All Things Wrong

Chapter 2688: Ancient **** VS ancient god

The situation of Ketani’s great **** is indeed a bit embarrassing, because he found that he seems to be a little too anxious. He just had a bit of anxious tear after tearing the crack of the element, and found that the crack that opened was still a little worse. I can let myself pass, so it is stuck now.

In the outside situation, it also found that his skills could not be completely eliminated. In front of this human being (the other side of the sky) did not know what skills to absorb all of its remote skills, which made the card in this side of the Ketani great **** is also very Hey, as a result of the current situation, it seems that it can only watch the show.

Of course, the great **** of Kutani is also trying to continue to tear the cracks of the elements, but this thing is not so good, even if it can not open a bigger crack for a while, and the current posture is really It’s strange that both hands are outside, which makes Kutani’s squad even worse. It’s better to pull it out and then come out directly. Now it’s like you can’t go back, this card died.

And just at the time of this, there was suddenly someone behind me to help. Ketani’s great **** clearly felt that someone had pulled himself from behind, although he did not know who it was, but now Kutani is really grateful.

But soon he was grateful, because he felt an evil force dragging his body from behind, pulling his tentacles as if he were ready to corrode himself. This kind of power made Kutani stunned a threat. Although he didn't see each other, he could feel that the other party was definitely not helping himself. It was full of malice.

I don't know why the other side wants to pull myself. The Kutani 这 here also works hard. Beyaki’s power is great, and Ketani’s great power is also great. Under the efforts of both sides, finally, “Boom”, the body of Ktani’s great **** is pulled back to the elemental plane, a giant After the sound, the body of Ktani’s great **** directly fell on Beyaki’s body, and then the two giant beasts flew straight out.

There were two loud noises in the "Boom", and the surrounding elements were really miserable. I didn’t know what happened when I was affected by this ancient god-level battle. It’s just that the pulling movement makes the surrounding The elements are dying more than half. Of course, the two ancient gods were very strong. It was just a fall for them. They were not injured at all, and they soon stood up.

"Who are you!" Kutani, the great god, of course, also saw the things in front of him at this time, but it did not see Beyaki, looking at the things that appeared in front of him, and Kutani felt the threat. But there is no fear of anything.

"Oh..." Beyaki sent a strange voice. Obviously, he didn't know the great **** of Gettan. He just felt the threat of the other side. I didn't expect to encounter such a thing here. presence.

Bayanki did not answer, but Ketani’s great **** knew that the other party was not kind to himself. First of all, it is obvious that the ability of Beyakiji to pollute the surrounding area has already caused a large amount of corrosion to appear in the station, and it is still releasing black matter in the air. Although Kutani does not know what it is, it is obviously not a good thing.

The great **** of Ketani is the **** of elements and the master of the elemental plane. It invaded the main world this time, and its purpose was to protect the elemental plane and its own world. Because the creatures of the main plane use some magic to borrow the elements of the element plane, this threatens the element plane, so he will invade the main plane and destroy the fools who dare to pry into the elements. But now this guy is even more over-the-scenes. He actually went directly into the elemental plane, and then spread pollution here, as if preparing to directly erode the world, how can you let Ketani blame the gods.

On the other hand, Bayaki also took a fancy to the great **** of Getani. Yes, it doesn't know who Ketani is, but this thing looks very powerful, so it is of course more convenient to pollute the whole world by polluting it into your own younger brother.

With a bang, Ktani’s great **** directly attacked Beyaki and slammed a tentacle directly from Beyaki’s stretch. Li Huailin is also a glimpse. This is the first time that Baiyaki’s tentacles have been interrupted. However, there is no fluctuation in Baiyaki’s side, and it seems that it is not very painful. This fist seems to have opened the prelude to the battle between the two ancient gods. Soon, more of the tentacles of Beyaki’s side rushed toward the great **** of Kutani, and Kutani’s **** Also began to prepare for the power reserve.

The two ancient gods just hit it up, but they saved a lot of Li Huailin's tongue. They still wanted to provoke a little bit of it. Now it seems to be no longer needed. If you do this, it is estimated that you can play for a while. The strength on both sides should be similar. Let them play it anyway.

Li Huailin also just happened to hide out. The impact of the great **** of Kutani also caused Li Huailin to fall. Of course, now that Biyaji is fully committed to the enemy in front of him, it is estimated that he has no time to manage himself. Just next to the element crack, Li Huailin also jumped out from the middle of the crack.

Of course, I went out to see the battlefield in the southern part of the continent. Li Huailin glanced slightly. The current battlefield is still about the same as when he left, and there is chaos everywhere. What I see now is a battle between a lot of players and more elemental creatures. As for the old army, because the number is really too small, Li Huailin is not sure where the other party went, and can't find it.

The number of players is now very horrible, not only the spirit world has joined the battle, it is estimated that many players are also notified to participate in the temporary battle, so the number is really a bit exaggerated. When I saw Li Huailin, all the players were surprised, because their attention is now on the cracks of the elements. Just the huge boss disappeared inexplicably, as if it was back inside the crack, and of course they will Seeing that Li Huailin flew directly out of the crack in the element (Li Huailin certainly summoned Xiaomi), this...what is the situation, is it that the boss was beaten back by Li Huailin?

And Li Huailin just came out, and soon another figure flew out. This is of course Iofam. Before Iofam was also not far behind Li Huailin, I saw Li Huailin coming out and Iofam came out. Of course, she also came with Toruma. She did not restore the dragon form and flew directly to the back of Xiaomi.

"What's the situation here, where are so many adventurers." It is clear that Eofarm was shocked by so many adventurers below.

"It’s all over the task." Li Huailin said simply, "In short, you can close the crack now. The two guys should be able to play for a while."

"It is estimated that there is no win or loss in a short period of time. The strength should be that Bay Yaki is slightly stronger, but after all, it is in the elemental plane. That Ketani is not ordinary." Iofarm said, "The altar here should have not been destroyed, so you can set it up a little."

"That line, I will hand it over to you, I will continue to deal with the demon family." Li Huailin said.

Eofarm nodded slightly, then took Toruma and flew toward the altar in the south. Li Huailin was the one who started looking for the demon. Of course, he also found the direction right away, because the skill of this white giant on each side of the sky is very obvious, and you can find the position at once. Only now, each side seems to be fighting a lord of water. Of course, it is obvious that his current situation is the upper hand, and the water element lord is completely suppressed.

Li Huailin flew over there, and when he got to the position, Li Huailin soon saw the two sides and summoned the Jade Emperor, but looking for aside, Li Huailin did not see Willantis. So Li Huailin quickly lowered the height and flew to the side of each side of the sky and asked: "Summon, one, the devil of the other side?"

"Just flying away, we can't catch up." The summoned Jade Emperor here immediately replied.

"Fly away?" Li Huailin stunned, but think about it, the devil's people will fly, but summoned the Jade Emperor and the heavens have no flying mounts, it is normal to catch up. Willlandis is estimated to have been hurt and can't beat it, so run straight. Li Huailin looked around a little and didn't see where Verlandis was. It was a bit messy around and couldn't find anyone.

Li Huailin has now used up his own number of transmissions today, although it has been marked on the body of Willantis, but it can't be transmitted now. However, this does not matter, because Li Huailin has other methods, just before Li Huailin has touched Willantis, so now you can directly pull the other into the temple.

Yes, the demon family can also be pulled into the temple. This **** king has already tested it for himself. Isn’t there also a **** position in Saltstone? So I thought that Li Huailin had just touched Willlantis just now, but it was a pity that I didn't think about this before, so I didn't touch McDott specially, otherwise it would be much simpler.

Directly transferred back to the temple, Li Huailin looked for a list of tasks, found the name of Willlantis, and then set him directly as a servant. Soon after the white light flashed, Li Huailin saw that Verlandis appeared in front of himself.

"What? Here is..." Willlantis still licked his chest, and it seemed that the injury was not light. Of course, it was also a foggy water that was suddenly transmitted here.

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