All Things Wrong

Chapter 2768: Add-on results

With the appearance of the light in the sky, Li Huailin was slightly relieved. Yes, this round-up is the most dangerous situation for Li Huailin. The main reason is that the system is too pitted, and almost killed himself. Of course, this also reminds Li Hualin not to be too hot, or there may be problems. If it was really overturned in the gutter, Li Huailin didn’t know what to do.

With the appearance of the sound, Li Huailin suddenly had several white lights flashing around him. Seeing this situation, Li Huailin frowned slightly. Yes, these white lights are of course directly eliminated participants, but the problem is that these people who have stayed in Li Huailin’s transformation are all Li Hualin’s “choice” to enter the next round. Others have all been Li Huailin’s. I eliminated it in advance (or used it to brush it). In general, if Li Huailin’s calculation is correct, the people around him should not be eliminated, but now they are eliminated, that is, there are other teams. The scores of people are higher than those on their side, so they are finally eliminated.

Of course, Li Huailin also understood the strategies of other people. Obviously, they took advantage of the sneak attack on the people on their side when they came together. The scores were basically obtained. Don't say that the efficiency is actually quite high. Under normal circumstances, the team leader is not very good, but the team captain who comes to Li Huailin will definitely come over because they have to give Li Huailin a brush, so as long as If you ambush these troops, you can still get the score.

However, Li Huailin also looked at it. There are not many people who have been eliminated. Li Huailin, the main force of the holy level, has assigned a lot of scores to them, so they have nothing to do. As for the other ordinary soldiers' squad, the loss will be lost. Li Huailin looked at the number of people at the scene, and there are probably more than 60 squads left. In addition, other team members who have scored points should also have their own people, so the number of people in the next round should still be 70%-80%.

The irrelevant people are now all sent out, and the rest of the people should have passed the second and second rounds. Li Huailin is also serious. The following should be about the situation after the round. This comparison is important, although it is estimated that it is only to inform the next round when it will start, but it is also important to gather places and the like, just like The situation after the end of the round.

“Congratulations to everyone passing the second round of trials. The third round of trials will begin at noon today. All participants are invited to the current collection of the mainland before that. If they fail to arrive within the specified time, It is considered as a voluntary waiver."

As a result, the sound of heaven is just a simple saying, and then the light of heaven gradually disappears. Yes, it is so simple to inform the start of the next round of the game, but also said an important message, that is, the next round of the game is still on this continent, not the current is almost an island, this Side collection, if it is beyond the time, then it is directly eliminated.

The current time is already past zero at night, so the voice said today at noon, in fact, refers to noon after a dozen hours, it should be 12 o'clock. According to this situation, people who are currently here will basically not go. After all, after ten hours, they will start the next round. Now it is just a break for you. You can’t go back and go back and forth. Bar, tired, tired.

However, it is obvious that during this break, no one can rest well. Now everyone is on an island, and it is obvious that everyone is a competitor. Isn't it true that you are not afraid of the other party? Now the biggest force on the island is of course Li Huailin and his men. If Li Huailin wants to clear other contestants, of course, he will also be at this time.

"Since this round is over, then I will go offline and rest, and I will be the captain of China." After listening to the voice of the sky, Nero here responded first, and then casually said with Li Huailin. The line was selected. Li Huailin is still thinking about the information here. When he heard Nero’s voice, he reacted for the first time, but it was too late. Nero’s side is not in combat and the bottom line is the second. live.

"Oh." Li Huailin certainly knows the meaning of Nero. The player here is still a welfare. As long as he goes offline directly, and then goes online before noon, it is of course safe. After all, the system has not said that it has to be treated. Here, as long as you arrive in time, you will be fine.

Li Huailin glanced at the Superman's shoes next to him. The Superman here also smiled slightly, then went straight down the line, and said: "Huaxia captain, the taxation thing will meet next time."

Li Huailin didn't stop him. Although he should still have time to get it, Nero is running away. It doesn't matter if this superman does not let go. It seems that the player himself can't stop it, but the remaining np should still be able to stop it a little.

However, I thought about it a little. Li Huailin felt that Np himself had no need to take the initiative to find their troubles. The reason is this. Although I said that I could find them troubles, but after all, the rules are "timely arrival" rather than "can't leave the island". The difference between the two sides is still very big. For example, those np who are now holy will fly, you If you fly far away, you will run away. It will be finished before you fly back to noon tomorrow. Among the remaining enemies of Li Huailin, there are a few protoss in addition to the Holy Class. Those people are even simpler. They will finish the temple directly and come over at noon. So these people Li Huailin have no way to estimate them, as long as they are arrogant. if.

To deal with it, Li Huailin can only deal with those who are not holy, and lucky enough to pass the np of this round of play, these people... What do you really mean to deal with them? Originally their threat is not very high, it is estimated that they do not have to deal with, Li Huailin directly let them surrender.

Therefore, Li Huailin thought a little bit about it. The biggest problem he has to face is not to deal with others, but the self-protection of his own troops. Yes, there are more than 300 people in their own troops, and only one tenth of them are not holy. If other holy people have nothing to do to find their own troubles, then this Most of the 300 people are unstoppable. For example, if you have nothing to do, you will come to harass a wave of it, which is rather troublesome.

So I thought about it, Li Huailin decided not to jump, his troops directly camped, and then the holy level was responsible for the garrison, so that the other holy levels really dared to come over, not to dare to face more than 20 holy levels. Your own people should be guaranteed, so it is much better to go out and find someone than these holy people.

Li Huailin also immediately said his orders. Of course, the people here are obeying Li Huailin’s orders. Soon, Reggae began to arrange camping. Now Li Huailin’s troops are slightly more complicated, and there are many people who are injured. They are also mixed with other forces, so Reggae has to reorganize it.

After all these arrangements, Li Huailin’s original plan was to go offline directly. After all, the time is a bit too late. I have to know that Li Huailin got up very early. Now it’s really a bit sleepy, but when I just want to go, he was The person stopped, and the person who stopped him was Iopham.

"You are going to rest in a different space now?" asked Iofah here. Of course, the different space mentioned here is the offline line. It seems that Np can understand this thing. Li Huailin is not very strange. "Are you forgetting something?"

"What's the matter?" Li Huailin squatted a little, then recalled and suddenly wanted to understand, "Oh, yes, now you know the frequency of the Protoss temple, so according to your statement, now we have been able to invade the temple Right? want to do it now? Feeding, I am really sleepy now, can you let me rest first?"

"So sometimes I really don't understand your natural selection. It's so strong, but it takes a long break. Maybe it's a limit," said Iofarm here. Yes, she is a creature of this kind, although she also needs to sleep, but even if she doesn't sleep, it doesn't hurt the body too much. Other sacred grades, especially those with higher mental strength, don't sleep for a few days and nights. No. Therefore, it seems strange that Eowaam’s character, who is similar to her, will be “sleepy” and can only be interpreted as racial characteristics.

"I..." Li Huailin did not know how to explain to her, isn't sleep normal?

"Nothing, I just said to you, I still need a little time to adjust the frequency, but probably can be completed before the start of the third round. What are you going to do?" Iofam questioned.

"Oh... this way, sorry, I am a little sleepy now, so I still have to wait for my rest to come back and think about what to do. You first adjust the frequency... and then look at the situation here, do you not? Li Huailin thought about it. It is obvious that Iowam could not wait to invade the temple. Li Huailin did not directly refuse it. When he finished sleeping, he would look at the situation and Li Huailin actually wanted to go to the temple to see it. But I don't know what might happen at that time. If the situation is urgent, I need to deal with it myself.

"That's good." Iowam did not say anything, nodded directly.

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