All Things Wrong

Chapter 2690: Second

Yes, Li Huailin’s way of killing Verlandis is still to use the sacred sword. Before he killed Darlokos, he used the glory because the other party didn’t know why the last blood could not be beaten. Li Huailin did not. Knowing whether Willantis is the kind of self-contained, it is simple and convenient to use the light. Therefore, Li Huailin has been equipped with a faint light when he is out of the temple. Now ten seconds have passed, and Willantis is also a direct ass.

Of course, at the same time, a lot of system prompts jumped out, including an announcement. This time, the system prompts are similar to the last one. In any case, the basics of the demon family are rising. The current good feeling is 40 points. Li Huailin estimates that if the four demons are all fixed, the basic good feeling is 80 points. Unfortunately, there are not a few demons left.

Then naturally it is the key to the new destiny, this time is the key to the fate - Lan Si Ni, and this time the effect is not so pithy, because the key to the fate - Lan Si Ni's effect is to reduce the wisdom by 100% With spirit, and reduce the speed of returning to 300%.

Li Huailin found that the key to this fate can be temporarily worn on the body. Because of the two attributes that are now deducted, the wisdom is inherently negative, and your deduction will continue to be deducted. The spirit affects the blue amount and the return to the devil, and he does not need the blue amount and the return to the devil, because he has the root of the excalibur, the release of what skills are 0 devilish, so it is also the kind of deduction buckle, of course The speed of the buckle is even more indifferent, so this super deuff can be put on your own body for the time being.

Of course, Li Huailin also received this task again, and Li Huailin’s hand also has a black triangle mark. It is estimated that the same as the last time, there is also a black triangle that he can’t see on his head. It’s really good. This triangle is not green, or Li Huailin really doesn't know what to do.

In addition, the system of course also announced the key to get the fate of the fate, of course, is still the same as the last time did not directly announce the name of Li Huailin, the players who saw and announced are not sure what happened, after all, they did not pick up To this task, I just know that someone has triggered any epic genre task. Of course, knowing the call of the jade, they naturally know that Li Huailin has succeeded.

Li Huailin quickly touched the body of Willantis, and as a result... there is still nothing good. Yes, the last time Li Huailin had touched the body of Dallocos. At that time, it was orange light, and Li Huailin was slightly excited. The result was not an artifact, but a legendary material. The thing that appears is called pure demon blood. It is a legendary material. It seems to be used for alchemy, forging, leather making, sewing, enchanting, etc., but the problem is that he has no deputy, and he does not know this master. The deputy staff, this is not really a direct pit for the equipment. However, the blood of this demon is directly given to 3 copies, plus the key to the fate, but also a lot of purple epic equipment, which is really a good reward for the average player, but not for Li Huailin. How friendly.

This time, Willlandis is still almost the same, the advantage of several orange flashes, but in front of Li Huailin is still the legendary material only, the name is a little changed, called the mixed demon blood, the number is still It is three bottles. But the question is where to find the drawings, where to find the master's deputy, is there a demon treasure?

In short, Li Huailin is also holding things first. As for a lot of other epic equipment, Li Huailin can take a little bit of it. Although he doesn't need it, he can do it.

When I got something, Li Huailin quickly left the cave, because it seems that Sealstone still doesn't know the situation here, and there seems to be a connection between the four kings of the demon family to know the news of the other party's death. Li Huailin is worried about Xaar. Stone directly found it. Although it was not bad to kill Serstron directly here, Li Huailin suddenly thought of the problem of Maddot. This guy has not appeared until now, in case Sayolton hangs up and can't find someone to do it. So, the guy who can solve it at any time, can lie for a while, maybe it will be useful.

Riding Xiaomi once again flew to the battlefield, and now the battle continues, no player has been crazy because of the previous announcement, the players are still crazy. Of course, Li Huailin also flew directly to the side of the heavens and summoned the jade emperor. The two men are now also brushing the points. The summoning of the jade emperor certainly does not need to open the halo, and the speed of the brushing points with the two parties is still very fast.

"Resolve one again? Is this a triangle?" When he saw Li Huailin coming back, he summoned the Jade Emperor and looked at the sign on his head and said, "Do you need me to hack you now?"

"Not for the time being." Li Huailin said, "Is there anyone else who sees another demonic family? It is the one who just played against you."

The person Li Huailin asked is of course the same day. It’s just that the day is not letting the parties drag the Battlestone. The two should have been fighting for a while.

"I didn't see anyone, I didn't see it for a while." Tian said one side.

Li Huailin nodded, then flew directly into the air on Xiaomi, and looked for it in the air. I still didn't see the figure of Sealstone. How could I see people around? I was thinking about whether I would once again call Sylvester through the temple. I didn't expect that the next second, Saltstone himself would appear directly in front of Li Huailin.

Yes, Li Huailin could not find each other, but Li Huailin’s own goal (mainly Xiaomi is more conspicuous), of course, is still looking for himself. What exactly is Sellstone going to do? Of course, it is to help their own people to retreat. Yes, this group of demons is not only pulled out by Dallocos to go out for a batch, but in fact, there are still many left in the camp of the old people, but now the battlefield is like this, it is very distressing to their own people. The game of Selston is definitely for the sake of his own people, so when the front line is broken and the two sides are attacked, Seltong knows that he can’t beat it. The people of his own family can’t follow it. Let’s take them first. I will send it out and say it. Therefore, Sealstone also got rid of the entanglement of each side of the sky, and then found their own people, leading them out of the battlefield.

The result was at this moment, he suddenly felt that there was something happening at Willantis, and of course, the first time, Saltstone came back, but he didn’t know where Verlandis was. Something happened, and then I just saw Li Huailin flying in the air, naturally I immediately came up to ask about the situation.

"What about Willlantis?" said Seleston in a hurry.

"Willandis? I don't know." Li Huailin knew that the other side didn't know anything about Searston. "It just was too confusing. I can't find the position of both of you. How? Is it something that Willlandis has?"

"Yes, I feel that Willantis seems to be in trouble." said Selston, "I hope that my feelings are wrong, but in any case, Willantis must have met. It’s dangerous.”

It’s more dangerous, it’s already hanging. Of course, Li Huailin wouldn’t say it. After thinking about it, Li Huailin continued to choose to be confused: “Just I and Willlandis are dealing with the huge elemental creatures that appear in the crack, and now Verlandis is not seen. The huge elemental creature is gone, can you say..."

Li Huailin certainly wants to push the murder of Willantis to the opposite elemental creature, but it seems to have counter-effects now. When I hear Li Huailin’s words, here is the element of Sylvester directly facing the front. The cracks flew over.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Li Huailin quickly stopped Selston.

"Wildrands may have been pulled into the crack by the other side, I will save him." Saidton said.

"You are deep in the ice, the guy opposite is so hoisted, the two of us are completely sending food." Li Huailin said, "The other party is an elemental creature. If it is in the elemental plane, it is almost invincible, if Willlandis is really If you pull in, it is estimated that it will not work. Is it not silly to go in now?"

"No, I will definitely save my compatriots." said Selston, "I have to go in anyway."

"I..." Li Huailin had a headache, and then quickly said, "Selston, Maddot, if we arrived, we can still try, now we both go in and send it."

"I don't know, this guy from Maddot..." Selce was in a hurry and didn't have time to take control of Maddot. "In short, I will..."

Seeing that Sidestone here is going to rush to the crack of the element, suddenly the front field is white with a flat light, and then directly shoots in the direction of the elemental crack in the air, and the element cracked by the white light suddenly Some changes have occurred, and it is obvious that the position of the crack is slowly getting smaller, and it seems that the crack seems to be being repaired.

"Oh, is Iofam done?" Li Huailin knows what is going on right away. It wasn't for Iofam to deal with the crack. It seems that the seal has been completed.

"What happened?" Of course, apart from Li Huailin, no one knows what happened.

"Probably the mission is over." The players' understanding is simple, that is to say, the blame is almost the same, the battlefield mission is over, it is impossible to let you brush it all the time. But Saltstone is a big change, Willantis is still inside, the crack is about to close, what should I do?

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