All Things Wrong

Chapter 2670: Reinforcement

"The detachment?" The old people heard that Li Huailin’s words were a glimpse. In their opinion, if they want to fight or not, what is the situation?

"Yes." Li Huailin continued. "Dallocos must be supporting it. The purpose of this group is Darlocos. But now, if they play with them, we can't catch up. The current front. Although the combat of the troops is not so strong, it is certainly no problem to delay us."

Li Huailin said that there is no problem at all. Although the former troops did not seem to be very powerful, they have not achieved any amazing results when they ambushed them. But after all, there are many people, and this energy consumption also consumes a lot of energy. The time is up.

"So we can't let them succeed." Li Huailin said, "So we are now divided into two groups. You are here with people and they are consumed here. You can fight back, but you have to drag them, you can't let them continue. Supporting in the northwest, and I, with the soldiers of the Viseks, went to Darlocos to support."

"Oh, that's it." Li Huailin said that of course everyone understands here, why do people with the Viseks go to support, because they will fly, but now the situation is blocked on the ground, but the opposite is obvious They will not fly, so the flight troops can of course pass through. Li Huailin said this.

"No problem," Li Huailin asked.

The patriarchs of several old tribes all looked like they didn't find any problems. Li Huailin said it makes sense.

"What about you?" Li Huailin asked the people of the Visek family.

"Okay." The answer to Li Huailin is not their patriarch Tomia. Yes, Li Huailin has not seen Tomia until now. I don’t know if this guy has already been killed. Anyway, now the Viseks The leader was a bird who Li Huailin did not know. The other party seemed to agree with Li Huailin’s plan.

"Then set off." Li Huailin waved directly, Jinguang flashed, and Xiaomi appeared in Li Huailin's side. Riding on Xiaomi, Li Huailin is also a fast climb height, and shouted to the people of the nearby Visek family; "Don't be in love, there may have been a crisis there, and set off quickly."

The current number of troops of the Visek family is quite large. It has already been said before. Among the old ones who survived, the Visek family is the most. Of course, after the camp came a lot of people from other ethnic groups, but the Viseks were indeed the best preserved old-fashioned troops.

There are probably more than 00 troops around Li Huailin. Of course, this is not the total. After all, there are still many Viseks who have been sent out for investigation. Now these people following Li Huailin are the main combat forces of the Visek family. Although it sounds like more than 00 people, it is already a very strong force. In the eyes of other old people, this wave of support should be enough.

In short, with Li Renlin, Li Huailin quickly flew in the direction of the northwest. Flying a little for a while, Li Huailin saw their goal of "supporting". The huge figure of Dallocos was really very recognizable. When Li Huailin saw him, he was crazy about the output of a group of players. However, Li Huailin found that the situation of the other party seems to be not normal.

"Hey! You **** it!" Li Huailin of Laoyuan heard the shrill of Dalokos, and now Darlocos is also red-eyed. It seems to be violent. Opening up, it feels like this group of players really angered him, and now Darlocos is really serious.

Li Huailin immediately looked down and soon found that the players who were currently being attacked by Dallocos were not ordinary. Although one such boss was attacking wildly in their crowd, their team did not mess, if The garbage force, this situation is definitely a group of people crazy run directly to the camp, but this group of people even if Darlocos hit the side, is still calm output, so it is obvious that this is definitely the Great Guild The main elite group, and should be the elite group of the gods.

Li Huailin quickly swept the ground and immediately understood what had happened because he saw several demon corpses on the ground. Yes, the demon family has been reduced, and the demon family has fewer people. Now the demon soldiers are still recruited by Li Huailin from the elemental plane, so hundreds of people. If you die in the war against the Protoss, you will die, but the problem is that you are now killed by these adventurers, and Darlocos will of course be angry.

Really Darlocos is now angry, on the one hand, angry with the adventurers who killed his compatriots, on the other hand, angry at himself. Yes, when I saw this unit coming over, Dallocos completely ignored it. After all, he was completely hanging from the other side when he was in exchange with the reconnaissance unit. He thought that the troops coming over this time were just like that. The thought is that this unit is very elite. In the case of Darlocos, several Demon soldiers were killed by them. Darlocos is of course angry. Now he must take these adventurers. Kill all the light and avenge your own people.

And the serious Darlocos, it is obvious that the gods can't cope. Don't look at the current situation as if they are still outputting to Dallocos, and it seems that the bloodline looks effective, but the face of the back is not so good, because he found that the reduction of his own side is too fast. It is definitely the first time that you are going to fight this way. This side is quite close to rebirth, and his own people can't get back, and the boss's blood return is fast, and it may be a wave of annihilation. When he comes back, the other party is full of blood.

This is really not good, the front is very headache now, I did not expect this boss to be so powerful, this is a dilemma. While commanding your own troops to continue to output, while the front side has begun to find a way to contact other guild support? Or are you ready to withdraw?

At this moment, everyone saw the golden dragon in the sky, and the figure of Xiaomi is still very obvious. Seeing that Li Huailin appeared, the brow of the back is even more wrinkled. This guy is not very friendly to himself. His relationship with the night flight is very good, and the friends of the spiritual world are of course their own enemies.

On the other side, Dallocos was also aiming at Li Huailin, but he did not care about Li Huailin. Before Li Huailin told him to let him withdraw, he did not listen. Now Li Huailin has what he can say and listen to the other party's ridicule? Besides, the current situation is also held by myself. These adventurers must solve it themselves and avenge their own people.

"Up." Li Huailin did not talk nonsense, waved directly at the bird behind him, and then rushed directly over Xiaomi. Of course, this group of Viseks felt that Li Huailin meant to help Darlocos to play these adventurers, so they joined the battle group. Because of the chaos in the battlefield, Li Huailin jumped directly into Xiaomi. No one noticed this.

"How come you come here?" Li Huailin just jumped to the side of the opposite side, and the back was also directly a few steps forward, asking Li Huailin.

"How come here? Your question is too strange." Li Huailin spread his hand. "Of, the purpose of coming here is of course the same as you. Looking for the main line task, obviously there is a boss here, maybe I have to go and see the main task. As for the birds on the road, I don’t know why I started chasing me. I am too lazy to care for them, but I am not interested in pulling them."

Li Huailin’s words have no doubts on the opposite side. He does not know that Li Huailin and the old people are a group. Of course, before Li Huailin and the gang of birds appeared, he still had strangeness, but now Li Huailin explained that the birds People are just chasing him. Indeed, from the point of view of passers-by, it is true that this group of bird people came behind Li Huailin and then chased Li Huailin. Li Huailin said that it was deliberately pulling strange, which is even more possible.

"Then you are now..." asked the reverse.

"Of course, I have to rob the blame." Li Huailin said with a wave. "After all, everyone is a Chinese person. It is also a reminder to you. I have packaged this boss. After a while, I directly opened the boss. You don't want to die with it. I’m going to flee now, maybe I still have time.”

"You!" The back is really mad, and there are still people who say "this boss I pack" in front of their gods. This is usually the time when they are in the package and Li Ruilin. It’s just a single player, it’s too arrogant.

But I have to admit that Li Huailin is indeed a person with this strength, but the reverse is really unable to resist this tone. When I was angry, Li Huailin’s words came again: "I don’t think I can beat this boss anyway. I am saving you a life?"

"You don't have to come to save, we naturally have a way to deal with this boss." The counter-back here is even more angry.

"That can't be done, no matter if you don't pick up this gift, anyway, this boss is mine. It's not normal to grab something." Li Huailin waved his hand.

"You guy..." The back is still trying to say something, but Li Huailin is not giving him the opportunity to continue.

A wave of black swords appeared in the hands of Li Huailin. When I saw the black sword's reverse front, the eyebrows were tight. The intelligence of this thing has already received a lot. Of course, the attributes of the equipment have been tried almost. They are all tried and tested. The status bar started to drop blood.

At this moment, Dallocos, who is in the violent violent area, seems to have noticed the direction of Li Huailin. I don't know if I feel the effect of the aura of the dead.

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