All Things Wrong

Chapter 2674: Duel

A loud bang, the black flame splashed around, and a figure quickly flew out of the flame. Of course, it was Li Huailin. At the moment of the boxing, Li Huailin felt a huge impact. The body also flew out toward the rear, but Li Huailin just flew out. He did not hang.

Xiaomi's replacement skills are still there. Although Xiaomi has just been hung up once, but its blood volume and the replacement skills can be launched without any necessary relationship. In fact, the replacement skills will only be launched if they are cooled. However, it is obvious that it is not in the case of cooling. Dallocos wants to punch a second. Li Huailin is impossible. Unless his attack has multiple damages, it is obviously not the case, so it is triggered. In the case of death, Li Huailin certainly blocked the attack, but the strength of Darlocos was a bit high, and he was only shot and flew out.

Of course, the situation of Dallocos is a bit bad. Li Huailin chose to play with Dallocos because the players attacked npc in the game. There is no such thing as the so-called force offsetting each other. The damage is the actual damage. There is nothing to do with the dodge of Dalokos, so it is equal to the attack of Li Huailin.

When he flew out, Li Huailin had already seen the right hand of Darlocos with his fists turned into powder in a flash. Yes, there will be a broken limb on the npc side. Now Dalkokos is interrupted by both hands. But on the other hand, Darlocos is now... still alive.

This is really a bit powerful. Although Li Huailin has just been blocked because of Xiaomi’s appearance, he has not seen the number of injuries that jumped out of the other’s head, but the problem is that he has charged 3 million points of power and Darlocos. He will not use divine power, so he will not have the power of his own power, but he should have extra bonus damage. In theory, although the attack is the opponent's hand, it is not the key, but if the npc is empty, it will still hang directly. Darlocos has not been hung up yet. The only explanation is that the other party is really hard.

"Touching", Li Huailin directly hit a big tree, reducing a little impact, and after a few more rounds on the ground, Li Huailin finally stopped. Immediately got up, Li Huailin immediately looked at the direction of Darlocos, ready to see how much blood the other party had, but just in the moment of getting up, Li Huailin found that the position where the original Dalokos stood was actually no one.

Because the npc head will display its own name, even if the front view is not good, Li Huailin should still be able to see people, not to mention the size of Darlocos is so large, so it is obvious that Li Huailin is not wrong. A subconscious rise, Li Huailin found a figure in the air flying directly toward him.

Yes, it is obvious that this figure in the air is Darlocos, because the other side also carries the black flame of Li Huailin. Black Inflammation This skill has a smaller initial damage than the soul, but he has a subsequent burning effect, and this burning damage is quite high. Now Dahlokos is on fire, but the opposite is really full of violent, it seems that the flames are ignored at all, and the injuries on the body are completely out of control, and at this time, the attack was launched again.

Now the other party has no hands, but it is quite horrible to just step on it so high. Li Huailin has only a trace of blood left, and his own replacement skills are still cooling, so if the other side attacks, it is true. A little dangerous. Of course, Li Huailin has another life-saving skill called Pity Secret. This thing has not been triggered for a long time, that is, when the lethal attack is a multiple of 3, it will trigger death, but Li Huailin does not need to gamble this luck because he is really If you hang it, the aura of the Necromancer will be gone, and according to the blood return speed of the current Dalokos bug, you may be able to return to the other party. Of course, Li Huailin is unlikely to return to Darlocos, so he must be taken here.

"嗖", the white light flashed Li Huailin directly disappeared in the same place, the next instant Li Huailin appeared directly in the side of Darlocos, of course, is the ability to transmit necklaces. Originally thought that this sudden disappearance would make Darlocos lose the target a little like a god, but Li Huailin estimated that it was wrong. Darlocos is still in a state of violentness. All actions are based on its attacking instinct. Therefore, the other side found Li Huailin's position almost instantly, and Li Huailin has not returned to God at this time. The transmission of the transmission necklace will appear in a random position near the target, so Li Huailin needs a little time to figure out the position after the transmission. At this time, Dallocos directly snorted at the position where Li Huailin appeared, and then... …did nothing?

Li Huailin is also a glimpse, thinking that he is going to be beaten, but the other party is actually right. I thought about Li Huailin’s reaction in a moment. It’s not Darlokos’s release. If the other party has a hand, it’s estimated that it’s taken directly, but the problem is that now Dalokos’s hands are all beaten by Li Huailin, and the other party is obviously not In order to adapt to this situation, the subconscious person wants to shoot himself and the result is not attacked. It looks like he and himself look at it.

This situation is really a bit funny, but Li Huailin doesn't have so much time to laugh. Although Dallocos sold a cute but quick response, this time he was directly prepared to bite him, because Darlocos would have flown. Li Huailin had already seen this battle with the Protoss. On the side of Li Huailin, he will not fly, and now he can only go down.

The current situation is also two choices, the first is to directly summon Xiaomi and then withdraw. However, Li Huailin chose the second option, which is to directly smash with Dallocos, because Li Huailin has already seen the blood on the head of Dallocos, and the other party is now left with a trace of blood. It can be solved with a sigh of relief. In theory, the blood volume of npc should be the kind of situation in which serious injuries can't move, so Darlocos should be a skill like bottom. However, how to launch the bottom force, the blood volume is ultimately blood, the other party will die, Li Huailin is not polite, directly in the air to target the position of Darlocos, and then began to save power.

Li Huailin did not choose to save the power of the gods. If you play again, you will have a big deal. You really can't hang it back. Therefore, Li Huailin once again injected 1 million divine power, using the skills of soul precipitation, and the long-range attack smashed toward Darlocos's head.

In the face of Li Huailin's attack, Dallocos did not choose to evade, or rushed straight toward Li Huailin, which may also be due to the violent state. "砰", Li Huailin's skill hit the position of Darlocos's head, this blast directly penetrated the head of Darlocos, can be said to have destroyed his entire head. Of course, Dallocos was completely unmoved at this time, because of the impact of Li Huailin's skills, the huge body fell directly to the ground.

Li Huailin looked at it, but the attack of Darlocos was disintegrated by himself, but... there was no killing suggestion. Yes, Dallocos is still not dead. It is clear that there is only one last blood left. Actually, it has not been hung yet? This is a bit too fake.

"咚", this time is the sound of Darlocos's body landing, and there should be a fall on the landing, Li Huailin still did not see the other party's death, only the last trace of blood, but it is not dead. Now Dallocos is not even in the head, and the body is still burning with Li Huailin's flame, which is still not hanging?

Li Huailin felt that it was a bit not simple. He directly summoned Xiaomi to stop in the air. He looked at Dallocos a little and found that the other party did not move, but the bloodline was locked in a trace. Think about it a bit, is it a life-saving skill, or the mysterious passive skill of the four demons of the demon family? After all, Verlandis has one head left to live, and Darlocos has no head... I think it seems to be acceptable.

However, Li Huailin really wants to kill this guy this time. Of course, when the eyes turn, Li Huailin has a solution. I have a sword, but I couldn’t use it because of the tension in the battle. Now the other side is lying on the ground, why not kill the other person, of course, if the judgment of the Excalibur has no effect, Li Huailin really Give up, is it good for him?

Of course, Li Huailin waited for a while and waited until his own skills to cool down. The province's Darlocos suddenly jumped up to do him. Of course, during this time, Dallocos was still lying on the ground and did not move. Li Huailin slowly approached Dallocos, and waited until the other party entered the 30-yard range. Li Huailin began to count down.

"Three, two, one..."

Waiting a little nervous for ten seconds, "叮" a clear system prompts the sound, then a bunch of red fonts appear in Li Huailin's dialog box, followed by a sudden pop-up task prompt bar. Yes, Li Huailin succeeded in killing Darlocos with the judgment of the Excalibur, and then there was information on the killing. However, with the killing information appearing, there is still a task, which really makes Li Huailin very surprised.

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