All Things Wrong

Chapter 2678: guess

Liu Heyun has just returned to the moon base, of course, the first thing is to check the situation in the laboratory. He is worried about what the Gang of Four people are doing, such as taking any research journals, etc. Anyway, he has to look at the data first.

Dismissal saw this abnormal information. At first, I really thought that it was the people of the G4, but he soon discovered that it was true, and indeed there was a new code. That Liu Heyun is of course the need to know the reason for the new code. So I have a little investigation. Of course, he is also immediately investigating the appearance of a new game announcement in the game before, and this announcement The time is exactly the same as the time when the new code appears, and the second is not bad.

How to look at this situation in the game is related, and although this announcement does not directly indicate who triggered it, Liu Heyun certainly thought of Li Huailin in the first time. Li Huailin said when he talked about it. This aspect of the matter, now just triggered, it is easy to think of Li Huailin.

"Is this still the case?" Li Huailin is also very surprised. This is not the general situation. It should be known that the code that has appeared so far is the one that has already appeared. The code with predictive function is already appearing before. And this time the code is new. The difference between the two is very large. The code that appeared before can be said to be the kind of text that has been recorded, and the new code... How did this happen? Who wrote it? Is the person who made this code newly written? Newly sent back? Or is this mysterious server generated? In short, it is no wonder that Liu Heyun will be so excited, this is indeed an unusual thing.

"So it's obvious that this code has something to do with the announcement that you triggered before. What exactly did you trigger? Hurry and talk to me." Liu Heyun immediately said that he certainly didn't know the specific situation in the game, so he quickly asked. "Do not miss a detail."

"That line, from where to start talking, anyway, that is before..." Li Huailin certainly needs someone to help him analyze it, just like Liu Heyun’s self-recommended here, of course, he will not stare at him, so he will take both of them. All the situations I encountered in the day were told by Liu Heyun, of course, including the things on the north of the icefield, and now I have killed a demon.

After listening to it, Liu Heyun here was slightly silent for a long time. He said, "This is not easy."

"md nonsense, I also know that it is not simple." Li Huailin helped the amount.

"So you know where these new codes appear?" Liu Heyun suddenly asked.

“Hey?” Li Huailin also squatted a little, where is the code? That must have appeared in the server, but it is clear that Liu Heyun also knows that Li Huailin thinks so, and immediately said: "These codes are not in the server."

"Ah? Where is that?" Li Huailin immediately asked.

"I didn't say that the moon base found robots. There are some codes inside these robots, and the new code that appears now appears inside these robots." Liu Heyun said.

"Hey? Why don't you say it earlier?" Li Huailin was a little surprised. This is really unusual. It appears in the server and the inside of the robot, but it has two different meanings. When it appears on the server side, it may be code like the new prophecy, but the robot side is probably not a prophecy, but something like a boot program. "

Yes, according to Liu Heyun’s previous statement, this robot is now similar to a half-sleep situation. Of course, there is no switch or the like in their body. It is very difficult to love you to disassemble, so according to the current speculation, Booting is probably done in some remote way, and of course it may be related to the server. Now there is a new code in the internal program of the robot, which is most likely a command like booting.

"Reassure, the robot did not start." It seems that I also saw what Li Huailin wants to ask. Liu Heyun here immediately replied, obviously it is similar to Li Huailin. "But according to your words, you can doubt this. It may be the start switch of the robot."

"Hey, what you mean is that the four kings of the demonic family in the game are the start switches of this strange robot in reality..." Li Huailin helped the amount. "Why, what is the connection? The four kings of the demon family are What is the situation of the game designer's son? If they die, they will start the robot to destroy you and so on?"

"I don't know. In short, you can't translate these codes. Just look at what the code means." Liu Heyun said.

"Yeah, you will send it soon." Li Huailin also nodded.

Liu Heyun immediately started sending documents. Of course, because it was sent from the base of the moon, the speed was a bit slow, and Liu Heyun didn’t just send the code. Some of the current research materials were sent out. I don't know if I am going to prepare a file on Li Huailin. Anyway, Li Huailin also accepted it.

In the file sent, Li Huailin saw the picture of the so-called robot. From the photo, the robot is really not a type of robot. It is not a humanoid robot. The body is short and the driving device is not a bipedal walk. It is a kind of mobile method similar to electromagnetic floating or anti-gravity. It is a robot. In Li Huailin’s cognition, this thing is more like ma, that is, the supporting maneuvering armor of the cartoon in the cartoon. However, there are two huge robotic arms in the upper body, which can barely be said to be the level of the steel tank.

"It's really not as high as it is." Li Huailin was a bit disappointed. If it was really as high, Li Huailin really wanted to open it. Unfortunately, Li Huailin, this type of thing, really can't afford any interest. At present, from the photo, this machine is indeed buried in the soil, it seems that it has not been completely dug out. After all, the surface of the moon is difficult to work, and it is a little trouble to dig it out, let alone dismantling research.

"So what are you paying attention to?" Liu Heyun heard Li Huailin’s complaint and couldn’t help but say, "Look at what the code says."

"I know I know." Li Huailin also directly uploaded the code information to the game's photo album, and then logged into the game again, and then of course opened the album directly to start viewing.

The code in the album was also automatically translated, and Li Huailin looked at it. First, the top row shows a row of numbers, currently showing 104400678. This number Li Huailin analyzed a little. It may be the number of this machine. The robot always has a model, and the first few digits of this number should refer to the model information of the robot, and the number 678 behind. Li Huailin thinks it should be a number.

In other words, Liu Heyun speculated that this robot is not just one. There may be a lot of concerns that may be true. If this thing really refers to the number, then there may be at least 600 robots. Of course, the situation may not be so bad. After all, there are really more than 600 robots. They are not necessarily all good. The robot does not know how it happened. If it is sent by aliens, or from In the future, not all of them can safely arrive here. Of course, attention must be paid attention to.

The second line of text is better understood, because it is the state of the current robot, that is, the state of dormancy. Sure enough, it is similar to Liu Heyun’s guess. This thing is really dormant, not a malfunction or something like that.

The next row shows a few times, and the previous predictions are different. The inside of the robot is only showing the time. There is no similar prediction in the back. Li Huailin looked at the last time of this display. It really shows that this September is the same as Liu Heyun said. But there is a new line of information on this, which is the new code that was said before.

But the problem is that this new code doesn't make much sense, because he doesn't write what happens in the end, just write a time. This time is indeed the time when Li Huailin just triggered the task, but the problem is that it is useless.

Directly exiting the game, Li Huailin told Liu Heyun about this slightly disappointing news. The code was read, but the information was not very much.

Liu Heyun was slightly silent here. The information obtained from Li Huailin is more useful than the robot numbering information. The others only verified the previous conjecture. After thinking about it, Liu Heyun said: "At least with this information, I can apply to the G4 for a larger-scale excavation and exploration work, and try to find other robots, and then look for other codes from them. And on your side, don't act indiscriminately."

"Ha? What is chaos?" Li Huailin said.

"Obviously after the death of a demonic family, a new line of code appeared. This new world mission is not normal. Maybe it is really possible to start these robots, if that is the case..." Liu Heyun said.

"Oh? You mean that if I kill all the demons, maybe it will trigger this world mission, that is, activate the robots, and then the world will be destroyed?" Li Huailin asked.

"Yeah, is there any problem?" Liu Heyun asked, since the robot had a new code when the task was triggered before, this speculation is of course normal.

"So you think the reason why the **** king prevented us from killing the demons is to stop this happening?" Li Huailin asked.

"It is possible..." Liu Heyun thought for a moment and said, "Maybe the king of God is really a human being in the future. It will appear here in order to stop this. Maybe the future technology can really travel through time and space, but not In the form of the flesh, the king of God kept his consciousness in the server and threw it here and so on..."

"Well..." Li Huailin nodded.

"What's wrong, I don't think you agree. You don't want to come to see God because you are unhappy." Liu Heyun said.

"But I always feel that the facts are exactly the opposite of what you are like." Li Huailin suddenly said.

“Exactly the opposite?” Liu Heyun said, “How do you say?”

"Your speculation is a bit reasonable, it seems to make sense, but there is a place that is rather strange." Li Huailin said, "That is the last time of this line, the tip of September. If there is no such time, you Said completely said."

"What time is this? What do you mean?" Liu Heyun asked.

"So this line of time appears at the end, combined with the code of the previous prophecy, this may be the last time, that is, it is a deadline." Li Huailin said, "The task I triggered before is called the pre-order task of the world trial. So what is the trial, simply a test. What to test, for example, an alien who may be boring to test the human beings are not suitable for continued survival, then this test gives the final A time limit, that is, September of this year, if you can't pass the test before, then of course it will fail. The new code that appears now may be the record of the test being triggered. As for the **** king, the so-called The test of course requires a little obstacle. This **** may be one of the obstacles."

"Ha?" Liu Heyun took a direct look, but when he thought about it, he suddenly felt that Li Huailin said something, at least not the kind of possibility, "so..."

"So we still play normally." Li Huailin said, "At present, I think the most important thing is the **** king. The devils are writing these characters as a pre-continuation task, which does not play a decisive role, so the trigger still needs to trigger. I think it is time to trigger the world trial task to see the situation, or find the king of the king to understand the situation, after all, the other party must know the truth. But no matter which method, the demon family is hacked first. Say it again."

"So you just want to hack the devil's people, right?" Liu Heyun said.

"I have planned it. It is not difficult to do it without it." Li Huailin said, "There is also a possibility that you said it, so I hope that when I am working on the demons, the king of God jumps out. We can't I have been waiting for it, or if it is what I said, what should I do, right?"

"It’s" Liu Heyun nodded. "It’s good to find the king of God."

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