After exiting the temple, I saw that Gert had not done it yet. Is this a bit too slow? Is this person called the race of Cyrus so hard to find? It seems not easy.

Li Huailin did not doubt that Gert grinds the foreign workers. This guy is a model worker who has never seen him stop. So it must be very difficult to find, or else I will report it. Li Huailin thought about it. Now, I really don’t have any other clues. I can only wait for news.

So Li Huailin decided to go down the line to eat something a little, and then on the line to test a few of his new skills, it is familiar, and then wait for the news of Gert.

After getting off the line, Li Huailin is also preparing to get things. I haven't thought about going out to eat or telling a takeaway. I am opening my mobile phone to see the situation. Li Huailin found an interesting message.

Li Huailin soon noticed, because this information comes from Liu Heyun, Li Huailin has been waiting for his news, and the information sent by the other party is very simple, the above two words: "Look for me."

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