All Things Wrong

Chapter 2726: Flying dragon

Li Huailin really didn't think that he didn't let the squadron take the gangs to play around, and they didn't care about them. Now most of the votes of Li Huailin have been recycled. Li Huaolin is also the basic ticket outside. I couldn't see it. I was going to let those guys grab it. I didn't expect this group of people to target themselves.

Li Huailin also quickly contacted the back, and the answer was almost the same. Yes, now the players really want to start with Li Huailin. Many of the people under the counter are also mentioning this, then Geer They found another group of players who started preparing in advance.

I talked a little bit about the reverse. Li Huailin probably knows what it is. It is simply two points. One is that Li Huailin is too small to see human greed. Yes, it is already at the end of the game, so you think it is voting. Will the price drop? Everyone is eager to get a ticket in the hand? Not at all. It is impossible for a businessman to make a loss-making business. Most of the votes are now concentrated in the hands of businessmen, and they would rather have their votes in their hands. It is impossible to reduce the price of tickets. Of course, there are also merchants who cut prices, but those merchants have very few tickets in their hands. Businessmen who have a lot of money tickets have been waiting for prices.

Yes, it is simple to say that the current ticket is not only not falling, but continues to rise. As the end of the game is approaching, people who need tickets can't hold back. There are still a lot of rich people. Now the demand for tickets is far greater than supply. The players found that they had not gotten the ticket, and then a little analysis, they also understood, who is the ticket with the most votes now? It must be Li Huailin.

The next reason is the simple reason, that is, people are deceived. Yes, these players have heard the tickets in Li Huailin’s hands. They will also consider whether or not to get Li Huailin, but the problem now is... someone has taken the lead and then the guy has not been punished yet. That person is the reverse.

In order to brush the reputation of the gods, the counter-attack is of course to publicize the fact that he has robbed Li Huailin’s ticket. Since the gods have robbed Li Huailin and have not been retaliated, can they also grab it? Is Li Huailin not busy with other things, there is no time to manage this? Coupled with the greed that was said before, of course they are ready to start with Li Huailin.

Of course, it’s not a time to make a fuss, because the trial mission is about to end. Now it’s just like combining them with the gods and then slowly grabbing the tax collectors. It’s too late. What should I do? A group of people gathered together for discussion. We tried a big wave and directly attacked Li Huailin’s home. The votes collected by the other party must be there. It is estimated that they are scattered as they are, and they are not necessarily playing. Li Huailin, but the problem is that now you don't have to fight, you can use the judgment of snatching, you can grab a person, it is estimated that they are enough to earn.

Yes, the player troops that Gelter has heard are actually a mixed army. There is no big guild to participate, but the number is still a lot. Their goal is to try a wave. On the other side of the front, the league of the guild also began to propose a plan to grab the last wave. Many of the presidents of the guild agreed, and they have been encouraging the front, but the back is dragging with them. Decide.

"It is really Ma Shan who is deceived by people, people are good to be people..." Li Huailin also began to recite directly.

"Reverse pull, you don't have to be inexplicable to start rogue!" next to the summoned Jade Emperor directly shouted.

"ok, ok." Li Huailin nodded. "In short, they have gathered together..."

"Yes, it is estimated that we are afraid of being noticed by us, so the location of the gathering is not in the city, but we are already aware of such a large scale, but there are still many adventurers in the city, and certainly there are people of them. It is estimated that there is no problem in attacking the city.” Geerte here said, “If you directly close the city and drive away the adventurers, it’s estimated that it’s too late. The other party will choose the offense directly. Your Majesty, we should How to do?"

"What can I do? I will do them on the front." Li Huailin said, "I didn't want to have conflicts with these guys. I have no trouble finding me. There is no way to do it. ”

"Your Majesty, are we taking the initiative to attack?" Geer’s character nodded here. "I will inform everyone immediately..."

‘Wait, don’t go. Li Huailin said, "I just tried the skills here, just send someone to follow me." ”

"Oh, yes, sire." Gert said nothing here. Now Gert is the second-in-command of the entire continent. He has seen the world. The player's troops think that there are many people, but he also knows that the other party has no organization, that is, a bunch of mixed soldiers and mixed forces, and their holy level is piled up, how can this be a problem?

Li Huailin’s quick reading has been adjusted. First of all, he has left a vote of 3.5 million on his own body. Yes, these tickets are enough to ensure that he enters the second round. Of course, there is no need to do so much, but Li Huailin is also for insurance. In any case, according to Gert’s statistics, there are 350 million votes. Li Huailin took 1%. Other tickets, Li Huailin let Gert help to distribute, and can guarantee enough people to participate. It will be fine in one round.

Li Huailin set off with four Juggernauts. Yes, the four bodyguards around are holy and are melee. Li Huailin did not let them get the tickets, and did not intend to let them enter the second round. After all, the position of the second round of trials is still unclear. People on their own side cannot take them all away, leaving a few holy levels. It’s always necessary to look at the situation at home, so these four people are the ones left behind.

With these four people, Li Huailin flew directly out of the city on Xiaomi, and of course the four holy levels flew up. Just flew outside the city, Li Huailin saw a bunch of people under the position of Gert's report. If you don't have to look at it, you know that all of them are players. Look at each other's appearance is still in the collection, but the number of people is almost the same, it is estimated that action will be taken soon. Li Huailin also flew near, and then landed with four holy levels.

"Come and come, the four of you are optimistic about my surroundings. When someone approaches me, he will directly hack him." Li Huailin said to the four holy levels around him.

The tactics used are very simple. In fact, Li Huailin cannot be hacked to death by this group of people first, because the summoning of the Jade Emperor has already thrown the ability of the life sword to his own body, so he can not die. The only thing to worry about is that the ticket on his body was taken away. Although he was taken away, Li Huailin could immediately send it back to ask Gert to ask for it again, but Li Huailin didn’t want to go back when he saw the time, and of course he didn’t want to be taken away.

Therefore, the tactics do not allow other players to approach. Li Huailin has previously studied the robbing judgment and must judge the opponent within the range he can select. And Li Huailin has a bracelet. The function of this bracelet is that units outside 30 yards can't find themselves. Li Huailin tried it. For the players, it is impossible to select. If you want to throw a range of skills, or you will enter Li Huailin 30 yards. In the current situation, the other party can only enter his own range to select himself, that is to say, he can only get close to the robbing. Li Huailin has four holy levels to guard the player. There are four holy levels present, which is basically impossible to do, and there is Li Huailin’s attack.

The main purpose of Li Huailin’s coming here is not to deal with these players, of course, to trigger their own skills. This Huailong flashing skill, Li Huailin really wants it. If it is not because I want to trigger this skill, Li Huailin is too lazy to pay attention to these players. You come up and die, let the hand go down and solve it. It was because of the experimental skills that they just sent it to the door, and Li Huailin took the initiative.

At this time, this group of players is indeed starting to prepare for action. Of course, because there is no organization, it is now a mess. The current leader is a casual player who posted this proposal on the forum. The game name is Shansi Liquor. He is also working hard to organize such a bunch of chaotic players, busy and simply not to shoot.

"I just saw the mount of Niuqiang, the golden glittering dragon, have you seen it?"

"No attention, where?"

"Don't see it, is it that Niuge brother found us." The players are really a mess, but Li Huailin flew to the vicinity before it was really seen, and some people said, but the message is very messy. And no one is commanding, just say what you see is useful, you have to deal with it.

"With such a large scale, it is estimated that the bulls will also find out." The mountain temple wine here is not sure of the truth, but he did not think much. He decided to start acting now, and waited, and then Waiting for the task to end, "Everyone is quiet! All the team channels are added, now irrelevant people don't talk casually, our actions..."

"Look, what is that?" When the mountain temple wine was to organize everyone to attack, suddenly the back was chaotic. Everyone was surprised to see the direction in the direction of the sound, of course, the mountain temple wine is also here.

Through the chaotic crowd, the mountain temple wine stunned and looked at the air carefully. The result was a screaming screaming, flying toward the golden dragons on their side...

"The trough!"

The loud noise of "咚" was too late to react, and the dragon had fallen directly into the crowd.

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