All Things Wrong

Chapter 2637: guess

“Very familiar?” Li Huailin asked. It is obvious that Liu Heyun could not interpret the code. The only way to interpret the code is to send it to the game and look at it with his own account. Liu Heyun’s code now is Li Huailin. Those who provided Liu Haiyun’s familiarity, Li Huailin must have seen it.

“Remember those times?” Liu Heyun asked directly.

"Yeah." Li Huailin certainly knows what the other party is saying, nodded, "One of them... look at your expression... like the last one that didn't finish..."

"Yes." Liu Heyun nodded here. "In fact, let me produce the above guess. For this reason, you still remember the last code before. The time points to September of this year, but it is not written later. Any content, according to our previous guess, this may be because there is nothing to predict, that is..."

"So what you mean is that according to your guess, the number of these robots is very large, and then they are the culprit causing the destruction of the earth?" Li Huailin asked.

"Of course, there may be the opposite." Liu Heyun said.

"On the contrary?" Zhang Yonglin said, he is now very nervous.

"Yes, according to my guess, there may be two possibilities." Liu Heyun said, "First understand that this robot is definitely related to the server, so we can speculate according to the purpose of the server. These robots are only means of execution. But if this server is used by future humans to help us, then, maybe... these robots are also used to help us through the difficulties we may encounter in the future, but the way to start these robots may be Look for yourself."

Liu Heyun said that there was a slight pause here: "Of course, it may be to destroy us. Just like the previous conjecture, these robots are the means to destroy us. If this is the case, I have another guess, maybe this server. , not a shelter, but a test like a trial..."

"Ha?" Zhang Yonglin asked.

"Before I said that these robots are connected to the server, so they are definitely controlled by the server. After the server is started, the robots are not started, indicating that there is a switch, or... there is a countdown." Liu Heyun said.

"Countdown, you mean that at some point, the robot will start." Li Huailin nodded. "Then you mentioned the familiar code before, that is, do you think this countdown is in September this year?" ”

"I don't know now. After all, this is just a guess, but I did find this line of code in the robot's internal program." Liu Heyun said, "The main thing is that I haven't found any other robots yet, so only this one is currently available. Many things can only be guessed. But if my guess is correct, that is to say, this thing is probably a trial of the so-called higher civilization giving us the earth, or it may be purely a game. Simply put, if we reach a certain goal, we can lift the crisis, and this goal may be in the game generated by this server."

"It turns out." Li Huailin nodded and thought about it. "You have already spoken to the people of the Group of Four."

"Yeah, why don't you tell them." Liu Heyun said, "But I don't know if the other person doesn't believe it, and it seems that the other party is more worried about this..."

"Oh? Oh, I understand." Li Huailin suddenly smiled. Yes, he suddenly understood what Liu Heyun was talking about. The reason why the people of the G4 want to conceal this matter from Li Huailin is obviously because they worry that Li Huailin can really control this robot. Yes, they must have heard from Li Heyun that Li Huailin can understand the code, and Li Huailin’s previous code can also affect the server. In case Li Huailin can really write the code of the robot and then control the robot, so to prevent this When things happen, they want to get through Li Huailin. Of course, they are obviously giving up now.

"But no matter what, I have to meet you too." Liu Heyun said, "Because this is obviously related to the game, I need you to help me observe the situation in the game, so Take this opportunity to find you."

"Understood." Li Huailin nodded.

"When I left, what did you find in the game?" Liu Heyun had never contacted Li Huailin before, so he asked directly.

Li Huailin also briefly explained the things that happened in the game in the past few days. Of course, he mainly talked about the battle with the Protoss and the situation of the King of God.

"So the identity of this **** king can not be determined now?" Liu Heyun said, "If I follow my previous guess, the switch in this game may really have anything to do with the king."

"So... If you follow your guess, is the **** of the switch? That is to say, do you think that defeating the king of God can stop the countdown?" Li Huailin said, after he said it, he thought a little, "No... ... I don't think so. If you say this, the identity of the king is more like the existence of the server, but I don't think it is more like a human being."

“Is it?” Liu Heyun did not directly deny Li Huailin’s statement, but said, “No matter whether the other party is a human being or a program, I always feel that this person is the key. Now I must figure out the identity of the other party.”

"I think too, the problem is people who can't find him." Li Huailin spread his hand. "I didn't see anyone after I called my name last time..."

"He also called your name?" Liu Heyun stunned.

"Yeah, I can understand very well. The other party is indeed my name." Li Huailin nodded. "This is why I think that the other party is not artificial intelligence but human beings, or else it should be called my game name. ""

"This...not necessarily. After all, this server is not the technology we can understand now. This level of artificial intelligence does not know how strong the intelligence." Liu Heyun thought about it, "In short, no matter what, We all need more intelligence, and it’s for this reason."

"Don't you say that you found a lot of code in the body of the robot? For those codes, let me go to the game and decipher it." Li Huailin said.

"I think too, but you know that the research materials are all on the top." Liu Heyun pointed to the sky, of course, is the base of the moon. "Before this group of people wanted to directly glare at you, so did not let I brought the information down. I used this excuse to take the research materials, so I didn't take anything before I came down."

"Yeah." Li Huailin nodded. "So things can only ask the G4 that they want it?"

"This time they sent me here, it is by default that you are also involved in this matter." Liu Heyun said, "I should have no problem when I go back and give the information directly to you. I also want to know what the code inside the robot says. What is it, this is also necessary for research."

Li Huailin nodded. It seems that Liu Heyun mainly wants to know the content of the code, so he will be anxious to find his own. Others are not so anxious. I thought about Li Huailin and asked, "You have to go back now?"

"Well, I must definitely participate in the research there." Liu Heyun said, "The current situation is that the G4 cannot agree to send this kind of thing to the earth, and the information of the first time can be quickly known. So I will go back soon. But this time I think the connection between us should be simpler. So you are still responsible for the inside of the game, I am responsible for the outside, what is found immediately Exchange it."

"Oh, I understand, what is the situation to contact immediately." Li Huailin said this to both Liu Heyun and the people of the Group of Four who should be listening. It is simply a warning.

"According to the original plan, I should be going to make tomorrow's shuttle back, so I should be able to send all the code information to you tomorrow night. You will hand it to me immediately after the translation is completed." Liu Heyun thought about it.

"Okay, understand." Li Huailin nodded.

The two continued to say for a while, basically the details, but Liu Heyun’s estimate is really a bit tired, and I don’t know if it’s because the research robot has caused many days without sleeping. Anyway, he is very fast. As I said, I fell asleep on Li Huailin’s sofa. Li Huailin didn't call him anyway. Anyway, the talks were basically finished, so the people who were waiting for Zhang Yonglin to wait at the door directly took Liu Heyun who was asleep.

"I don't really have any end of the world." After everyone left, Zhang Yonglin here also came back and asked Li Huailin, looking nervous.

"You asked me who I asked." Li Huailin spread his hand. "But this thing is indeed more troublesome. Even the Gundam is out."

"Oh... if it is true, what can I do?" Zhang Yonglin asked immediately.

"You are still responsible for the contact between me and Liu Heyun." Li Huailin said, "In general, I will pay attention to the news of the G4. If there is nothing, I will return to the game first."

Li Huailin also quickly sent away the nervous Zhang Yonglin, and then quickly logged into the game again.

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