All Things Wrong

Chapter 2643: Pit protoss

After all, St. Lojom entered the temple. I didn't quite understand what was going on in the front, but now I think about it for a while and I seem to understand the purpose of Li Huailin. Yes, Li Huailin’s purpose is not to find them in the occupation, but it seems to be bringing them closer to the temple and getting something from them. The specific situation is not clear, but here is absolutely impossible to listen to Li Huailin’s words directly.

It’s a pity that St. Rojom’s now it’s useless, because she’s in the hands of Iofam. Hearing St. Rojom’s words, here, Iofah also used force to directly hold St. Lojom in his hand. St. Rojom’s screams, of course, can’t be opened. Of course, Iofam has no killer. She can now pinch the protoss who lost her power, but she said she didn’t want these guys to die. So happy.

And the Protoss over there, they are not suspicious. Yes, in their view, St. Lojom only advised them not to surrender anything. They did not know the things of the temple, nor did they know the real purpose of Li Huailin. In their opinion, they are great protoss. It is a great glory to let them surrender. How can Li Huailin have other purposes for them?

In their view, Li Huailin’s words are still very credible. After all, he is so hoisted, the other party must want to use himself. Besides, Li Huailin said that he has defeated three upper gods in an instant, but he did not The killer, all three are still alive, proving that the other party is not really trying to kill them, so the possibility of persuasion is much higher.

As Li Huailin said, since they can find it here, Iopham’s so-called positioning magic should be true, and they can’t find this spell, they can’t even run, and the other party is so powerful. It seems that I don't seem to have a choice. But letting them surrender to a human is still a psychological obstacle...

"I have already said, it is the last chance." Li Huailin looked at the expressions of these people and said, "Of course, I don't talk about those things that do things, so you don't have to worry about joining me." Worshiping rituals, etc. I see this, I am coming to you now, willing to join my people, take my hand, I will know that you have joined me, of course you can not take it, only But I said this is the last chance."

Li Huailin’s proposal, there is no doubt about all Protoss. Yes, this proposal seems to be giving them these Protoss on the surface. It feels like you are not pulling the next one, then you don’t need this form of practice. It’s even more obvious that Li Huailin really wants to use it. Their feelings. So all the protoss have not found any problems so far.

Of course, Li Huailin will not give them any time to think. After saying this, Li Huailin flew directly toward them on the side of Xiao Huai. It is obvious that Li Huailin’s approach has given the protos a sense of oppression. After all, they just saw Li Huailin’s second few gods. Now they are working on them... but although they are nervous, they are not retreating. .

Li Huailin also glanced at it, and then decisively found one of the protoss that looked particularly nervous, estimated to be a servant level. Li Huailin also said nothing, directly to the other side, and then extended his right hand.

Looking for him is of course because he is definitely the worst psychological quality. Li Huailin needs the power of the example. Naturally, he starts from the most easy to start guy.

The first one is himself. This servant looks very nervous. This first one is a bit too difficult. The people behind him are watching themselves. He is equal to the pressure of the protoss behind him and Li Huailin in front of him. So is it a grip or not? There is no decision in his heart. If he is the person behind, just do it with the people in front, but the first one... this is really a difficult choice.

"Well? It seems that I can't talk about it." Li Huailin's hand has been extended for a while. Of course he can see that the other person just hesitated and didn't know what to do. So he also put pressure on the words. "Unfortunately, then you should be It’s a good name."

"The name of the cast?" The servant here is a glimpse, and then suddenly understands the meaning of Li Huailin. Yes, the so-called vote name is of course to refer to Li Huailin to show what he wants to do. And Li Huailin is not fighting against the Protoss now. Of course, joining him is going to war with the Protoss. So, to say that he has become a name is to say that the following people will join Li Huailin and take him directly. Show your loyalty?

The servant looked at the Protoss behind him. Obviously they also understood the meaning of Li Huailin. Of course, they didn't think about it yet, but the servant was really panicked.

Li Huailin was ready to retract his hand when he finished speaking, but the action was not fast. The servant here saw this situation and immediately reacted. He quickly took up both hands and took Li Huailin’s hand to retract.

"Oh?" Li Huailin looked at the servant who held his hand. The other side had a dim sum. It seemed a bit afraid that Li Huailin took the opportunity to mock him. However, Li Huailin did not say anything here, but nodded slightly. "Well, I understand."

Did not say anything, but let the other party a little relieved, slightly turned to look at the protoss behind their own, they did not say anything, after all, their situation is now the same. Seeing this situation, this servant is inexplicably relieved, as if he still feels that his choice is good.

On the side of Li Huailin, he flew directly to the front of a Protoss, and then there was nothing to say, reaching out and waiting for the other party's position. The other party's consideration time is much faster than the first one. The power of the example is infinite. Since the previous servant has already expressed his attitude, then the following people will of course have no psychological pressure. Everyone is not the same, and there are any good considerations. So the protoss quickly took Li Huailin’s hand, and Li Huailin just nodded and then went to the next Protoss.

Soon, Li Huailin turned around in front of the protoss. It is obvious that Li Huailin’s goal was reached. All the protoss touched his hand, that is, they are willing to join him. Of course, some people are still sincere, so they are still very sincere. Some people really don’t want to join. They just touched Li Huailin’s hand and immediately retracted. It seems that he will get infected with Li Huailin’s hand. Like it.

Since this group of people has officially surrendered, Li Huailin can also check the situation of the other party in his direct page. At present, the average loyalty of the protoss is only 12 points, which is better than the 60-point pass line. This difference is too far, almost the kind that cannot be used.

Of course, the general situation Li Huailin casually killed a few guys to improve their loyalty and the like. But this time Li Huailin really didn't want to use these guys.

After the loyalty ceremony was completed, Li Huailin returned directly to these protoss. In their opinion, Li Huailin estimates that there are tasks to be assigned to them, that is, who do not know who to deal with? Of course, they still don't believe that Li Huailin has solved them in St. Barde, so the people to be dealt with may be St. Bard, or other Protoss forces.

When they thought about it, Li Huailin turned his head and said to Iofarm behind him: "Resolved, if you don't want them to die so easily, they will pick it up a little, and the number may be more."

After all, under the strange eyes of everyone, Li Huailin suddenly disappeared into the same place. I haven't waited for them to understand what happened. One of the protoss suddenly disappeared, then waited for a few seconds, and the other person appeared again in the same place, but this time it seems to have been hurt, directly Falling from the air.

Of course, at this time, Iopham is already ready. The spell of a direct wind system is placed on the body of the protoss that fell, so that the other party will not fall directly.

"This is..." I haven't waited for the rest of the Protoss to understand, and there is a Protoss suddenly disappearing, and then after a while, it appears again in the same place, of course, the way it falls directly.

"No, we are fooled!" After seeing this situation, someone finally reacted. Li Huailin is going to do everything to them. When they think about it, they suddenly understand what is going on. It seems that Li Huailin has any means to transfer them to different spaces, and then they will be greatly hurt in that different space, and then confirm the way of transmission. It is to be lifted, so the handshake is obviously not a loyalty ceremony, but a strategy.

I think that all the protoss here are really shocked and angry, but the question is what is the use of this. Just everyone has already touched Li Huailin, and now Li Huailin is not there. I don’t know where to go, but they are The beginning of the disappearance, and then directly hurt the whereabouts.

"Come on!" A Protoss shouted directly, then turned into a golden light and prepared to run away from the distance to see if it could escape. However, it is obvious that they do not know the mechanism of Li Huailin's transmission. This obviously cannot be ran away. This is only their last struggle.

Of course, Li Huailin did not pay attention to how the protoss were made. Anyway, he needed to finish it, and then he would operate the temple.

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