All Things Wrong

Chapter 2756: Unexpected situation

However, there are always some cases that are beyond the expectation of Li Huailin. The aurora in the sky is indeed the result of the announcement. In the second round, a total of 10,111 people passed, and nearly 8,000 of them were Li Huailin’s people, accounting for 80% of the total number. In fact, the other side The number of people who can pass the troops is not limited to more than 2,000 people. After all, the number of cards is enough, but the final allocation time is not enough. The result is another mess, which turns out to be the case.

After the results were announced, there was a lot of light flashing on the scene. A bunch of protoss around Li Huailin disappeared directly in front of Li Huailin. The result of the comparison is announced. Of course, those who did not pass the game were sent away directly, forcing them to leave the island. Of course, this group of protoss Li Huailin did not intend to be polite with them. Li Huailin directly expelled them. The province’s gangs were prepared to engage in three. Of course, now that Li Huailin does not have this time, he must stay to listen to the information given by this voice, which may be the next round of tips and the like.

The result was at this time, what happened to Li Huailin’s unexpected situation, because the voice on the head said: “Because there are too many participants in the second round, the second round of the round-up will be played immediately. Start after 10 minutes and ask all participants to be prepared."

“What?” Li Huailin’s direct glimpse, too many people? The second round of the play-offs? This Li Huailin really did not expect it? You have not said that the number of people who passed the game will be too much. If you tell Li Huailin early, he can directly control the game. The result is now over. You said that the number is too high and you have to play. Li Huailin is not being pitted.

Yes, if I knew this was the case, Li Huailin certainly wouldn’t let other people participate. The number of people on this side would be less, and then everyone else would do it, but the problem is that Li Huailin doesn’t know. Of course, it is too late to say that this is the case. Although the current situation of Li Huailin seems to be a little mentally retarded, it can only be said to be an accident.

"Fortunately, I just squatted for a while." Li Huailin is also glad that she has just taken a little rest for a while, and now has enough energy to face the next round.

"Your Majesty." Next to Regg, they certainly heard the above voice, and they are planning to come and say hello to Li Huailin. As a result, suddenly the ground began to vibrate without warning.

"What is the situation?" Everyone is a glimpse. Doesn't the voice in this day have 10 minutes of preparation time? It’s still not ten minutes yet. What is the shock?

"It seems that there is something..." said a holy level next to the opening. Before he finished, Li Huailin suddenly saw a huge thing directly out of the ground and scared Li Huailin. Although it was a bit sudden, it did not hurt Li Huailin. Looking at it, Li Huailin found that it appeared in front of himself... it was a tree.

Yes, a huge tree directly penetrated the ground and appeared in front of Li Huailin. Of course, not only in front of Li Huailin, but soon around Li Huailin, various plants suddenly appeared, and they broke out and appeared. Still very tall, in just a few minutes, Li Huailin found that he had been surrounded by a big tree, and the entire ground suddenly grew a lot of ground crops and the like, anyway, around The terrain is directly transformed into the feeling of the woods.

"This is a miracle." Reggae next to Li Huailin couldn't help but say that although there are many plants, it does not seem to hurt people. It basically avoids the position of the person standing. appeared. In just a few minutes, the bare island had turned into a lush green island. The natural system's spells can also make plants grow faster, but that's just speeding up, and now such a large range, such a short time, plus the original rocky ground, is indeed miraculous, which has to Surprisingly, even the players are watching a bit, not to mention npc.

"It seems to be changing the terrain. The following play-offs will be used." Summon Jade Emperor walked by and said.

"Hey, how are you still there." Li Huailin helped the amount. "It really is an outsider. Is this regardless of you?"

"Hey, now it’s all time, I’m kindly staying here to see if you need help, you should be grateful.” Summon Jade Emperor said.

"Nothing is okay, I am hanging like this, no matter what kind of play, there should be no problem." Li Huailin said with a wave.

"Is it?" Summon the Jade Emperor's mouth. "Then don't ask me for a while."

After summoning the words of the Jade Emperor, Li Huailin had not had time to reach the top bar. The voice in the sky sounded again. This time it was the rule of the play-off. After all, it is about their own situation, Li Huailin is also quickly listening to the rules.

"This round-up is a small team battle. All participants will randomly form a five-person squad and send it to a random location. After the transfer is over, one of the five will be randomly selected as the team leader and the other four will be ordinary members."

"After the start of the game, the ordinary members of the team will have the right to be born again, that is, they will be resurrected immediately after being killed. The location is still a random location. The captain cannot be reborn, and once the captain dies, the entire team will be directly disqualified."

"There are two ways to eliminate the captain. One is to kill the opponent directly. The other way is to directly touch the captain's back with his hand. Once the captain is touched by the other team, the captain is eliminated, and the other team members are also Eliminated."

"When killing a team, you will get 5 points. The time for the game is 1 hour. After 1 hour, the top 100 teams will be promoted. If there is a team dissatisfied with 100 teams, the play will end early. ”

"During the play-off, all participants cannot leave the ground, and players who leave the ground and do not return within the specified time will die immediately."

In a few words, the voice of heaven introduced the rules of the play-off. Li Huailin listened to it and basically understood it. The rules are still simple rules for elimination. The purpose is obviously to screen the number of people. Of course, Li Huailin is more surprised that the number of people in the final screening of the tournament is the top 100 teams. If there are five people in each team, then there are only 500 places. So it is obvious that in the second round before, they originally estimated that they only wanted to choose 500 people. Only the last one who passed more than 10,000 passes, no wonder they have to play directly. However, the question is whether the previous rules of the game only passed 500 people. Is it too little? Is it because of the overwhelming rules? If you follow the original rules, the people who kill a lot of people in the end may actually Less, it is estimated that I did not expect to play this way, this time directly control the number of people.

The game is not very difficult. Simply saying that it is still killing, you can get the score by directly hacking the captain of the opponent. It can be said that there are no rules. The only thing that needs to pay attention to is the touch rule. It seems that the player with poor strength has a chance to turn over. If you can't hit the back of the opponent directly, you can directly eliminate the opponent. Rules... It’s really not so friendly. After all, if you have a high level of strength, it’s very difficult to touch the other’s back. It’s possible to turn over in the same level of battle. It’s really a whole level. If you can, this rule will not help you.

The only thing that needs Li Huailin’s concern is the problem of teammates. Yes, after seeing the rules, Li Huailin first noticed random teammates and then random captains. If you can, Li Huailin certainly hopes that his teammates are his own sacred class, and then he will be the captain himself. This is of course the most reassuring, but the problem is that this is random, and there may be strange situations.

Of course, Li Huailin thinks that there should be no such a pit. After all, 80% of the participants who are passing by themselves nowadays, in theory, according to the ordinary probability, their teammates should be three people, and then one does not know. If this is the case, it should not be too much trouble...but why do you always have a bad feeling?

"Come shouldn't be where you go. After all, everyone wants to pass the game." Li Huailin said, then looked at the rule and thought about it. "The worst situation should be me." A team of people?"

Yes, there are 10,111 people in the second round. In theory, there should be more than 2,000 teams. But five people can’t get rid of one team. There is one more person. This person Li Huailin doesn’t know how the system will handle it. Directly a team of one person. Li Huailin thinks that the worst situation should be like this. Of course, although Li Huailin thinks that this person should not be himself, after all, the probability of one in ten thousand, but it really appears to be his own words, it seems to be acceptable...

When the result was thinking, suddenly the white light flashed on his body, it seems that the game started directly. When Li Huailin’s eyes blossomed and then appeared again, she had already arrived at a place that was different from her, and Li Huailin’s side also had four white lights. It seemed to be her own teammate. Not the only one.

Soon, the white light disappeared, and Li Huailin also saw several of his teammates. When I saw the teammate's moment, Li Huailin first glimpsed, then silently opened his own friend bar and directly contacted the summoned Jade Emperor.

"Summon, I am wrong, please come over and help me?"

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