All Things Wrong

Chapter 2698: Hunt

Maddot has left the Crystal Throne at this time, and he really does not know where to go now. This library can not trap Li Huailin. He really doesn't know. He heard that this incident was actually inquired from other people, and that person is actually Darlocos. Yes, a long time ago, Dallocos had a problem in the library. It was heard that Darlocos broke a book in the library and was shut down by the administrator for more than a month. Of course, in fact, Maddot is not very clear, this is a very shameful thing after all, Dallocos has not said to himself, he is listening to other people here.

Maddot did not confirm the authenticity of the news. He only found that he was able to get up with the news he received when he saw Ram, so he started acting directly. Yes, of course, he is also gambling, because he really does not want to die, and unlike Cerston, Maddot is not so important to his family’s life, at least not more important than his own life. So he was thinking about how to get out of it from start to finish.

Li Huailin’s strength is that he really can’t understand it. He has seen him second in the Protoss. Now he is confidently threatening them. He really feels that the other person can beat himself, so he did not choose to confront Li Huailin. However, Maddot also feels that he is not forever playing. According to his own ability, if he gives himself time, he feels that he has swallowed two ancient behemoths. If anyone comes to him, he will not be afraid. leave here.

According to McDott's plan, he currently wants to leave this continent directly. After all, he also knows Li Huailin's identity on this continent, so it is of course dangerous to stay here, or to hide in other continents. time.

Of course, the idea is very good, but I didn’t expect Li Huailin to find him very easily. Just when Maddot was still trying to escape, suddenly white light flashed, Maddot’s eyes blossomed, the next second He appeared in a strange place.

"What? Here is it?" McDoot was certainly shocked. He was sent here suddenly. This is where? Of course, Maddot did not enter the temple of the Protoss, so he did not recognize it at first glance, but he saw Li Huailin at first sight. Of course, he knew what was going on in an instant, and it must be Li Huailin’s hands and feet.

"You..." Maddot entered the battle mode immediately, and he must resist if he couldn’t beat him. But before he even had any movements, suddenly his white light flashed again, and in the next second he was sent out again and returned to his position. I still haven't figured out what happened. Suddenly, a huge sense of weakness hit her. Because it was directly expelled by Li Huailin, Maddot entered the weak state directly and the property was mad. Because of this sudden feeling, Maddot also fell to the ground directly without any adaptation.

This is not over yet, Maddot just fell to the ground, and suddenly the white light flashed again. Yes, Li Huailin once again activated the transmission function of the temple, once again set up Maddot as a servant, and then forcibly pulled into the temple again. The difference from the previous one is that the weak effect of Maddot’s body is of course still there. The temple does not stipulate that one person can only pull into the temple once. Anyway, it is not necessary to record Li Huailin’s expulsion and pull again. It's a pity that the weak buff can't be stacked all the time. It's just a refreshing time. Otherwise, Li Huailin pulls in and pulls out, which is estimated to make Maddot weaker than the ants.

"Come and come, do you see that this product does not appear on your own." Li Huailin pointed to the Maidote on the ground and said to the side of the rum. And Raytheon is of course looking at Maddot with anger, but the other party directly destroyed her book, which of course she still remembers.

"What?" Maddot only saw the person standing next to Li Huailin at this time. Isn't this just the librarian? So what happened in the end, Li Huailin actually brought her out directly? He thought he could trap Li Huailin for a while.

Obviously, the current situation is not good. The Maddot here is also weak, and then the body suddenly flashes, and it disappears in front of Li Huailin. Li Huailin didn't see the white light flashing on Maddot, so it was obvious that the other party used to use a similar invisible ability. So far, Li Huailin has not understood the other's ability, but it doesn't matter, Li Huailin is not in a hurry. Said to the next side of the rum: "This guy is really a little trouble, I directly slaughtered him."

"Well." Ram, who did not say anything, nodded directly, saying that she is not interested in Maddot now, but is more interested in Li Huailin.

Li Huailin didn’t know if Maddot was still hiding in the temple and chaosing it everywhere. Anyway, he opened the temple page again, and then clicked again to expel. Yes, this time, Maddot was thrown out again, and fell again. In the original position. Then immediately, Li Huailin once again returned to the Temple of Maduotra. At the same time, Li Huailin also directly accumulated 2 million divine power. The place that appeared to Madod was the soul-precipitation skill according to law.

"Awkward" a loud noise, Madod, who did not react at all, was recruited. Now Madod is already in a weak state. This is of course a strict, very fast Maddot. The figure slowly emerged in front of Li Huailin. It is the same as Li Huailin’s conjecture. It is still similar to the ability of stealth, but Maddot uses the stealth ability similar to polarized light, the way to slowly emerge from the other side. Li Huailin can see that it may have been through the polarized way to let Li Huailin create a visual misunderstanding, let him think that he followed him into the library, in fact, the real skills still outside.

Of course, any skill is to be maintained by magic or physical strength, and Li Huailin’s attack makes it impossible for Maddot to maintain his skills. Not only is Maddot seriously injured now, Li Huailin’s attack is straightforward. Pierced the other's left shoulder, blood flow like a note, all of a sudden reddish the white floor of the temple.

"Is it still running? If you want to hide, we can still play for a long time." Li Huailin also went to the front of Maddot. Yes, if Maddot is pulled in, of course, he can leave the temple at any time, so if he is prepared, Li Huailin will leave as soon as he transmits him, so that he may actually spend a long time with Li Huailin. After all, the transmission is instant. However, unlike the last time, Willlantis, the situation was very urgent, so Li Huailin didn't have much time to play with Willantis, but this time Li Huailin had time, he could slowly play with Maddot and wait for himself. The transmission or the transmission skills of the temple are cooled, and you can go straight to find him.

"However, I don't know if I have already felt that my last days have come. Here, Maddot has not chosen to send it out, nor has he started stealth skills again. He fell to the ground and looked at Li Huailin with a bit of resentment. Yes, now two It is a hostile state, so Maddot will certainly hate Li Huailin. It is true that Li Huailin was not looking for him from the Hailar gathering tower. He might have lived well. Now he did not expect to die. Li Huailin’s hand.

"Hate me... it’s useless. Who told you that the demons are so weak... I don’t know." Li Huailin said with a hand, "History has proved that you are a loser, but still want to be in the first place. Maybe you still have a dream of dominating the mainland. What are you saying?"

"I just want to live, is this wrong?" Maddot snarled here.

"Well... you really just want to live?" Li Huailin suddenly asked.

"Yes." Hearing Li Huailin's words, Maddot here suddenly felt a little chance. "If you let me go, I will be loyal to do things for you in the future."

"That can't be done, you have a key on it, there is no way to let you go directly." Li Huailin said.

I heard the face of Maddot on this side sinking again, but soon Li Huailin said: "Death must be dead once, but ... did not say that you can not be resurrected."

"Resurrection?" Maddot here is a little glance, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, since your desire for survival is so strong and you are willing to be my younger brother, I can try to bring you back to life." Li Huailin said, "Of course, after the resurrection, it is estimated that it is not a demon."

"Undead?" Maddot also suddenly understood the meaning of Li Huailin. Yes, the resurrection magic exists, but it is all taboo magic. The only race that still uses this taboo magic on the bright surface is the undead, so Li Huailin probably said this. However, Maddot’s cognition of the undead people is still very small, because the undead people are the races that have arisen since then. When the gods and gods fought, they did not have this race at all.

"Yeah." Li Huailin nodded, then smiled and asked, "So the noble demon family is willing to be an undead?"

Of course, Maddot’s face is also very difficult to see. He really wants to live, but he turns into an undead, and he still resists. Li Huailin actually didn't want to resurrect Maddot. After all, it was considered a npc to resurrect. Although the good feelings are high, it is not that it is impossible to betrayed. Now, I don't need lack of combat power, just by the way, but the other party is willing, Li Huailin also You can take it by the way.

"Okay, I am willing." After considering it for a long time, Maddot here still nodded and agreed.

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