All Things Wrong

Chapter 2717: old friend

This type of trial, the more it is easier to roll over at the back, the early stage belongs to the period of accumulation, and the final stage will be a period of intense competition. Li Huailin is also very careful, so it will be arranged in advance. The troubled players are solved, and the rest of the time is just in case.

As a result, this was really the case. On the morning of the next day, Li Huailin’s Duke’s House welcomed a special guest. This man flew directly from the sky. Of course, the moment the other party arrived, he was surrounded by the masters who were on standby at Li Huailin.

"Oh? Is there any action?" Without the report, Li Huailin has already seen the situation. Seeing the person who appeared, Li Huailin also took the spirit in an instant. Yes, what appears in front of Li Huailin is a protoss, or a person familiar with him, that is the river sacred Gaius.

Li Huailin has not seen St. Gaius at some time. Before that, St. Gaius was always his own patron. The other side seemed to be quite idle, so it always appeared inexplicably. However, after Li Huailin had his own temple, it was estimated that he was separated from the system of another temple, so St. Gaius might not be able to appear at his side at any time.

It is not unusual for St. Gaius to appear now, because in the previous battle, Li Huailin did not see St. Gaius. Li Huailin of course immediately understood where St. Gayius came from. In the previous battle, Li Huailin did solve most of the protoss' main force. Basically, several famous gods were poisoned by Li Huailin. However, the Protoss will not have completely destroyed the group. Before Li Huailin’s temple was only half of the temple, the other must have the Protoss in the other half of the temple.

Of course, it is obvious that these Protoss, which are in the other half of the temple, are not estimated to be a fighting type of Protoss. The overall strength should not be too strong, but the number is estimated to be quite large. Of course, St. Gaius also belongs to this type. She was originally the lower god, so she was not qualified to participate in the battle, and then she was estimated to be trapped in the other half of the temple. Now that the other party is in front of himself, it is obvious that one thing is that... the king of God untied the blockade of the temple.

Yes, if the temple is still blocking the situation, it is certainly impossible for Saint-Giaus to appear here. When did the king of God unlock the blockade of the temple? Li Huailin is estimated to be three days ago. After all, Li Huailin had just seen the king of God when he was off the assembly line three days ago, and then he forced himself to go offline. It may be that at this time, the king of God discovered the situation at that time, so he directly untied the blockade of the temple. It is estimated that it is also in response. After the trial situation.

Sure enough, like the ones I thought, the Protoss would also participate in this world trial, but this did not make Li Huailin feel the accident, but it was St. Gaius who appeared here to make Li Huailin very surprised.

"Okay, come back." Li Huailin thought that one side had already reached the small square outside the Duke's Mansion, which is where Sanjayus is. With a wave of hand, the next level master is also slightly back. Some of them, of course, did not completely retreat. Of course, they also found that the people who came here are Protoss. Now the Protoss are their enemies, although most of the Protoss in front do not know (after all, St. Gaius is a new god). And the believers are not many, but no one dares to look down on her. Everyone has retired to a position that can be supported in time. Once the other party has any action, Li Huailin can be quickly protected.

"Is it true that God King is true? Are you really an enemy of our Protoss?" Seeing Li Huailin, here, St. Gayus asked with a little excitement, "Do you really kill our people?" My sister? Where is my sister?"

Seeing St. Gaius's appearance seems to know that he and the Protoss have already fought, as if they were still heard from the king of God. So it seems that the King of God has already issued a task to deal with himself. In the face of St. Gayus's questioning, Li Huailin also nodded casually: "You said that the gods of the light are indeed defeated by me, but they are not dead yet, including your sister."

When I heard that my sister, St. Dilcika, was fine, St. Gaius was a little relieved here, but immediately asked: "Why? Why do you want to do that?"

"So what you mean is that I should like to worship you as well as the believers, to enshrine you, to give you all kinds of sacrifices, and to be willing to be a dog for you?" Li Huailin asked with a smile.


Here, San Gayius did not speak. Li Huailin directly interrupted the other party and said first: "I know that your education from childhood to age is like this. The Protoss are high above, and the lower bounds are slaves of the Protoss. This group of people in the lower bounds think so. It seems that there is nothing wrong with you. But what do you think has nothing to do with me, I think that your Protoss is in the way, and then you are solved, it is as simple as that."

"You... how can you do this?" said St. Gaius at the side.

"Hey..." Li Huailin had a headache. Forgetting St. Gaius's goods was a bit idiotic. You and him discussed the issues such as the life and the other. The other party simply did not understand. After thinking about it, Li Huailin also said: "In short, The person who I want to deal with is the king of God. If your Protoss is doing things for the King of God, it will hinder me. I will solve them by hand and understand?"

"Why are you dealing with the King of God, but the King of God is very great," said St. Gaius at the side.

"Where is the greatness, for your Protoss, the King of God has indeed given you the power of divine power, and has led your Protoss to dominate the whole world, but for those of us who are oppressed, the King of God is the source of all evil. Ah, of course, I have to deal with him, no problem.” Li Huailin said, “You don’t understand it just because you are standing in a different position with us. You are so stupid, I guess you don’t understand.”

"I... I am stupid, but if we do, are we not becoming enemies?" said St. Gaius at the side, "I... I like you very much."

"Oh? I like me very much?" Li Huailin smiled. St. Gaius and her own good feelings have already been brushed up. Of course, I like myself very much. "I didn't see it. In theory, I like it. I am standing on the side, but why are you standing on the side of the king?"

"Hey?" St. Gaius was a little stunned. It seemed that Li Huailin said that it was a bit reasonable, but he thought about it and said, "But...but I am a protoss, it should be... standing on the protoss side. Ok..."

"Hey, I just said, I am not an enemy of the Protoss, don't you understand?" Li Huailin said, "I am currently hostile to the Protoss. It is because I have to deal with the King of God, and the Protoss obstructs me, so I will be hostile. Ah. The King of God is not a Protoss. There is nothing wrong with this, so as long as the Protoss does not hinder me, then I am not an enemy with the Protoss."

"Well, this..." St. Gayus here feels a bit reasonable, but always feels that something is wrong. Of course, she will feel that something is wrong. Li Huailin is completely flickering, but the ability of the mouth cannon is completely said by Li Huailin, so it is completely suppressed.

"There are still a lot of people left in the Protoss," Li Huailin said suddenly.

"Well." St. Gayius here nodded directly.

"If you don't, you will persuade the Protoss to let them join me and help me to deal with the King of God. Then I am not a hostile relationship with the Protoss. This is not a problem." Li Huailin laughs. Said.

"Oh? But... I think they seem unlikely to listen to me... I think they will listen to the words of the Emperor..." St. Gaius thought about it.

"There is no way. The protoss are themselves guilty. They have to help someone who is not their own family. I can't do this if I die." Li Huailin said.

"This...this..." St. Gaius originally wanted to persuade Li Huailin not to be an enemy of the Protoss, but to say it completely, I always felt that Li Huailin’s words could not be refuted.

"Then are not those Protoss, Jiaer, what are you going to do?" Li Huailin even handed in the name of St. Gaius, although St. Gaius often told Li Huailin, but in general, Li Huailin is also I am too lazy to call.

"Hey? I... my words..." It is obvious that St. Gayus here does not know what to do.

"You have to understand, it is not to say that the same family must stand in a camp. You see that the inside of the human race is not always fighting, personal thoughts, different opinions are very normal things. Personally, you think the king of God And me, who do you choose?" Li Huailin asked.

"Of course it is you." St. Gaius said here immediately.

"That's not it. Now your protoss companions are just brainwashed by the king of God. You can't understand the situation. This is the battle with my god, the protoss are only pulled into the battle as a tool, they are willing to accompany It is their business to die with the king of God. You should make your own choices, right?" Li Huailin said.

"But...but I always think..." St. Gaius at the side doesn't know what to do, and has been stunned. He doesn't know how to answer.

"If you don't, you take me to see the protoss, I personally convince them to try, how do you see?" Li Huailin suddenly said. 8)

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