All Things Wrong

Chapter 2730: End of the first round

"When you put your skills, you yell at the name. The old lady really believes in your evil!" Li Huailin was directly called to call the Jade Emperor when he came back. It is obvious that the call of the Jade Emperor has nothing to do. Try Li Huailin’s Dafa, which calls for the name of his own skills. Then... look at what it is, there is no result.

"Calm, calm, I am not unsuccessful." Li Huailin is also a little brain to summon the situation when summoning the jade to call the name of the skill, although I don’t know if the name of the self-made skill she wants is in the middle, anyway... ...this scene is definitely very interesting.

"Looking at your expression is completely meaning that I will not let me calm down." Summon Jade Emperor of course also saw the meaning of Li Huailin's sneer, and said uncomfortably, "You really are playing me."

"I really don't know. I really don't know the way. It's not just trying it myself. It's not successful." Li Huailin said, "I am desperate. I have worked hard for a long time and I want to make it out." The skills of a flying dragon flash, the system is not given, what can I do." (Of course, Xiaomi said that he is also desperate)

“Really?” summoned the Jade Emperor.

"Of course... It seems that the way to trigger your own skills can only be... with the edge." Li Huailin nodded, and said in a serious way, "The fate is wonderful."

"God tn to see the fate, in short, there is no way now." Summon Jade Emperor also sighed. Seeing this situation, Li Huailin is really a bit curious. In the end, summoning the skills that Jade Emperor wants to create is a skill. How to look is very interesting, but unfortunately summoned the Jade Emperor to kill.

"No way, the fate has not arrived." Li Huailin looked at the side and looked at St. Elvira sitting next to the corner. Yes, now St. Elvira has certainly recovered her mind. After all, Li Huailin’s skills lasted for 2 minutes, but after the restoration, St. Elvira has no big noises, and now sits in the office. In the corner, watching her situation should also understand her current situation.

"So I will follow me later, understand?" Li Huailin also went to St. Elvira directly to the side of St. Elvira.

"Understood." St. Elvira nodded here. Yes, now she doesn't know what she should do. She has already become an undead. The Protoss can't accept her. It's just no place. went. After experiencing the initial confusion, St. Elvira also figured it out. Now there is no way. I can only follow Li Huailin. After all, she doesn’t know anyone in the lower bounds, but Li Huailin and St. Elvira are somewhat different. Emotions (after all, the feelings are high). Although St. Elvira did not know what it meant by this emotion, she was willing to follow Li Huailin.

Speaking of the Protoss, Li Huailin had already asked St. Lotos about the king of God. Yes, he came back with St. Lotos not just to ask about the situation before the king of God. Unfortunately, God Lotos knew not much, because the king of God did show up and told them this time. The task was just four days ago, that is, Li Huailin saw the king of God for the last time, and then after the server was shut down, the king of God arranged the mission, and now does not know where to go, St. Lotos Of course, that is not to dare to ask.

Although there was not much information to inform, Li Huailin caught the key points in it. Is the **** king actually appearing in the game after the server is down? Although he also knows that after the server is maintained, the time in the game will not stop, but the problem is that the player can't get on the line. According to Li Huailin’s previous speculation, if the **** king is a player, then he is likely to have changed the same as Zhang Youdong.

Yes, before Zhang Youdong was brought back from another game world by Li Huailin, the situation on them changed a bit. It seems that they are getting closer to npc. In fact, they can't go offline. The situation of the king of God may be the same as them, and this is the case.

In addition, the information that Li Huailin got was really limited, because the gods have always been so ecstatic. Now Li Huailin doesn't know if God King is participating in this trial, but at least from the order, Li Huailin knows that Shen Wang does not want to get the final title, then the other party should stop at some point. .

Of course, St. Lotos has said everything that can be said, and it is obviously also ready to join Li Huailin. At present, several protoss who know that Saint Lottos betrayed have already gone back, so this thing can't help. For this reason, St. Lotos has no place to go, and can only participate in Li Huailin's camp. Li Huailin thought for a moment and agreed. Although it is a bit of a hidden danger to keep this guy, it may be useful.

Not only did Li Huailin want to accept him, but he was also prepared to let him participate in the second round, so Li Huailin did not collect the votes from the other party. Slightly asked, there are quite a lot of tickets for St. Lotos, and there are actually more than 8 million votes. This is not all. Before the Protoss collected the tickets, it was slightly divided. The people with more votes helped a few people who did not worship, and Saint Lottos as the upper god, the total number of votes received before. There are about 30-40 million look, and then a lot of points, leaving 8 million at the moment.

I thought about it carefully. This kind of Protoss is really threatening. Such a Protoss has a ticket of 30 million+, which is still the case of Li Huailin’s control of several continents without temples. If it is not for Li Huailin’s horizontal bar, it is estimated that most of the votes in the world have been taken away by the Protoss. In this case, those who participate in the world trials are estimated to be arranged by the Protoss. Most of the people who choose to be selected are Protoss, and they do not know. Is this the plan of the king before?

Of course, there is still a bad news that the rest of the Protoss can also participate in the second round of trials. The St. Lotos vote is to let them all participate, and this is also God. The order of the king. The command of the King of God accurately said that Li Huailin was eliminated, but it did not stipulate the first round. Therefore, the plan of the Protoss was arranged to Li Hualin when the second round was scheduled. The first round was weakened. The remaining protoss of the command of the king of God are expected to continue to execute. Although the two leaders have been taken away by Li Huailin, they should still participate in the second round. This is very annoying. Of course, Li Huailin will not be afraid of them. After all, what is currently dominant is himself.

Looked at it, the task time is coming, the current situation is a mess, after all, at the last moment, everyone wants to trade the transaction, to grab the last wave, and then arrange the personnel must also arrange now. However, Li Huailin is quite quiet here. The group of people who have been paying attention to him have already split themselves. Now they are very happy to play with themselves. There is no time to manage Li Huailin’s situation.

Gert has also sent the list to Li Huailin’s hands, of course, the list of people who participated in the second round of trials. If there is no accident, Li Huailin will have 5,200 people participating in the second round of trials. This is of course the result of the number of votes allocated by Gert after the calculation.

Gert's distribution is relatively conservative, because there are still people who put in at least 10,000 people in the meeting. After all, according to their data, Li Huailin’s ticket should be able to get 10,000 people. However, Gert has a little reservation here, and finally set the number of 5200.

Of course, this is not to say that the number of people involved in Li Huailin only accounted for 5% of the total number of people. Because Li Huailin did not take all the votes of other forces, he did not say that he only collected 6-7 percent of his taxes. The remaining votes are also distributed by their forces. These forces were originally the forces of Li Huailin. Are they not the people of Li Huailin?

So it is obvious that in the second round, Li Huailin’s people are estimated to account for at least one-tenth of the total number. This is of course a more optimistic estimate. After all, no one can guarantee that an accident is not.

The staff assigned by Gert is like this. Among the 5,200 people, 200 are masters, mainly those who are holy, and others are not holy, but they are also masters, and even two dragons. Yes, Gert is also connected to the Dragons. After all, the Dragons are also the forces of Li Huailin. The Dragons also have two direct forces. Of course, when they go, the Dragons will not only go to two. They also have their own votes.

The 200 people named by Gert are a lot of tickets, basically guaranteed to attend the second round. The remaining 5,000 people are Li Huailin's army. Although they don't know whether the army has any use in the showdown, the military's execution of the order is completely okay, so it is absolutely no problem to bring them. Of course, their votes are relatively small. If there is an accident in reality, then the result may be that some of the 5,000 people can't enter the second round, but this is also within acceptable limits.

In addition, Li Huailin also sponsored a lot of tickets for the night flight, so that they can also go to a few people. Of course, they are also called Enron and the wind is flowing. In short, they have basically been arranged. It is.

Just when Li Huailin was completely ready to end, the sound of the system prompts just sounded, and the strange squeaky voice came from the sky again: "The first round of trials has ended, and now the results are announced. And the list of people who participated in the second round."

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